
What will become of Turkey?
Türkiye için gelecek ne bekliyor?

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Turks come to Finland

A nuclear w-
Oh right, what do roaches care?

Jews or other foreign entities will try to foment a civil war. Erdogan might be able to stop them.

>Turkey is facing a demographic time bomb

The ethnic Turkish fertility rate mirrors that of most of Europe and is below replacement rates (under 2.1). However, the Kurds in the southeast of Turkey are having 4 to 5 kids per family.

This is true. Will turks get a federal/autonomy status, or perhaps full independence? The secular liberal Western Turks are being out-bred.

again, google translate does not work with turkish
although they improved it, you will never get our complicated chittering noises right with an application

this is true, though not in ways you would expect

why though?
mixed signals

erdoğan is the one trying to start a civil war, not jews or anyone else

What's a bigger threat to Turkey, ISIS or the kurds?

I think Kurds because ISIS will eventually go but Kurds will always be fighting against Turkish state.

Nothing, it will stay a shithole.

The red areas are Kurd provinces

Turks are shit but kurds are even worse

Those red areas are where Armenians used to live before they were """relocated""" and kurds nomads came up on empty cities

How is it in Finland? I'm a non-muslim Turk with (kinda) white ancestry.

so how do u say "what will become of TUrkey" fampai?

also what happened to all the Turks that used to post, did they get frightened after the coup?

ISIS kills foreigner civilians and some turkish civilians within Turkish soil.

Kurds kill Turkish civilians, Turkish cops and Turkish soldiers within Turkish soil.

As much as I fucking hate ISIS and islam, I have to say Kurds are way more threatening to a Turk's life. And they say "civilians are not our target". Fucking bullshit.

secularism will die in turkey. Turks will wake up to find their ataurk posers ripped up and a coup will ake place.

Why did Armenians choose to live amongst Kurds? I though Christians were smarter than Muslims.

DESU the Kurds are targeting police and army, no longer civilians, which I respect. ISIS are deliberately targeting civilians and foreigners to destroy the Tourism.

"Türkiye'ye ne olacak?" would be the literal translation of "What will become of Turkey?". But a Turk would instead say "Türkiye'nin hali ne olacak?". "Hal" means "situation".

Give back Constantinople

As a Greek man living in Turkey, I agree with this sentiment.

What r u doing in Turkey? Economic migrant?


pretty sure you got it the wrong way around, all major cities in the area were medieval Armenian cities, the problem is muslims bred more than christians and Armenians weren't to fond of ethnic cleansing , unfortunately for us.

There's nothing respectable about launching cowardly suicide attacks on people who vowed to put their life on the line for their country. I don't know why you Brits love Kurds so much. They are worse than Arabs.

Atam, bir tanesini denize dökmeyi unutmuşsun.

Please surrender to the nearest authority to be drowned within the Ege denizi, you lost the war almost 100 years ago.

Fuck you gypsy, you never had any claim on Istanbul to begin with.

This. Western secular Turks are being outbred by Kurds and now we also have Syrian refugees. This is just terrible.

>Anatolia had literally the first "civilizations"
Yes, judging from the archeological foundings, the evolution of man probably happened in our lands, I don't see how this is wrong. :^)

Eventually they'll piss in the USA cheerios and suddenly everyone will notice they're a dictatorship and that it is time to bring them democracy.
I'm going to enjoy so much the day they get kicked off NATO.

>kurds will outbreed turks!!!
>kurds have high birth rates. turks' days are numbered!!
rats also breed fast, can the rats take over a country? of course not
when the problem becomes too dire the inhabitants simply call up the exterminator. kurds should frankly watchout because our patience is running dangerously thin. if they continue their "war" for much longer you will see some gnarly shit pretty soon

>and kurds nomads came up on empty cities
Except Kurds always lived there side-by-side with the "previous" Armenian settlements.
They were the ones that did the majority of the "relocating" all while fooling you with that story :^)

I hope my president nukes you fucking cockroaches until you scuttle back into central asia like the mongols you are

Erdoğan gets overthrown, Monarchy gets reinstated

Can rats vote you inbred fagget? In 20 years the new HDP will be getting 20-25% of the vote, and you will be back to perpetual coalitions again.

Well if they are going to kill, it should be representatives of the state, instead of civilians. Soldiers are state representatives, the average bar slut isn't to the same extent. It's not cowardly, cowardly is the NYE attack.

>the new HDP will be getting 20-25% of the vote
not after HDP. no turk will trust a kurdish party ever again thanks to them, even if kurds breed fast and become %30-35 of the country half of them will still vote for islamist parties

The great thing about the US flag is, you never know who's behind it.

Kurd lover? Actual kurd? Armenian? Extremist christian?

Why would an everyday american hate Turkey?

>killing civilians
>implying you win while you lost all of the islands

kys mongol

Because you took constantinople from us roach. I live in the midwest, i'm just up early.

solution to turkey is the ottoman white caliphate to dominate

this is true, I'm a blue blooded american and I harbor no ill will towards turkey or its people

>only sources are by greeks
>literally no evidence for this even happening except for greek folk tales
lol greeks are so pathetic
whatever happened to your "megali idea" you olivenigger

armenian or christicuck most likely
kurds go to canada to get them freemonies. most turkish citizens in america are kemalist turks


pic related is future of turkey if it's ottoman.

>What will become of Turkey?

steaming pile of rubble.

Not if they get some charismatic Kurdish politician who speaks for them, like qt Demirtas.


Let me red pill you on why Turkey has historically been so against Kurdish independence. It's all to do with NATO and the deep state. During the cold war, one of the conditions of NATO membership has always been "you must have control over all your sovereign terroritory to be a NATO member" (thats why Russia invade Crimea). So since the deep state basically ran the show from 1945-now, they made sure Kurds wouldn't be able to go their own way because they would have to claim Kurdish clay.

Now the deep state is all in prison, and NATO is becoming less relevant, it might actually happen.

white, intelligent, order, stopping all crimne, progress, spituality, virtus, conquest, bounty, industry, caliphate.

video is ottoman caliphate.



let me help you with that
"The usage of the term Kurd during this time period most likely was a social term, designating Northwestern Iranian nomads, rather than a concrete ethnic group"
"In the early Middle Ages, the Kurds sporadically appear in Arabic sources, though the term was still not being used for a specific people; instead it referred to an amalgam of nomadic western Iranic tribes, who were distinct from Persians. "
See the sad truth is kurds just saw the opportunity to take what they could never create, The turks thought they were getting rid of one problem but they played themselves

Constantinople is not yours. You have to come back to a country that has a claim on it, first.

>Gayreek spouting Erdoğan's spiel

This is irony of great levels.

Wrong. "White"s in Turkey are mostly kemalist seculars.

The ones holding Ottoman ideals and Erdoğan supporters are shitskins. You do the math.

>you never had any claim on Istanbul to begin with.
Thracian clay

If Greeks, Armenians, British, Austrians, Russians, Bulgarians, Serbians, Hungarians, Arabs want to fight the Ottoman, let them come.


Kemalist Seculars were former Young Turks lad

the entire christian world has a claim on the holy city. sad our faggot pope is too busy washing migrant feet

It doesn't really matter how others "outbreed" the smart since the smart ones will always find a way to take control over them. This is applicable for both Kurds and Islamists in this country. We have been confronted with political Islam for more than 40 years now but their reign is about to fall. Don't lose your hope, it's going to happen very soon.

i already know all the deep state memes senpai; "mit created pkk" etc
but what i am telling you is that no kurd is seen as "safe" after the hdp fiasco. demirtaş got hundreds and thousands of turkish votes because he talked about "peace and brotherhood of peoples" but as soon as he got the position he started to spout pkk propaganda
he and his party also laughed as the kemalist soldiers were sent to kangaroo courts and tried for ergenekon&balyoz. well they laughed all the way to the jail that is
all my friends who voted hdp(and i know a lot) now curse them and because of hdp's actions the portrait of kurds have become "unreliable, lying, trecherous, pkk supporters" in the turkish public eye, especially amongst kemalists

i have literally watched turkish friends who were like "yay vote hdp for freedom and peace" evolve into "no friends of turks but the turks" type of people in the last few years

I don't understand why people are still butthurt over Constantinople, It happened 600 years ago ffs. Also, kurds are breeding fast but most of them turkified. There is 15 million kurds in Turkey and HDP got only 6 million by help of CHP(Atatürk's party).

If you want to come to the Ottoman gates, you will not return.


Hey cumbreath. You know how the "smart ones" found the way to control the system? Secular Military generals that were untouchable. Now they're all in prison, as well as the Gulen army people. Now that's gone, how exactly are the smart ones going to stay in power? CHP, who only the minority of western Turks will vote for?

>sad our faggot pope is too busy washing migrant feet
and making stupid remarks about Trump, this pope sucks and the entire catholic church sucks, Luther was right

>everyone in the world recognize the genocides of Armenians,Greeks,Assyrians etc
>only the roaches denys it

Your army is a joke shitskin.Losing against unarmed civilians.Losing againt PKK.Loses to Isis 20 battle tank with more than 50 roaches dead only last week.


Then there will be a race or islam war again. No Turk cares about this or dying we born into it.

The way you said it as "they just came across empty cities" make it sound like they just moved in there but the reality is that they did most of the slaughter under turkish guidance, aper.

>Your army is a joke shitskin.
that "joke army" beat the shit out of yours twice in the last century olivenigger

daily reminder that Erdoğan using Anime as propaganda now

If you don't want to be Ottoman then you fight the Ottoman.


Doesn't matter, that only means they weren't smart enough. The smarter will always rise and take their places.

You are basically falling for the Erdogan propaganda. The kurds have a legit right to self determination or autonomy like Northern Iraq. If Kurds live within Turkish borders, they must also be seen as Turks and not foreign agents of enemies, otherwise they should have their own government.

Erdocum sees HDP as an enemy not because they are Kurdish terrorists, but because they have become the primary opposition and the one thing stopping him becoming King Roach (now the Kemalists, CHP and Gulenists have been eliminated), and they stopped him winning an election. He tolerated them as long as they didn't challenge his power.

Erdogan is a complete fucking faggot and I with the army was still in charge.

I think Kurds were resettled in Armenian lands from the south by TYT after the genocide.

Hopefully nuked and then repopulated with Christians after the radiation wears off.

They are seen as Turks tho lmfao. They have full citizenship just like Turks and they are, by law, Turks as well.

Not in a one man one vote democracy. The "smart ones in control" seem to be the pro-business, pious conservative/islamists, the secular kemalists (who are actually more intelligent) have been cucked hard.

>that "joke army" beat the shit out of yours twice in the last century olivenigge

sure they did shitskin mongol

Come then, fight the Turk, all have tried, all have failed.


>remember the times when catholic crusaders sacked the holy city, the Constantinople?
Catholics have no right to claim it for their own.They are one of the reasons of why Byzantine fell.It's not a catholic, but an orthodox city.

>all have tried, all have failed.
Except for the countless times that Russia spanked you throughout history.

The late secular pashas of the Ottoman Empire were cucked as well by Abdülhamit, then his authoritarian regime caused people like Atatürk to rise. We have hard times right now and it's just gonna help us become stronger not weaker.

That was a different era. That was a peak nationalism era. Now we are entering the post-nationalism era and Turks are seeing themselves as Muslims first Turkish second. There might be a global jihad.

>The kurds have a legit right to self determination or autonomy
no they don't
i support giving the kurds a small piece of land and deporting them to it for they do not belong in this country. they are a chain at the ankle of the turkish nation and we should stop dragging them with us
but if there is any land concessions without population exchange or deportations i swear i will resort to violence, just as they do to us
if there will ever be kurdistan made out of turkish soil then there will be no kurds left anywhere else within turkey, i can promise you that

>If Kurds live within Turkish borders, they must also be seen as Turks and not foreign agents of enemies
well the turkish meme is that "we are all brothers" and the constitution grants equal rights to all citizens regardless of sex, religion or race
reality is that they are foreign agents and most of them are enemies of the turkish people

>they have become the primary opposition
they only have the backing of %7-8 of the population, majority kurds
primary opposition is still chp with %25 of the votes

Nah senpai, after the coup, Erdoğan kind of realized the importance of nationalism over religion.

>If Kurds live within Turkish borders, they must also be seen as Turks and not foreign agents of enemies, otherwise they should have their own government.

They are seen as Turks, that's exactly why Kurds can't have their own government.

By Atatürk's own definition, everyone who lives on the land we call "Turkey" at the moment of establishment, is from then on called a "Turk" and is a Turkish citizen, same as any other, no matter the ethnicity.

Guys do you really think that Erdoğan is all for religion or something? He's just a pawn of the US and the West. Whatever he does, he does for power. Not for the sake of Islam. Not for the sake of his country. It's all just for power. He just uses religion to have control over people but it's gonna fail regardless because he is inept

>civil war
>economic collapse
>possible bringing of (((democracy))) by allies
>day of the rope
>another coup
>istanbul earthquake (that would mean turkey going back to stone age)
>alien invasion
>virus outbreak
>regime change into islamic despotism

pick one or a couple

Ottoman Turkish Caliphate
is the answer.


WTF this meme so so recent and they aleready made one for enver

the last ottoman emperor left the country on a enemy (anglo) vessel, after failing to stop the independence war in favor of the invaders

only thing the ottoman royalty deserve is rope

Fuck racism.

Turkish Kurdish brotherhood! They are our brothers. I love a Kurd girl and even may marry her.

Imagine a Turkey without problems of ethnicity. We will conquer Balkan peninsula, Middle East all over.

Turkish Kurdish conflict is a western game fueled by propaganda against us so poor and uneducated Kurds hate us.

Thankfull that USA puppet Demirtaş was jailed and Kurds don't need another leader than Erdoğan anymore.

Peace to all my brothers.

Fuck westerners and AmerikKka.

With love.

a lot of Turks actually believe that Kemal was a homo

>I love a Kurd girl and even may marry her.

Nigga, politics is one thing, taste in women is another. Get some taste mang.


PKK and seperatist Kurds are pawns of the west, and we should stand against imperialism and imperialists' evil plans on our beautiful homeland as a nation regardless of ethnicity.

>the last ottoman emperor left the country on a enemy (anglo) vessel
Nice Jew propaganda, keep serving capitalist interest and not Ottoman.

>Also, kurds are breeding fast but most of them turkified.
kardeş onların kanları istemem

No they don't. It's a lie spouted by Gayreeks and islamists.

Can't hear you over the sound of your ancestors drowning in the Aegean.

THey were forced to "become Turks", but it's been 100 years and how successful? Moderately. Why does PKK still exist?

>By Atatürk's own definition, everyone who lives on the land we call "Turkey" at the moment of establishment, is from then on called a "Turk" and is a Turkish citizen, same as any other, no matter the ethnicity.

In 1923 there were Christians and Jews in Turkey, now it's 99% Sunni. Where are the Turkish Christians today? Why can't they build or repair their Churches? You are a dumb fagget. Typical Turk "my way or no way".

When was the last time greece won anyhing?

also pay denbts

No idea mang, I don't run this country. Its secular order has been fucked up, and you're asking about christians and jews? Every single person who's not a Sunni is being fucked in Turkey.

>99% Sunni
if you are born with a muslim name, you get put down as a muslim

well that's at least what I was taught, I was born here so idk if it applies

When will egg roll dan be out of power?

And why does he support ISIS so much?

Holy shit you are brainwashed. Keep swallowing that nationalist propaganda.

>muh brotherhood

top fucking kek

14 fucking years.. and you still haven't learned anything have you? that's why tengri has cursed this nation, not because he's angry but he wants you to learn it the hard way so you don't forget it again

>Imagine a Turkey without problems of ethnicity
yes and that would be possible if there was one ethnicity and the others CLEANSED. the name of this fucking country is TURKIYE not SUBHUMANIA you gullible naive piece of shit



it's true look it up

>In 1923 there were Christians and Jews in Turkey

And none of them were Turkish.

because he was

>Why can't they build or repair their Churches?
but they can?

>%99 sunni
turkey is not %99 sunni you retard
officially turkey is %99 muslim %25-35 of those are shia/alevi

Russian satellite Kurdish state will be carved out of it in our lifetimes