Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Three million fucking votes

Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Three million fucking votes.

How much will Trump lose the popular vote in 2020 when he doesn't do anything he said he would do?

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Hopefully by a hell of a lot more, watching liberals loose their shit over his flawless stratagy is hilarious.

>3 million voters in one state

Calexit when?


>gets less than 50%
>winner under democracy

there is no such thing as a jewish "person"

>I win by being extremely unpopular and being in the minority of the popular vote

I'm just glad that she-beast was finally vanquished back to the pits of Tartarus.

You can't lose a contest only one person participated in.

I wonder how much you can conceivably lose the popular vote by while still getting 270 electors?

This is just getting sad.

>Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Three million fucking votes.

If I were Trump, I'd investigate voter fraud committed by Hillary.

Everyone knows that the Dems love to resurrect dead people so that they can vote.

Like 23%

Well said anime poster. She's Satan's hellspawn. Pleasure to see her lose.

that explains bill clinton's appearances during the election

>How much will Trump lose the popular vote in 2020

He won´t lose. He´ll easily win it after he executive orders voter-id laws.

#Calexit April 2019. Let's not forget posts like this as we vote California out. We need to plan and organize.

I don't know about you, but I find it good to know that New York and California liberal pussies are being literally worthless in this election.

For people always extremely self-convinced of their superior moral value, being absolutely irrelevant in the outcome of the election, even worse, having this outcome despite their weight, must be infuriating and thus hilarious for us.


Sage this shit stop fucking replying to shills


>Sup Forums btfo bait thread no. 1248534885

literally how are you this pathetic

Potentially by like 30 million. Lets say he loses New York and California without getting a single vote, and wins all the red states by .01%. He'd win the presidency with a fraction of the popular vote.

Reminder Trumplet got less of a percentage than Mittens Romney.

Didn't you hear? Some want CalExit. The exit suffix is getting tiresome. It'll never happen.

>import millions of nonwhite people for decades
>act surprised when the leftists win popular votes

Nonwhites shouldn't be allowed to vote tbqh family.

>Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

sure thing chaim

community college pic? poor white man

Trump will go down in the history books as the least popular president in US history who lost the popular vote by 3 million votes to the first women candidate of a major US party.

Obama won a majority of the vote in 2008 and 2012 and Republifags gave him shit. Why should I give Trump any legitimacy?

> still doubts Donald's abilities.
Try to keep up, bub. Trump wins even when he loses. He's going to get your vote in four years. Screen cap this.

All illegal immigrants


>but I find it good to know that New York and California liberal pussies are being literally worthless in this election.

So is Texas you retard, along with a good percentage of rural Republican shit holes.

>All illegal immigrants

Yes 60 million illegals voted.

Take away California and he wins popular vote. Funny how the state with illegal voting helped her win pop vote.

>He's going to get your vote in four years.

Trump will be lucky if he's elected dog caughter in 4 years.

>Take away California and he wins popular vote.

>See if we take way Democrats, Trump won by an OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!

Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that she won the popular vote but that it was very thinly spread out? Hmm... it's almost as if a few states allowed illegal immigrants to vote and the rest did not...

>I respect the way presidents are picked
>but only if the president I like is picked

>100 more electoral votes
>6 more states
>2 million more votes

>it's almost as if a few states allowed illegal immigrants to vote and the rest did not...

Or you know Trump was the least popular candidate in US history.

>Be illegal
>They got rid of ID laws to increase their chance of winning, and I love them bennies
>A candidate who says he wants to fuck you up appears
>You tell every illegal to vote multiple times because you know it's over if he gets in
There is no voter fraud guise! Popular vote should matter more even though we just fucked up voter ID laws and delegitimised it

>2 million more votes

3 million less votes than Hillary

>Republicans can't win because whites are literally dying out
>oh I know let's bring back jim crow

Prove me wrong.

I didn't speak about the States, but about the people in it. This 3 million margin only exists because there are many many liberals in NY and Cali, the greater proportion of whom doesn't however change the fact that both States are blue.

NY and Cali liberals voted Democrat and had their States vote Democrat at the convention, but what they wanted was to influence the whole country's decision because they felt soooooo entitled to it and because their precious self-righteous existence should be acknowledged beyond their border.

Also, libs are so strong in these States because they are gathered there in huge quantities, and give each other the support and hegemony that makes them feel right, their "safe space" where they are so numerous that they can't find anyone to disagree with them. It's precisely this numeric concentration that made them lose in the general election.

They lost, they're furious, and that's funny.

>Riots failed
>Recounts failed
>Russian hackers narrative failed
>Electoral college sabotage attempt failed

Will you ever give up?

Socialist are pathetic. We live in a Representative Republic

Simple questions. Do you win the World Series by winning every single regular season game?

>be republic
>president is elected using electoral votes
>literally nothing in your constitution about a "popular vote"
>somehow win using this non-existent metric anyways

I fucking hate Californians so much. Ready feeling their despair. Makes me wanna orgasm each time I see meltdown, ranging from Hollywood or fuckface nobody living off the streets Mexico 2.0. I no longer consider California to be a US state.

>We live in a Representative Republic

Considering 90% of public opinion has no impact on Congress and laws being passed the correct term is "oligarch."

Except when you take out Texas, you only take half of Hillary's 8 million in California.

>I win by being extremely popular in the right places and being fully aware of the preset rules of this type of an election

You expect Trump to pick somebody off the street on commerce? He's picking the 'total killers' he promised.

>in the right places

Those right places won't vote for him after seeing four years of his corporate neoliberalism.

Trump appointed Rex Tillerson as SOS, who supports TPP and as SOS it's his job to negotiate trade deals.

It depends of how well the Republican Party manages to make people think their shortcomings and failures this term will be because of the Democrats and because of other countries. If they do a good enough job at this, Trump will win the same way he did these elections.

>You expect Trump to pick somebody off the street on commerce?

You're right we should let rich kikes rule over us like a mafia state.

>will be because of the Democrats

Democrats aren't in power anywhere and everything that's gonna happen over four years is Republicans fault.

>globalized cities, literally the most brutal and unforgiving environment created by humanity
>safe space

Stay retarded

>Only two or three constituents in the entire country should get to dictate the direction everyone else will go in

>Trump will win the same way he did these elections.

Not after he's revealed to be a fraud. I've pointed out several time's he's flipped on EVERYTHING in the last two months.

Why are you so confused? Maybe politics are not for dilettantes?

Guess we should go back to monarchism!

Too bad, TPP is gone. SOS isn't going to be negotiating trade deals you dense fuck


Bringing back jobs isn't neoliberalism

You fucking retard.
The reason we have the elector college system in play is because if we didn't Los Angeles and New York would be the only places needed to be taken in order to win, guess who gets them every year by default?

>give Hillary the blue ribbon
>that's the second place ribbon

>Too bad, TPP is gone ne. SOS isn't going to be negotiating trade deals you dense fuck

Yeah and even worse trade deals are to come under Trump. You know he supports trade deals right faggot? He's said several times. So you got conned faggot.

Can't wait to Trump negotiate horrible fucking trade deals that's a TPP clone and you fags eat it up.

After all he's the "negotiate" who will "make it better"

If you move to abolish the electoral college you have to retool the house of representatives. They were designed to complement each other and the House is too powerful without the counterbalance.


>Bringing back jobs isn't neoliberalism

He's not bringing back jobs faggot. Literally those jobs don't exist anymore and automation is gonna make most US jobs obsolete.

You would literally have to turn America into Vietnam to get back "jobs."

I dont remember cabinet picks having more power than the President itself?

>states carried: 30 + ME02

>The reason we have the elector college system in play is because if we didn't Los Angeles and New York

You're right we should allow Ohio and Florida dictate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The point isn't how accurate it will be, but how well they manage to redirect all criticism to other entities. That's basically how Trump won - by playing the "cool guy who doesn't give a fuck and is NOT a politician" persona, by redirecting all criticism (legitimate or propaganda) toward Hilary and his opponents overall (including within the Republican party), and by winning the heart of white Americans while Hilary was too busy trying to get minorities.

A "we couldn't get this done because of policies Obama put into the constitution" here, a "it's hard for us to get that done because of Country XYZ's awful anti-American policies" there, and with some skill they'll keep the popularity they have among white Americans, which is what made them win these elections in the first place.

Yes a lot less people live in rural shit holes.

>I dont remember cabinet picks having more power than the President itself?

Are you stupid? Cabinet picks are very powerful because the president can't micro manage every cabinet in the US government you stupid fuck. Appointing literal CEO oligarchs to rule us is the definition of retarded.

If the economy does well and he doesn't start a ground war, he'll serve a second term. It's pretty standard. Even Obummer got a second term, despite being a failure on every level in his first.

Democrats will probably pick someone totally unlikeable, or simply commit seppuku and let Hillary try again.

>he supports trade deals right

HAAHAHAHAHAH I know you shills are retarded

I'm confused. Do you not understand how our election works or are we larping?

>If the economy does well

SS gone, medicare gone, Obamacare gone, regulation on wallstreet gone. Massive tax cuts for the wealthy. Increase in military spending.

Austerity for welfare state. (what little we have let)

Yeah shit's getting worse.

>and he doesn't start a ground war,

He's a JEWISH COCKSUCKING FAGGOT when it comes to Israel and Iran and appointed literal neocons to his cabinet. BUT ITS OK BECAUSE TRUMP DID IT

Oh, so now you dislike both a simple democracy and a representative republic.

How far left do you want to take it before you feel you can hang an intelligentsia puppet into leadership role? Politburo filled with hand selected elites?

>HAAHAHAHAHAH I know you shills are retarded

Look at this gook faggot. Guess english isn't your first language chink?

>Trump calls for trade deals with individual countries

just saying

>Yeah shit's getting worse.

wew calm down there lad, you seem a little incensed

perhaps consider Zoloft.

Unless you can name one thing bad about his picks other than muh rich kikes I'll take you seriously

>Implying that Hillary will see 2020


Seriously, why are all these lefty shills crawling out of the woordwork now? Don't they realise that they've already lost? This is pointless.

Go back to /r/the_donald to talk about how much you love Israel.

Only a few more days a Trump will take a giant shit on bathhouse Barry's "legacy".

Hillary lost.. quit crying. Then again, she lost to a shit talking reality tv star, so maybe you should continue sobbing uncontrollably. Hahhhahahhaa

>what do your tea leaves say about Brexit?

>4 million people voted for Trump in Commiefornia
That's actually fairly impressive desu.

What is the problem with free and fair trade?

Expressing jealousy over the wealth of others just makes you come off as a commie, Pablo.

I hate Israel and Zionism. You are simply rushing to attack me like I am some Trump supporter. I'm not. I'm just being realistic.

It is still in our strategic interests to remain their allies, I just wish we would stop subsidizing their bullshit. Let Germany fund their wars if she wants to.


How much will Hillary lose by in 2020?

>all of them

>Unless you can name one thing bad about his picks other than muh rich kikes I'll take you seriously

Trump's labor pick said illegals and robots should replace american works and abolish the minimum wage.

Trump's energy pick is Rick Perry, who sits on the Dakota Access Pipeline Company Board

Trump's SOS pick is a globalist CEO of Exxon Mobile, the country that is the sole reason we are in the middle east, has various connections to oligarchs around the world, is pro-carbon taxes, pro-TPP, pro-common core, endorsed Jeb Bush.

Trump's Education pick is Betty DeVos, billionaire of the powerful DeVos family. She was one of Jeb's prime picks for Education and supports abolishing public education and handing public tax payer money to charter schools that teach creationism. Brother is Erik Prince, founder of blackwater.

Refute this faggot.

Trump and Hillary both are shit. Its like celebrating a turd beat a fungus infected mouse corpse.