Why do you hate trans girls Sup Forums? They are most of the time more based than some of your white cuck parents.
Why do you hate trans girls Sup Forums? They are most of the time more based than some of your white cuck parents.
>tfw no trans gf
Sup Forums wants the mentally ill to get help. This requires that we don't indulge delusions.
They only way to help them right now is to transition them to their preferred gender, Pence's electroshock therapy won't help.
>They only way to help them right now is to transition them to their preferred gender
Not so. This just encourages their illness. Giving someone what they think they want isn't the same as helping them.
Blaire is hot, sweet and redpilled. Would fug.
I don't hate them, but don't approve of them politically. Can they help put more white people on this earth? No. Then they're bad politically.
>racism = power + privilege
>a nigger is president
Why do transvestites and transsexuals speak like in overexaggeration like women, the lisp, the creaky voice, the stupid intonation, the unnecessary "feminine" gesturing... it's like a dead giveaway they are men trying to be a woman but can't cut it.
Actually she is awesome and I just subscribed. Would not gas.
Homosexuals and that whole group are far to open and it leads to everyone being open which is more or less what feminists are pushing
I over heard a mentally ill cross dressing dick chopper go into graphic detail about HIS entire sexual history
This is not good for society
Kill yourselves disgusting faggot abominations you are sick in the head you need a bullet to the head
>Why do you hate trans girls Sup Forums?
Becuase there's no such thing as "trans girls".
They are men who have amputated their dicks.
A man can never become a woman, no matter how much estrogen you inject yourself with, or how you dress like a woman.
A man will always be a man, stop trying to puch your dilussion on the rest of society and start accepting reality
Pretty much and .
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that requires you to do irreparable harm to your body (through hormones and mutilation) and irreparable harm to your mind (pretending something you are not and never will be). This should never be normalized let alone encouraged.
On a societal, cultural level, it promotes the "biology is a meme guys, I can argue it away" ideology that's just plain wrong.
Don't worry, I'll do it for you.
Nigga even Blaire disagrees with that
What people have a hard time forgiving is excess, like the genderfluid bullshit and endless pronouns.
Hard to get into it when some people get in your face very aggressively about it.
she kinda is but she always puts on that shitty lipstick that looks like ass.
Kill it with FIRE.
This is why I hate makeup.
trannies belong in ovens with niggers and jews
She supposedly does not have makeup on in this picture
You're so silly, Satan!
She deserves to be stoned to death
Honestly there are only about 0.1% of traps on the web that I find really attractive, those who look completly like females (big ass, big boobs, curvy hips, feminine face)
Otherwise they are really disgusting and creepy...
stop giving the mentally ill a platform
I don't know if they're... "based" or not
All I know is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>tfw can't fuck a cute chap
>because fucking chaps is degenerate
being a hot trap should be illegal, it's too confusing.
>rural and suburban retards.
Still better than being a fucking leaf.
Oral culture > written culture (except for techology ofc)
Trannies are the absolute WORST part of lgbt, and they should be removed from the acronym. They're mentally ill annoying hons who leech off of the success of gay rights movements. Anyone that browses /lgbt/ knows this too well. They're not based, and the only reason anybody would like them is because they can't see past the fetish they have for them.
Trans, and LGBT as a whole are trying to undermine the integrity of western culture as a whole.
Trans like this are fine, because they actively neutralize the vile cultural poison the rest of them spew.
Example: faggot goes out and talks about how Muslims are trying to come over and kill lgbt people, and the have to listen, are they're homophobic/racist; It uses they're "check-your-privilege" defense against them, and it works.
>trannies are mentally ill
>lgbt is not
Every single one of you is mentally ill you retarded degenerate piece of shit.
>keep getting seduced by traps
Fucking this.
Anything that goes beyond penis in vagina is a fetish, even oral.
Reminder that gay/trans/LGBBQ conservatives don't exist
They're best if they keep their dick though, no homo
>Trans, and LGBT as a whole are trying to undermine the integrity of western culture as a whole.
This statement is false and full of bullshit. You should watch yuri bezmenov and his subversion presentations or whatever you call those in english, here's one for you: youtube.com
Basically what he says is that trannies, faggots, feminists, sjws and all of those kinds of retards exist naturally in every society which is true and verifiable. What the jews do is simply blow them out of proportion through propaganda. The fags have no intention of destroying western civilization, they have no big purpose for their lives, they just live their degeneracy. It's the jews promoting them that are evil and want to destroy our civilization and they should be expurged from our societies.
Pick only one.
>no homo
For me the only things that matter regarding people's private bits are:
1. how many holes do you have
2. which of those holes are you willing to use with me
Gender is entirely pointless and more or less artificially constructed by society just like religion. And I can live with someone who doesn't have a (functioning) uterus because of modern technology and adoption.
ok fine whatever, but trannies are the most mentally ill out of all of us
good goy
Sucking cock isn't gay if it's a girl's!
Oh, and I also don't give the smallest of shits about "mental illnesses" as a whole. Brains are funny things, and I'm not going to pretend to understand them, but I've noticed there's a wide variety of them.
pretty sure I exist
>Gender is entirely pointless and more or less artificially constructed by society just like religion
>no homo
Tons of traps are better than real girls. I seriously have 0% problem with them if they can pull it off.
I like that trannies abbreviate themselves TS because I unironically refer to them as Test Subjects.
I don't care what you call it. It's not straight.
I also don't care what consenting adults do in the bedroom, btw.
bald guy want to have hair
wears a wig
>he's still bald
a guy want's to be female
grows his hair, chop his dick off and insert inplants on his chest while taking female hormones, dress with female clothing
>it's a she now
be open minded pls
>leaf who watched CNN is expert on US politics
I'm sure it would be a problem for you once you realize that their hole is a disgusting axe wound
>It uses they're "check-your-privilege" defense against them, and it works.
the added bonus is that the more of a minority group uses their minority status to premptively stop the Xist card being used against them, the more the psychos do mental gymnastics to prevent them using it.
Black and Gay men are now off the protected class list, and it's only a matter of time before others are as well. I'm willing to bet white women will be by the end of the year.
And every time someone gets struck off the list, their internal strife grows, and their ensuing retarded explanation makes a normie question their authority on the matter.
What's wrong with pol recently? Defending kebabs, now sucking up to some Tranny. Are we being raided?
because they are men and not women
Because they're disgusting
It's because we're all attracted to trannies.
Exactly my point, but better stated.
Still I feel faggots like the one OP posted, and Milo, undermine the entire (((effort))); it's like black people who actually talk about the real problems with their community, and denounces the white/western culture-shaming (((campiagn))).
Because they are just mentally ill men.
And my parents are fare more based than some faggot who wants to suck cock so bad that he gets his dick chopped off and gets pumped full of estrogen.
A guy pretending to be a girl acting as a voice for mens rights who is redpilled. Is that even fucking possible? Are we being trolled? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!!
Blaire is p. hot for a tranny t b h
As long as they're STD free they are a good thing to fuck on the side if your wife has dried up.
Did he cut his dick already?
I get depressed whenever this is brought up and then i remember that's the reason for their suicide rates. People who normalize this need to be called out as helping to drive the mentally ill to suicide.
>its not mental illness you bigot
>cuts dick off, kills self
Post modernism has metastasized and it's only operable through Christ.
I think he needs to kill himself.
W2c qt pi trap pham?
This bitch is based , has a video btfo that ugly dude with an adams apple and man voice playing dress up talking about its wrong not to fuck trannies.
Yes, it's 'degenerate', but who cares? So many things involving sex are degenerate. He's white, not gross looking and not a sjw.
I have a big problem with the other thing you mentioned though.
You're forgetting that to defeat the jew, you must become the jew.
Think long term
>Step 1: Some less crazy trannies speak out because they're sick of the batshit crazy ones tarnishing them even more.
>Step 2: SJWs don't know how to react outside of "i-internalised soggy knees!!", but are still brought low by their privilege power level
>Step 3: SJWs slowly begin mental gymnastics to bar trannies from the oppression olympics
>Step 4: Trannies are now on a level field for everyone else
Rinse and repeat until "privilege" is reserved for such a small clique that it's become meaningless.
Do post-op trannies even get wet or would you need lube?
HE isn't based at all. Everything intelligent he parrots/steals from real smart people is negated by his delusions about his gender.
depends on the quality of the surgery.
In europe and US, surgeons can often not recreate sufficient lubrication. If you go to Thailand for SRS this is possible though, provided youre young enough and not completely unlucky.
as a tradeoff: thai recovery is a lot more painful
you have to go deeper.
When the penis is skinned and inverted, and pushed inside to form a sheath, the better surgeons attempt to leave some of the pre-cum glands. If successful, this can provide a tiny bit of 'lubrication' but its not enough to be 'wet' and you still need lube.
But the bigger issue is, that the victims of this barbarism of cutting off healthy organs, must dilate the hole every day for the rest of their lives. The body treats the hole like an open would and keeps trying to heal it and it would grow shut.
I always think the CIA must be responsible for the tranny threads.
'Transgender' people are officially diagnosed with an egosyntonic mental disorder by a psychiatrist. Depending upon the mental health manual the psychiatrist uses, the diagnosis is for Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Identity Syndrome/or Gender Dysphoria.
Less than .03% of the population is affected w/ GID/GIS/GD. Symptoms of this syndrome are all mental health based: depression, anxiety, unease with their bodies, suicidal thoughts. The suicide rate of GID/GIS/GD sufferers is 20% compared to under 1% of the normal population. Both the psychiatric and medical fields recognize GID/GIS/GD as a mental health issue.
Current standard treatment for the mental health diagnosis consists of psychiatric therapy and later Rx medication with synthetic hormones. Psychiatric therapy is the foundation of their treatment, and no doctor or psychiatrist proceeds with synthetic hormones without concurrent psychiatric therapy. The current treatment is recognized by both psychiatrists and medical doctors as moderately effective in reducing their rate of suicide and other accompanying mental health symptoms of GID/GIS/GD to varying degrees of success. Sexual reassignment surgery is effective in relieving these mental health symptoms short term but fails to provide relief long term.
People with GID/GIS/GD have a much higher prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder/Body Integrity Disorder, noting that in both, the sufferers have a pervasive delusional view of their own bodies that cripples their normal functioning. Here are 2 patients who suffer from both GID and BDD concurrently.
The transgender 'movement' works to make this mental health diagnosis seem normal, and to push legal and social changes on the normal 99.97% of society, that are disproportionate to the actual numbers of sufferers of this rare mental health issue.
>When the penis is skinned and inverted
false, good surgeons use scrotum tissue nowadays
>must dilate the hole every day for the rest of their lives
false. I dilate maybe twice a month, even though I probably dont need to at all
> The body treats the hole like an open would and keeps trying to heal it and it would grow shut.
thats a myth, the pelvis floor muscles are angled differently on males and females, so they apply pressure on that part differently than in a cisfemale.
because im not a homosexual or attracted to faggot bottoms in drag
You are not a girl. You are a fucking abomination and I commanded by God to kill you. Go and hide behind your Protestant and Jew friends if you want to live, freak-show.
sounds like someone is insecure about their sexuality. Is this your first time posting here kid?
Facts make people insecure
Trannies are only good if they are a 10/10 and hung like a horse.
Fuck small dick traps and ugly shemos
>The suicide rate of GID/GIS/GD sufferers is 20%
no its a lot lower
suicide rate in normal people is WAY lower than 1% as well.
>but fails to provide relief long term.
its almost as if changing your genitals doesnt fix manface/manbody/social stigma
I wonder why user...
>The transgender 'movement' works to make this mental health diagnosis seem normal
thats actually wrong, declaring it not a mental illness would fuck over most trannies cause it would make us inelligable for healthcare
not everything you read on tumblr actually represents trannies
youre right, but what can a beta do that cant even keep our nations clean from heretics, heathens, jews or mudslimes?
>born with a huge cock
>becomes a woman
i swear every time i see him, he looks more and more like a man
trannies are mentally ill and need help
i'm not about to rally to them in the unlikely event that they have similar political opinions as I do
Fuck off freak
He seems very bro tier. I might even let him suck my dick, no homo.
Why does Sup Forums have a problem with trans? Even if it is a mental illness they aren't hurting anyone but themselves. Who cares
>fucking this