Always right version of marxist libcrap: let's create!
(((Sarah Anderson))) thread
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these never get old
Some of you are getting really good at these, kinda puts Sarah to shame. Making entertaining comics is supposed to be her job yet a bunch of shitposters are doing it better.
These edits are great but where the fuck do we get drawfags to make our own OC to intergrate into her own comics and spread them around?
Also porn. We need more porn.
More porn inbound
But rearranging what already exists is the whole point isn't it? Otherwise we may as well just create a whole new Sup Forums exclusive comic and that's just lame.
shit version m8
that is good
>whites dicks
Top kek
Go back to Sup Forums, idiots.
you're a humourless twat hans we need a break from discussing the fall of germany every so often
But that ain't rape
replace angry face with happy merchant and that comic is a 10/10
I love this. I've actually got a cousin with the same name except spelled Anderson, and she's actually a liberal
I honestly wish that was real
She's cute.
nice get but editing comics to make them better is fucking OC. she is a meme.
Plz be my gf Sarah
Has she said anything about the comics we fucked up?
What part of her is a jew?
So how are we expecting this to end?
Eventually you faggots are going to push her too far, at which point she'll break down and bring this board even more negative coverage, and because she's a qt3.14 gril people will actually be outraged this time.
Dunno, it doesn't seem worth the inevitable consequences.
plz be my gf Sarah
>mfw i sit in front of a girl who fits that description in school
she looks like Ichiro Suzuki
She's gonna be the next Ben Garrison. He's already pretty much the official POL cartoonist. While he makes more relevant political cartoons, we will edit her "Silly" comics to get our message across, she wil come around sooner or later
Garrison was a lolbertarian hack though, Sarah probably has thousands of white-Knights willing to fight for her.