Only third world shitholes allowed in this thread.
GTFO first worlders.

Hello, monkeybro.


First worlders LEAVE

Third for best race

inb4 SOON posting

all reds are welcome in this thread

We post poor/middle class neighborhood

am I welcome?

how is greenland third world?

also, china is third world

I think sahara and some of africa is 4th world

>Russia not allowed
>The moment you just want to live in a -30C country so you can say you are not a third worlder


>tfw there are countries worse than ours


Most countries in africa like somalia

who /uppermiddleclass/ here?

>First world

Seriously lad. Wtf is this?

>first world

>first world


Beat me to it by 1 sec
Also im from Scotland so im allowed here i assume

Hey niggers.

countries like Chad, Somalia, Mauritania and Niger are wayyyy worse than Brazil or Flipland

Does 2nd world country as poor as the 3rd world count? 150$ a month salary reporting in.

poor africans we barely see them here lol

>third world
Get the fuck out

I think that map correspond to the Cold War classification

USA and his bitches = First World
URSS and Commie Block = Second World
Rest of the irrelevants countries = Third World

Haha. He said Niger.

Tell me Paraguay, if I may ask, how is your country? in Brazil we have street executions frequently.

what's the best cities there?

>150$ a month

How much does a complete meal costs?

Ok, faggots.

Where are best sex slaves?

Also I realize there are hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Tribes in africa

We all call them africans. They always get upset.


Wales reporting in.

It's quite comfy here if you can earn above average. The girls are pretty too.


Cut your nails filthy white nigger. Instead of nails you have claws.

>second world
Reminder that even latin americans have more money than us.

He's probably too fat to even reach them.

the Maoist 'Three Worlds Theory' was a geopolitical idea that the USA and USSR as the superpowers formed the First World, developed anti-communist states formed the second world, and the rest was third world.

But that was mostly just Chinese anti-Russian propaganda after the Sino-Soviet split.

first for hating India even though we are shittier than them

First worlders cant into tropical jungle battles


most of SEA is comfy third world

People don't eat out at all, you buy potatoes, you add salt and you eat.


How do u like Gaybee fampai desu?


Met a Nepalese dude, he was based. Said he could hook me up with a Nepalese wife pretty easily.

tfw crackers come to bang brown pussy

The only big city here is Asuncion... the metropolitan area includes some 20 other cities and houses around 2 million people... if you have a middle to up class family and a good job, you will be very comfy here... nice pubs, not so much insecurity yet, finally we have some buses with AC, and all the stuff is actually pretty cheap... the minimun waige here is around U$ 350, and if you're single you can live pretty much in a decent flat...

now if you born in a lower class family... the prepare yourself to suffer my friend...

10th world reporting in.

Best meals but I try not to eat there everyday since I'm trying to save up

Wewlad, that's a bit harsh

They always seem to like literal 0/10 women

>Google India , Nepal border
>Nepal is legit better than India

thanks for the redpill Paraguay.
380 bucks is what I make per month. I'm fucked

Still not Sweden, wait about 5 more years and come back to this thread


>tfw US made the 1911 because their shitty .38s can't shut down the moros

Ironically the most insecures places here lays in the border with you... Ciudad del Este, Salto del Guaira, Pedro Juan Caballero, Capitan Bado, etc....

those places are riddled with narcos and street killings man...

Reporting in from London

How do we stop the menace of the ETERNAL OLD WHITE MALE on Southeast Asia, lads?

Sick quads trailing doubles m8

how much poor a person is considered there with dollars 380? here in brazil is called middle class.

Once all shit tier females are gone

Daily reminder that if you celebrate Christmas in summer, you're from a shithole

Holy shit Moldavia... with that money you can't buy shit here... how do fuck do you live?

btw where is India? They are the best example of a third world country

prolly my first ultra get

[spoiler] what do I win? [/spoiler]


Sup Forums Indians are pretty based, even though they have to endure the worst bantz.

Remake this thread in 1-2 years, than i can write in here too

that's fucked up bro. 150$ here is almost nothing. I think you are joking...

You will be considered middle class too... to put thing in perspective... a decent flat here costs around U$ 170 monthly... so you will live pretty good in the Asuncion area...

Southern California reporting in.

170 bucks to eat, internet + electricity, etc.

>Not being north mexico master race


You can probably start now

I meant 170 to eat + electricity + internet is not enough

you dont need him. come here, show money, talk a little, take her with you.
Thanks. The people are better no doubt. The government and the economy however sucks balls, Indian balls!

I want to bang south brazil.


That multiculturalism looks preeeety good

sup bro

I hope we're welcome here

yo sup

1st world when?

I never talked to someone from nepal.
Hi nepal!

how much does she charge?


>that filename could be a legit name here

It must be really weird for foreigners to find asians with spanish names

Don't shoot yourself in the dick Turkbro. That image is fucking hilarious though

India is second world. Their whole flirtation with socialism is why we are allied with Pakistan and was Yuri Bezmenovs job

hey brazil. I hate that its almost always hot there and you have no mountains. Thats two of the many many reasons why I hate India.

With your U$ 380 monthly income... you will be just fine here...

U$ 170 = flat
U$ 38 = Mobile and home internet
U$ 18 = Electicity + Water supply

And the rest to eat, drink, buy some shits, etc...

Then Chile would bne second world too no? (socialist fucking government)

it's because they're in NATO. the 1st/2nd/3rd world is a cold war thing
1st = USA/europe/etc and allies
2nd = commies
3rd world is anyone unrelated

I live in 3rd world shithole but i live like 1st world. I am welcome here?

I had a Nepalese classmate, I thought he was Chinese at first.

He would cus out
for the littlest shit... he ended up dropping out of the class, it was first year physics lol

>how much does she charge?
Every bitch got a price, I'd say an all expenses paid trip to dubai for her and her friends 10 G's up front.

It literally is her IG, i write sauce for most of the chicas in my babes folder. She's brazilian

I miss mountains too. There are so few here in Brazil. Does it snow where you live?

Thanks. I'll look more carefully and hopefully find a better job, let's see how it goes. :)

Panama is one of the better central american countries tbqh

I can affirm that

Yes we can also Spanish can ne?

It's fantastic. The food's pretty good... it's almost worth the used diapers in the gutter and the old ladies being beaten and robbed.