protip: you cant
Tell my just one reason why Ukraine shouldn't get splitted by Poland and Russia?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because giving Lvov and a part of Ivano-Frankovsk oblast to Poland and the rest to the rightful owner - Russia, is hardly "splitting", as that implies roughly equal parts.
Lvov is not Polish anymore. Clay does not hold memory.
But yes, OP, Ukraine should be annexed by Russia. There is no such thing as a Ukrainian. They are just Russians that NATO wants to keep segregated.
Dividing the triune Russian nation is one of the greatest crimes of the jews and the rest of the commies.
The different Chinese languages are mutually unintelligible and much more different than Ukrainian and Russian but that does not prevent the Chinese to remember that they are one people.
There are more differences between some German dialects than between Russian and Ukrainian and Belorussian.
>Calling a polnized russian dialect a language
Typical shittypedia
Also stay out of European affairs ,straya , you know shit , keep to your abos down under
Poles literaly built Lwów
It is ours.
Germans literally built Danzig
It is theirs.
Fuck. Is 'garia russkies greatest ally?
Totally true.
That's why this Hohol shits triggers me so much.
I see the parallel to Germany and therefore the whole ridiculousness of it.
It's like the native cologne people claiming to be a separate ethnicity only on account of their dialect being unintelligible from the "normal" German language and geographical distance from Berlin
"Muh muscovite" " Muh Berliner"
We wuz ethnic kölsche " " we wuz hohols"
"We wuznt dem fucken russian"
Fuck off you are bastardized Russians who lived to long under the eternal Polak
Indeed, Germany is a good parallel.
Imagine if Hitler was a follower of the Ukrainian School of Nazism:
- Instead of uniting Austria and Germany, he would declare them to be completely separate and ethnically, historically and linguistically unrelated entities. He would proclaim Germany to be the biggest enemy of Austria, the Germans - good for nothing Baltic rape babies, backwards barbarians. The mission of Austria would be to defeat and stop the Berliner cancer from spreading around the world.
- Instead of fighting the Jews he will openly give them control over everything, and also invite a few unrelated foreigners from remote countries to complete this patriotic reform.
- Instead of putting the economy back on its feet he would re-create a new Weimar republic in Austria even while Germany tries to put those days forever behind.
- At least he would not invade the USSR, instead doing everything possible for Austria to join it, all the while claiming that he is totally against it.
Daily reminder Kosovo is Serbia
because we want our share too
Make Lwów Great Again.
You mean Stanisławów?
This. Take back the Danube and Ister.
i think northern serbia should first be given to hungary
Oh come on think of slovakbros a bit, we also had our share in that land before hitler fucked it all up
> tfw poor ruthenians dwelling on our boarderlines for a century still waiting for their own piece of land
They're good people, not like ukranian gopniks
>Clay does not hold memory.
Of course it does. That's why khokhols are afraid of restitution so much.
>Tell my just one reason why Serbia shouldn't get splitted by Bosnia and Bulgaria?
protip: you cant
>talking trash about someone else's backyard
>"does not prevent the Chinese to remember that they are one people."
>Implying there aren't huge cultural conflicts in China that are kept in check due to fear.
>Tell me why shouldn't Ukraine be split between Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Russia
Fixed that for you.
There are 500k romanians still stuck in Urine since Stalin stole our land.
This is why we joined the war.
See that shit? Look at those numbers.
Take back Bukowina too while you're at it.
What about Romania?
They have our clay.
Because Ukraine was never a country in the first place
Fuck off.
I'm glad the Polack has it. Its better in the hands of a someone who isn't a Cuck. It would be Islamabad by now
Because Poland can't and Russia doesn't want to.
lwów never will be great again, even as a polish city. what made lwów great in that time were polish jews. sorry husar, you cannot hate jews and post ulam pictures, that's dddddddd
>Tell my just one reason why poland shouldn't get splitted by Germany and Russia?
Poles and Ukrainians are not enemies. Or at least we shouldn't be.
We may dislike each other but Intermarium is still the optimal solution for Central Europe.
It is the only way to preserve our independence.
>Implying there aren't huge cultural conflicts in China that are kept in check due to fear.
There really aren't.
The Uyghurs may cause trouble but I am talking about the Han, who are 91% of the population and who speak mutually unintelligible local languages along with standard Mandarin even though they are the same people
Because while we could probably manage the incredible infrastructure investment it'll take to put them on our shitty level, it's also full of hohols.
And we can't just lol genocide them all. They need to be somehow integrated or something.
And that's too expensive.
It'd be of course cheaper to just kill them all, but that's not okay with the EU and so on for some reason.
Germany doesn't deserve it anymore. :^)
just like "Macedonian"
>And we can't just lol genocide them all.
You would probably get genocid'd yourself, Kurwa.
History likes to repeat itself
I don't hate jews who are civic patriots and pro-state. And don't be so smartass.
>Germany looks like a man with open mouth
>USSR has its balls sucked by German mouth
Oh wait, you said "should NOT"
but lets make an analogy here. if Poland decides to take lviv or what ever you call it whats stopping germany from taking back breslau?
Give me one good reason why Serbia shouldn't be split between Austria and Turkey.
Because Poland is not a meme country.
It doesn't work like that. Getting bonked by bandera shits while we're busy getting mauled by Germans too is somewhat different than rounding up the hohols in Województwo Lwowskie and shipping them to Auschwitz's grand reopening.
Our army i guess?
> opinions as edgy as his flag itself
>if Poland decides to take lviv
>implying Polish military can take Lvov
Seriously..what the fuck am i reading? Even considering that 50% of Ukrainians are in Donbass right now, Poland still wouldn't be able to do this
is that the most banderist nazi part of ukraine or is that lwow?
divide et empera
fuckin ur mum's comans mostera
polish military is fifth in europe afair.
Polish military is not bad, but nearly not as enough needed to take on Ukraine.
People have wrong opinion on Ukraine because of their defeats in Donbass, but i want to remind you that 1 and 2 AK of DPR and LPR are as strong as most European armies.
They have more tanks than Germany
lets be honest here when Germany deicdes to go Reich mode and kick out the mudslimes you guys wouldn't stand a chance
What banderist ? If it's poland it should be full Polish? r-right?
Sadly it's never going to happen because Germans are fucked in the head.
Instead they will practice with broomsticks instead of rifles and sell spare Leo parts to Turkey.
This tread lacks the stories of banders going from house to house killing off children using methods like
> lets nail that 9yo kids tounge on the front door, beat him and make him die of hunger and pain while all he can do is howl over his mothers dead raped body
Yay, nationalism at its finest. You gotta love ukrainians.
Ukraine is like a buffer state for Poland that acts as cannon fodder against Russia. It's the rightful place of hohols and their only goal in life, to die fighting for their Polish masters.
>Germany deicdes to go Reich mode
Nice joke. Polish army is probably stronger than current Bundeswehr
If / when yeah sure, I wouldn't bet my money on that.
Friendly reminder that we should have no more brother wars in Europe or elsewhere if the White race is going to survive.
So cool off.
Ukraine should be annexed but only after they remember who they really are.
As for Donbass, it's the people there who are defending themselves from an illegitimate jewish government.
then why ukraine can not use all of her power to fight back donbass? i dont understand.
Turkbulgar roach please. Shut up you dirty scum.
and hungary too you moron we want transcarpathia
Just like in 1939
Because Donbass/Luhansk have the heavy equipment.
why would anyone want to separate from such nice people
btw everyone here is always like oh serbs suck russian cocks
serbia does not recognize the annexation of crimea
I was talking to white people, not you.
Ukraine is using all of its firepower in Donbass. Proofs :
The thing is that DPR and LPR have very large and strong armed forces thanks to Russian supplies, they have legitimately bigger armies than most of Europe does. Ukraine can't handle this alone.
All I know is that these cities are Polish.
Commies expelled all Poles and brought ukrainian bydlo in.
I mean this country is just overall a commie abomination, a patchwork of all kind of regions.
the precedent it would put I guess
>It's the rightful place of hohols and their only goal in life is to die purging Poles for their Russian masters
The thing about donbass as i understand it is that those locals actually wanted to liberate themselves from ukrainian corrupted government while not really wishing to join russia either.
But of course in the whole media ruckus this somehow got completely forgotten.
>If it's poland it should be full Polish?
Say thanks to commies, khokhol.
>A balkanjew calling a superior a Turk.
I've seen your people, indistinguishable from Jews. Same frog eyed , hook nosed , pitch black curly hair jids. So.Fuck off faggot. You got nothing on Bulgars
I believed this faggot, for some reason, until found a post VK about this woman.
Eternal Seba trying to fool us again. Poor kids though.
Because they need to suffer for their betrayal. Euromaidan is a terrorist movement with a Nazi ideology but none of the good things from Natsoc. It originally stems from a pathetic rebellion built by a Hitler-worshipping cuck who was nothing but a useful idiot to the Nazis. They literally only let they guy our of the death camps so his ideology could give the Soviets trouble.
Now this ideology resurged in the hope of betraying the country that feeds them with the intent of instead begging for welfare from the EU.
They tortured an killed many Russians on their territory and nearly started World War III. Why? Because they wanted to play Syrian refugee and get European gibmedats.
If they are bailed out by Poland and Russia then they will never experience the consequences of their cancerous ideology.
German roach education at its finest.
what's Georgia going to do when Russia comes for it again?
wow, great clips. thanks user
We don't want Ukrainian nationalists.
The deputy chairman of our parlament who serves as a useful court jester (goverment uses him to voice outlandish proposals, if people like it if often gets implemented) sent Poles an official proposal and they not only rejected it but were offended by it, they're too cucked to get their territory back and want to be friends with goverment who praises UPA.
You must like this clip
> Say thanks to commies, khokhol.
It's should be part of UPR in early 20-30s if not commies came, same as the different Ukraine I will never see.
That's because EU cock is ever so tasty.
Nothing we can do. Sadly commies did not leave us big army like Ukraine received and we are 3.5 million nation, we can't stop Russians.
If they come and take us nothing can stop them
zhyrinowsky is troll, nobody takes him seriously here.
at least you live in the mountains were its easy to defend.
Its easy to defend our capital city, because there is only one small entrance which is trap for any military column.
But Russians can easily divide Georgia into 2 parts, they are 500 meters from main highway connecting country.
Not when South Ossetia and Abkhazia literally nullify them by opening up passages though
Because Ukrainians don't want to be part of Russia or Poland. If they did, then there would be no Ukraine in the first place.
>Germany is diverse
>you will never witness a meeting between Zhirinovsky and Janusz Korwin-Mikke for the partition of the Ukraine
Don't worry, you'll get to the same level soon enough
It'll come down to your government having the choice to take 'refugees' or getting fucked economically
Nobody knows what "Ukrainians" want anymore.
It's not like they were anything more than our far eastern province before.
In fact it's the opposite, they rebelled because they wanted to join Russia and they thought it's going to be fast and easy Crimea-style but for unknown reasons Russian government refused to accept them as part of Russia and instead turned their region into a warzone.
Nobody wanted to live in statelets (not even recognized by Russia) like DPR and LPR, I think many of them are angry at Russia right now but still have hopes that Russia accepts them one day.
A lot of them actually do though. It was the USSR decision to cave to the nationalist minority and make Ukraine what it is. The people actually hated it especially in Crimea and the east of the country bit I'm sure Poles would've preferred to return to Poland too.
It's fairly simple really, Russia doesn't want to turn this proxy war into an actual war by annexing DPR and LPR.
Don't forget about the amount of germans with australian permanent visa :^)
Well it's obviously in Russia's interest to keep the conflict going until the odds are decisively in Russia's favor and they're creeping in that direction again but I do find that taking that gamble was indeed very questionable at times.
>I think many of them are angry at Russia
still waiting for miracles
t. lugandon
Russia will never accept them. When Ukraine launched its sleeping military machine and started sending tanks, Russians decided to create buffer zone Abkhazia and South Ossetia style, which will keep Ukraine busy forever.
Ukraine will never be able to take Crimea using military or other forces because they have problems in Donbass right now.
Donbass was perfectly planned by Putin