Asylum seekers are protesting today in Zagreb, Croatia because of the continuous violence from native Croats towards them.
Several muslims were beaten to a pulp 2 days ago, and the attacs have been a constant.
The police are also reported for being brutal and violent towards the mudslimes.
One asylum seeker told how a Croatian police officer asked him for his papers while he was visiting a local Christmas market in Zagreb. When the muslim showed him his asylum documents, the police man took the papers and ''wiped his behind'' with them throwing them back at him saying: "This is a Christmass-market.You don't belong here. Don't let me see you here again".
It is reported that Croats often attack the hotel where the asylum seekers are being kept, breaking windows and leaving ''hateful'' messages on the walls, despite the security around the hotel.
Based Croat Bros Removing Kebab
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Srbe na vrbe, bro.
You should remove the remaining serbs from Croatia.
A Romanian disliking Serbs? This is new.
Zrínyi is pleased.
Good job Croatia, I knew you could do it.
Corr that's bloody rare mate.
Doing Keks work you crazy Croats
Why can't it be like this here....
Kebab removal news are always good news, but can you give some links to recent articles? for memetic purposes.
I don't like blood thirsty psychos.
>granted title Antemurale Christianitatis
>were one of the reasons why Middle Europe didn't become a pashaluk
>only force to successfully start the baptism of islamised whites in the 40s
>only country in axis not to turn against Germany
>last European axis country to stop fighting
Jew media keeping you in a mental prison.
Croats couldnt even handlethe Serbs without American aitsupport and now "LOOK US WE SAVINF EUROPE".
racist pieces o shit
Also, I never got why we refere to all brown musies as kebabs.
Kebab is a word just for Turks/Ottomans IMO.
Like, comparing those two makes no sense. The Ottomans were proper foes to face in combat honorably. These arabic shitskins are parasitic animals.
Where are the proofs?
Stupid Jew.
The US put embargo on our weapon import so the russians sold us weapons in secrecy through slovenian borders.
When the amerifags realized we are destroying Serbs at the end of the war, they bombed serbian children and claimed they brought us freedom and democracy.
Oy Vey! The bad goyim is messing up our plan and they don't bow down to our ideas of multiculturalism! DIE KIKE!
>couldn't win the wars against it's neighbours without US strategic help
>talks shit
>Israel giving anyone shit for needing support from the US
And I thought you were the one country in the Balkans that didn't hate us.
>Picking sides when it comes to goyim
Let the SLAV-es fight
Don't forget: Carl Bildt (PM of Swedistan) wanted to bomb Croatia in 95 to save poor serbz.
Whenever those niggers cross into our holy forest, we give them a unholy death.
hey theres Greece and theres Macedonia also Hungary maybe even Bulgaria who knows.
>muh racism
when are you starting to give citizenship to the poor palestinians and the whole shitshade of rainbow that surrounds your non-country?
And i still believe that afd was created by the kikes
Keep pushing the extreme leftism for results. The police is mad af already
Another one bites the dust
Why should I like your people?
Your people are oppressing the romanians from east Serbia .
>Israel's loud support for Serbia during the war.
>Vatican being the first Nation State to recognize Croatian sovereignty.
>Israel furious the US has audacity to involve itself militarily without Israeli blessing.
Man that one got away from you cunts didn't it.
Article here, use translator. It's funny as fuck.
It's not a Jewish issue. We had jews for 500 years here. There were jews pushing Croat nationalism, there were whole army groups of jews in the Royal Serb Army, jews who contributed greatly to our society and so on.
There is no issue with any continental jew. The thing which tainted a few jews was the Anglo spirit.
>one protester said the police officer grabbed his documents and wiped his aass with them
This one is more hilarious.
This is some Benny Hill shit going on in this article.
Only if you could send back those Albos and Bosniaks you settled in Sibensko-Kninaska zupanija.... They are literally getting everything for free...
Terrific! The fire rises!
He is a proxy troll, there is 0 reasons why woul romanian hate serbs.
I mean i chould get a proxy of slovenian and start shitalking Croatia for no reason.
It's retarded and that is probably some Alija Balija
>they thought I was from Serbia
Top fucking kek
There's more of them in Istra, bro.
Poreč and Rovinj are full of shiptars.
No such thing
One could throw them into the sea, but the sea would be tainted
>only force to successfully start the baptism of islamised whites in the 40s
Actually quite the opposite, the Ustashe were OK with Islam, and the only forced conversions were those of the Orthodox population.
>last European axis country to stop fighting
And only European axis country not having to face the US or USSR, but commie partisans instead.
But yeah, we're still pretty cool.
Fuck off jew lover
>oppresing the Romanians in east Serbia
They are Vlachs, and Serbia has probably the most cucked minority laws in the world, not to mention the lunatic treatment of "Montenegrins".
Fun fact, your "Romanian" city of Timosoara voted and joined Serbia after WW1, but was given to you by foreign powers. You are a meme nation entirely.
Well people are entitled to own opinions ya know.
There are Montenegrins who like shqips more than Serbs, so you can never know.
Y tho
>I'm walking down the street and suddenly three men attack me, they hit me with a bat, they probably thought I was a serb
topkek, even the migrants take the piss out of serbs here
>When the muslim showed him his asylum documents, the police man took the papers and ''wiped his behind'' with them throwing them back at him saying: "This is a Christmass-market.You don't belong here. Don't let me see you here again"
calling bullshit on this part. seems cartoonish and too stupid, even for our cops
Holy shit Romanians are like niggers.
>I'm oppressed by Hungarians, magyarization never forget
>Serbs are oppressing Romanians in Eastern Sebia, Romanians dindu nuffin dey good boyz
This. Plus all these fucking immigrants are giving us a leftist reputation despite all the actual Istrians I know being xenophobic as fuck.
I'm from Romania.
As I said, I don't like that your people are oppressing the vlachs from east Serbia. One time you serbs even vandalized the romanian churches from their community, in the same pattern when albanians had vandalized your churches from Kosovo in 2004. Your people aren't that innocent in the end.
Jews play both sides of every important issue. This is well known.
>There were jews pushing Croat nationalism
Not working in the mainstream media, I'll bet. Also, understand that even the majority of "good Jews" contribute money to Jewish organizations, ALL OF WHICH militantly support ever-increasing non-white immigration for Europe and the U.S., and ALL OF WHICH militantly support open borders for every majority-white nation on earth. What they do NOT support is open borders for Israel, of course. The Jewish people are an alien presence in America and Europe, and they always have been.
he's from Carașova. So there you go...
>Carașova (Croatian: Karaševo; Hungarian: Krassóvár) is a commune in Caraș-Severin County, Romania. It is known especially for its geographical placement and for the origin of its Croatian inhabitants, the Krashovani.
Jews dominated continental Croatian and following the occupation/annexation, Bosnian economy during Austro-Hungarian rule. This continued in the masonic/Angloshit creation Kingdom of Yugoslavia. All those capitalists and industriaists that owned industry, banks in Zagreb and Slavonia, Rijeka etc. downtown city centre were Jews. Fortunately, most of them were removed
>There are Montenegrins who like shqips more than Serbs, so you can never know.
I want this meme to end.
They are most likely muslims if they like sqips.
And thrid in past there were multiple threads by proxis just posting dead serbs, so no, there are people autistic enough to do this.
>The evil proxy demon strikes again
While yes, Islam was tolerated, but Croathood made many muslims actually baptise their children. It was more or less a common thing done by all government loyalist as much as I know.
So, it wasn't even done by force, but by influence.
Even now, most "secular" lefties """""muslims"""" usually just shit on anything Islam related. You barely ever get them complaining about crosses or so, but when it is Islam related they dislike it.
I'd say it is a question of blood as they have an allergic reaction to islam. Oddly, muslims from Serb areas (eastern Bosnia) tend to be more muslim, I wonder why....
>Implying dead serbs arent the best serbs
Most of them actually survived WWII and stuck around, only to gtfo during the wars in the 90s.
We hame one of the most lib... cucked minority laws and we especially in Vojvodina have a lot protestant and catholic churches that we never touched, so explain me my proxy frien why would we touch another orthodox church?
I meant historically. There was a jew prominent in the 19th century movement which would later inspire the Ustashe.
Mind you, the Ustashe had no issue genetically with jews, but it was a religious question for them.
And yes, many Jewish communities were horribly integrated or not at all, that was the only issue really.
Referendum results, Milo and Yugocommunist inheritors dominating Montenegro, "Montenegrin" language, Podgorica sport fan chants....
You live in a bubble, Montenegrins are by design anti-Serb, what Belarus and Ukraine are to Russia. Comintern creations.
Do you want me to demonstrate by derailing this thread? IT's retarded and with enough autism is possible and easily undetected.
Also if not proxy then this
Maybe you will understand something with Translate, of course that your serbian media isn't covering this.
Go read on INA, Pliva, Gredelj, Končar, Franck, Kraš, sawmills, sugar refinery predecessor compaines, prior to their nationalisation by Yugocommies.
Frank and Reiner are famous Jew Catholic converts, but there were many among Pravo Party (suspected Habsburg agents Divide et impera) and Ustaše.
Well, jews are a hardworking people with a great community. They actually love to help eachother and are determined to succeed. Add to that that they have established themselves as a high class people in the late middle ages, and you got the real reason why they, proportionwise, are represented more than they make up in the demographics.
Take Emerik Blum for instance who made the shithole of Sarajevo the center of the largest East euro electronic conglomerate.
Yeah, I remember reading on some nazi complaints how the top Ustaše are all either related by blood or married into Jewish families, although I don't recall the source.
Ikr, I just wished that we ere not cucked into war with germany and stayed as conservative kingdom, that is only Yugoslavia I can support.
Interestingly enough Yugoslavia was supposed to bring an end to small ethicities of Balkans and unite South Slavs in one state as one people, kinda like what Prussians did to Germany. And funnily enough as soon as communists took over, everything went to shit.
And west is incapable of learning from this, USSR and Hasburg empire, kina sad.
Can any romania bros confirm an give honest opinions?
It's funny that we would atack our own religion and religious building, almost apsurd is muslims dont do it daily.
>as soon as communist took over
Sorry but no, the obstacle to panyugoslav nationalism pushed by the king was Serb and Croat nationalism.
No wonder tho, Yugoslavia was disproportionate, cmon 90% of all generals in the army were Serbs at that time.
Just remember Romainia is not one person i am personally for Serbia all the way to the end remove all kebabs.
No, they are underhanded tribalistic and nepotistic parasites that leech of every society and undermine and subvert the host nation, especially when employed by a ruling nation living amon subjugated people. The reason they thrived under Ottoman, Tatar and Moorish rule, and established themselves as economic intermediary elite between Habsburgs and their aristocracy and the conqured people. Jews are the worst scum since forever, employed by Ptolemies, stirring shit up under Seleucids, resisting Hellenisation as zealots, commiting mass murder in Cyprus, Cyrenaica, Egypt etc. Once you discover Tacitus and Cicero describing them the same way 2000 years ago, everything starts making sense
You're a cuck. Just read that news article I've posted.
You're an imbecile. Go look up on Serb opposition to Yugoslavia among politicians and generals. Go look up on the top military cadre ethnicities in 1941.
The division and decentralisation into Banovine should ring a bell.
>more diversity
So what neither we croat locals touched nor their local governors, it just happened that Serbia was first independent kingdom that decided to trow away their own best interest to serve the whole South Slavic people, if it were not for Serbia to save croatias ass after WW1 they would be spited between Hungary, Italy and Serbia. So Yugo was indeed their best interest and also stop with that shit 90% were serbs, tehnicaly they were but at that time they were considered Orthodox Yugoslavians just like Catholic Yugos itd... they then did not see is as we see it today.
But i must atmit that it is better for everyone now, especially serbia that lost their shakels to free and lead south slavs. Now everyone can fuck of give us land where serbs live and go do their shit, suck american cock or german for all i care.
Your people would rather consider the church to be a cultural institution than a religious one, so of course that they would attack something that is connected with the culture of our vlachs brothers.
Interestingly, British supported it, but all the way back in thirties started funding separatist, anarchist and communist movement. Also, the declassified documents reveal memos such as "the people of Montenegro, Vojvodina, Macedonia and Bosnia are like those in Serbia, but every chance must be taken to separate them and remove them from Belgrade rule under the pretense of decentralisation"
Fuck, my grammar is shit, i really need to proof read more often.
Look another croatian revisionist thread
Is there anything logical you can say or do you just troll with every thing that falls on your mind? You really like to project your arbitrary beliefs on other people.
The only Croatian revisionist in this thread is me. Revisionist historians are not liked and well received in Croatia, since they know they are going against mainstream bullshit and propaganda, they tend to stack plenty
of evidence and research to back their claims. And those things reveal a lot of unpleasant and inconvenient information.
Not only red-pilled, but with unbiased knowledge of Serbian history? You're a rare breed in these parts.
Ustaše 2 kada?
It also supprised me, must give respect to this one croatian citizen.
KEK when I went to Dalmatia some faggot was getting the shit out of him beaten.
I almost got fucked up too because people thought I was a fucking Arab you people are insane.
A long journey begins with a single step.
b-but that's croats
Albanian Subhuman why do you always suck Croat dick?
Unless your brethren on our coast stop breeding and importing their subhuman relatives, pretty soon.
>I almost got fucked up too because people thought I was a fucking Arab you people are insane.
You are a chink, no wonder they almost beated you.
You have to dig deep, very deep to try to understand the current quagmire and disaster that has gripped west Balkans and ex-Yu.
Specifically, the Yugocommunist movement, funding, foreign support.
I hate Yugoslav idea, I hate Yugocommunists, I hate Strossmayer and every single incarnation of Yugoslav ideology, whether it is Habsburg ploy, Anglo/masonic bullshit or Comintern psichopathy.
So since these "POOR" rapefugges can affor latest smartphone
I really fucking rage I can't even afford that
Then who the fuck vandalized those churches? the bulgarians?
The vlachs claims that until a few years ago the government wouldn't let them to have education in the romanian language, and they say that there's about 500.000 of them in Timoc valley, but most of them got assimilated.
Vojvodina is something else, that's a autonomous province, the government can't assimilate the people from that province, but they can do whatever they want in central Sebia just to make that area to be pure serbian.
Are you a fucking retard?
I literally said they thought I was an Arab, God this is why Serbs are the lowest of the low in the Balkans lol.
i love you (no homo) you are indeed a rare red pilled cro bro.
>Revisionist historians are not liked and well received in Croatia
>Croatia's own historians aren't revisionist
Good goy
I still think the EU should make a deal with some big African country like Egypt or Kongo to have asylum camps there; the UN can drop food once a week if they want.
Nope, the serbs did that. They even killed your people back in 1991 during the ten day war, but not too many of them.