This article was released in a major left-leaning German publication, urging us to rethink our immigration policies

This article was released in a major left-leaning German publication, urging us to rethink our immigration policies.

>Why are we putting up with all these people?

>Why is Europe, especially Germany, permitting hundreds of thousands of persons who – compared with local standards – often come from backward, paternalistic, sometimes unenlightened countries to enter our high-end societies? Why are we burdening ourselves with persons who have been coarsened or traumatized and are threatened not only with culture shock, but also with profound disappointments, rejecting responses and religious radicalization?

It seems like the uncertainty over the current state and the future of Germany is increasingly spilling over to liberals too.

Maybe it's too soon to be hopeful, but I couldn't imagine ever reading anything like this in Zeit a year ago.

uh, this is quite alarming.
Since the german government censors stuff and controls most media outlets.

If this passed right through them, maybe the government has changed their agenda and is signaling for this?

Literally what.

They've already imported enough violent males to create their police state, and now they don't want it too get out of hand.

>create their police state

No one wants that, not even the police.

>Hey goys vote for us again so we can complete the destruction of germany in the next 4 years

I think he's saying that since the media is so heavily controlled, this is just the government talking through them.

Sven is still a bit dizzy from the 10 niggercumshots he recieved in his ass today, dont mind him!

You can't be this kind of a naive.

Come on.
Do nazi stuff.

That article wasn't written by Merkel.

Wait until after the elections
Media pulls this shit all the time over in America
>Constant propaganda
>Event occurs which proves overwhelmingly that they are wrong
>Event might affect political elections
>Media puts out several pieces that are half-redpilled to convince masses that media was just being slow and really actually does report honestly

>The german uncuckening happens
>The nazis see this and come out of Antarctica

thx for the link, fritz

this is huge indeed

Come on...
Do nazi stuff.

Anytime, Danebro.

And yes, there seems to be a sensible shift in attitude. Makes me glad.


confusing naive with paranoid. but i don't know german news so i can't say which papers side where

Fuck off mountain jew

I don't get why they don't push for a more nationalist form of their liberalism. It actually ensures that the policies that they love remain in place rather than an inevitable push to the right which is heavily against immigration.

Did he mean "patriarchal"?

>>Media puts out several pieces that are half-redpilled to convince masses that media was just being slow and really actually does report honestly

You kraut mother-fuckers take heed to these words please. This is textbook kike MAYNE STREEEM METEOR manipulation.


Even bluepilled Vdb faggots over here know that german media = german state propaganda.

Phew, i was worried about immigration this election, now that i know the left is taking it serious i dont have to vote for those racist right wingers.

Thank Merkel

Theyre scared, theyve seen 2 major votes go the exact opposite way of what they want and theyre scared more will follow. Theyre gonna start playing up to the public so they can get to a point where they can start pulling this bullshit again without having to worry about being voted out.

No that's too confronting for le feminists, who can't process the idea of Islam being bad.

Decent article, though. Raises some decent points and manages to say pretty crude shit (according to the liberal media standards, at least) while not scaring normies away with 'far-right' vibes.

Imo these are the types of things that will redpill the masses.

This happens every election. They (neo-libs and neo-cons) pretend to be anti-immigrant and then immediately do a U-turn as soon as they win

>Brexit happens
>Trump happens
>oy vey we better pretend to be anti-elite
did anybody see Soros come out today and say "the people don't trust the elite". Well no shit, kikelock, who do you think is mostly responsible for that?

Your cynicism is appalling.

No, they're right. A single article isn't enough and doesn't accomplish anything, many more articles like that are needed. These journalists need to keep pressuring politicians and demanding answers from them. And it has to happen after the elections too, not just before them.

Its a fact though.
America and Britain can swing right.
The whole world would lose their fucking mind if we did
Even america and britain would tell us to not do it
Even Trump and Farage.

>projecting this hard

>Not Moroccan

Explains why he killed himself.

Shut the fuck up you defeatist fucking cuck. Good God germans are patbetic. This is just not true.
>Breitbart is expanding into germany
>overwhelmingly supports AfD
>Bannon is Trumps Chief Strategist

Oh noes guys right wing governments in other countries that could possibly form a strong alliance with us will be mad if we agree with them ideologically. Better not even try ooh muhammad come here so i can suck your dick

>Good God germans are patbetic
Then be happy we are dying out
No more German immigrants to you country.

Sup Forums has convinced me that Germany needs to die out. Muslims will do better here.



pre-election damage control

> implying he's not right

So how long have you been in germany Ahmed? You'd better study up on your new neighboring countries before you take the citizenship-test

Why, it's almost like they have an ulterior motive and the liberalism is just a convenient smokescreen.

Really makes you think, huh?

I don't understand. I'm an ethnic Bavarian.

Put your tinfoil hat back on.

You should try to look around to see if you can find how major publications like Die Zeit work behind the scenes.
You'd normally think that journalists are going around trying to find interesting stories to write about. They report back on what they hear, and the editors of the publication are then deciding if something is interesting or not and give the journalist the go to write an article.
That's how things should work, but that's actually not what's happening in a lot of places. There's a lot of publications where the setup is reversed. The editors decide on an agenda that's to be pushed for the whole publication. They then go to their journalists and ask them if they have stories that fit. The editors don't want interesting articles in general, only want those that fit.
What's interesting to know would then be how Die Zeit is organized. Did the journalist come up with the idea for this article, or was there an order from the top?

Election-time bullshit. By this time next year they'll be writing articles demanding you lob your daughters at Muslim cock via overhand pitch

I dont know the current german political landscape so well but dont you guys have something more conservative than Merkel without being full blown fascist like the Afd?

If only

Or, you could have just commented on the contents of the article because it's actually quite sensible.
>more conservative than Merkel without being full blown fascist like the Afd?
Seehofer, the leader of Merkel's sister party, but he's not really leadership material. And I agree with your characterization of the AfD. The really sad thing is that there isn't a single party or politician who truly represents my interests.

In that case it's pretty embarrassing you don't recognize Austria's flag

>german education

It's embarrassing indeed.

My bad, Danebro.

The Bavarian version of the CDU, the CSU sort of is what you are talking about.
So in a way they are in power right now

Remember our conservatives are very christian so they are still pro-immigration.

Unfortunately Seehofer is all talk but he never follows through.

Just empty threats. Really disappointing.

Sounds like a nazi holocaust denier... fake news

8 more years of murgle

over the last couple months the tone of german news outlet have shifted dramatically

especially after that tunesian guy murdering a german chick, and he even was meant to be deported for months, and even was in jail in italy for years, several departments of internal defense and what not were watching him

and then the whole truck thing went down and now german news outlets do publish critical pieces about this whole mess

im not sure if its enough to make a change but its a start of a shift

That's why I'm hopeful, this article isn't just an outlier, but it's pretty succinct in its propositions, and the fact that it was published by Zeit of all major publications makes me happy.

>finally wakes up and says what we've been saying since the beginning and acts like they're some revolutionaries for thinking it
>has called us racist from the beggining for thinking the same way only now it's not racist because they're the ones who """"""thought"""""" of it """""""first""""""""
I swear to Christ when this is over I will fight to make sure these (((journalists))) (((politicians))) and everyone else who helped to fuck the western world up is hung from the street lamps regardless of whether they saw the error of their ways.

They will not escape their punishment simply because they eventually joined the right side