WTF has been debunked with pizzagate? NOTHING

Exactly WHAT has been debunked?

Not a single thing about Pizzagate has been debunked.

To debunk ANYTHING you would need to explain those Podesta emails and so on.

What a farce of a site Wikipedia is, and it is even asking for donations claiming that it is independent and free of all attempts from the government to censor data.

What a farce this is.

Once again I ask you people - What has been debunked?

Pizzagate is the ongoing investigation into a child sex ring involving the Washington 'elite', if you will. It has little to do with comet ping pong, which may or may not have been used a few times for malicious purposes. Pizzagate is about the Clinton Foundation and connected persons/parties over in Haiti mainly. This is an ongoing civil investigation. Nothing has been debunked, how DARE Wikipedia claim such tripe.

It is clear that Wikipedia is compromised and non neutral.

Other urls found in this thread:ît_de_Bonvoisin

>banned 8 times on Wikipedia's talk section for posting this OP.

we know this, but mods are being fags about pizzagate and delete discussion about it here. gotta go to endchan



There are 2 fucking shill moderators deleting all discussions about validity of pizzagate.

>I motion we uproot them.
>Post something about pizzagate being true.
>They will reveal themselves.

Who are the kids on those pictures?
Show where they are now.
Who are the parents?

It is obvious pedophilia is rampant in elite circles all over the world

Look how biased this shit is.

>washington post
>NY times

These people are all connected to the ring.
They all report it as fake news.
All CEO's have already been named.
>This shit must end.
>Drain the swamp!
The last Assange interview was CGI/Digital.
Assange is still missing.

I wouldn't worry too much about this. It will just fuel investigation. You can't do anything other than independent investigation before Trump gets into office anyway. What normies read in MSM literally makes no difference right now.

Pretty sure that gif is the result of editing mate, Which does not conclude that Assagne is dead.

As for pizzagate there was no "evidence" just some weird ass people doing weird ass things. The best "evidence" are some emails that are too vague to really get any source of meaning.

of course its been debunked, goy.

cnn said so

Bumping for truth and dumping links:

Stop being a shill.
It's not fucking editing.
It is clearly CGI/Digital.

For over 15 years Disney has been able to create digital replicas that pass for real humans.
Imagine what NSA has.
>All evidence here.
>All shills crushed.

If Assange thought there was any doubt about the legitimacy and security of Wikileaks he would appear on the balcony immediately. He may not be dead, but hes missing.

the string to pull is haiti, the women that got caught and her legal counselor, they are all dirty

I just found some new pizzagate rabbit hole that hasn't been talked about, as far as I can tell... I don't know where else to share this, but someone at VOAT please put this over there?

Electiononline .... a website that is run by the same "woman" that made bucks fishing AND CPP

Nice picture found on their twitter page. Definitely some weird occult shit to look in to on this side

>Marina Abramovich

Another fucking weird picture.

Peter Beard is connected to her, that guy is something strange altogether. Lots of death and decay on his "art" pages

>The real assange leaks was pics and vids of politicians in the act with kids - with emails and so on.

>After Assange was captured and CIA took over wikileaks they said they have a new leak.
>They said "CIA CREATED ISIS".
Snowden already said this in 2012 however.
What a joke.
Didn't work the first time, so they tried to leak it again.
>People ignored Snowdens CIA revelation you see.

Assange said "I have evidence that will put Hillary Clinton in prison".

The real leak was pedophile proof.
Not some bullshit pre leaked CIA created ISIS nonsense.
>Assange is missing, or dead.
>Assange if alive is compromised.
>It's possible an actor is playing Assange.

Any voice specialist can replicate Assanges voice.
>That radio interview is bullshit also.

Yeah some goofy stuff to get the interest started

How the hell old is that chick, damn... like she's feeding on blood of innocents to sustain her life

>Remember what FBIanon said.
"Focus on the Clinton Foundation".

All other stories and bullshit is not real most likely and will be a CIA psyop to spread misinformation and confuse the public.

>Wikipedia claims that pizzagate is the debunked theory that a pizzashop is used as a front for a child sex ring.

What a load of shit.

>Pizzagate is all about Podesta emails, the fact that pizza is code, and that Hillaries Clinton Foundation is basically a child trafficking rings major organization.

I know it's all true famalan and I haven't forgotten.
But they're burying it. And right now it seems to be working. I feel a bit overwhelmed and desperate, imagine all the sick fucks living in Europe in peace. We only know about podesta and Alefantis thanks to the e-mails, but europe is one of the largest destinations for traffick and sextrade.

They'll answer for their actions in hell, that is one thing is certain.

The real story is in HAITI.
Not the Pizzashop in Washington which may or may not have a basement.

I also dont get why noone is talking about JA. Its fucking obvious he is missing.
My bet is (((they))) ascribe a much greater danger to Sup Forums after Trump won (lel) and have stepped up their sliding.
Slidingt threads about race, ukraine and all the shit one would think Sup Forums is about after lurking for an entirity of 20 mins.

#FollowTheMoney #FollowTheChildren

world governments buy intel, favor and children (for sex) from the clinton foundation

we know Saudi Princes love their child prostitutes. fresh from the Clinton Foundation

>Hell is not a real place.
Justice must be served here on Earth.

>Owner of paypal banning pizzagate researchers accounts.
>Owner admits he believes childs blood will keep him young.

they're vampires

If this is as massive as we all think, then it is not a stretch that Trump may feel threatened and needs to get credible information into the public sphere as an insurance policy.

Let's face it: He doesn't trust the CIA. He doesn't trust the Secret Service. It looks like he doesn't want to stay at the White House and he doesn't want to travel on Air Force One. He's appointed 3 Generals to key positions in his cabinet. There are so many indicators that this may go down like we all hope it does.

After wikileaks was compromised, the podesta emails gained new ones that were 2006 and earlier.

Before that the oldest e-mail was 4 may 2007, one day after the disappearance of madeleine mccann. Check it.

Ps. OP pizzagate has not been debunked but there are 8 or so leads which have been debunked. For more info see

Do you guys think Trump knows / gives a shit about wikileaks and JA being compromised?

It's not working. Just look at the young turks pizzagate video. Nobody buying it in the comments. Half voted down. And they don't even dare mention the photos of jimmy comet (alefantis) or joshua, who worked there as a barman and drag performer/dj.

Just getting people to see these images will help convince some.

More youtube videos, particularly level headed ones as david seaman. Videos examining joe rogan pizzagate stuff, where someone instantly goes full narrative without strong reason. It has to be rediculed.

Alefantis is the ex of Brock, CEO of correct the record, so there's a lot of shilling and boy did I see a lot of shilling. Don't give up. Don't let these fuckers convince you that people won't buy this. Hillary didn't have a giant lead and pizzagate isn't dead. Googletrends shows it's only been growing.

I think he's more worried about consolidating power first. He hasn't really been pro whistleblower.

Need more evidence these wealthy freaks are anything more than parasites?

>Exactly WHAT has been debunked?

Exactly what has been proven?

Isn't Vox Day starting an alternative online encyclopedia to counter wikipedia's leftism soon?

>this psyop again
Its another episode of "the internet hits the newfag like a sack of bricks"

Read Podestas emails then explain them to me? What elite grown man needs "pizza for an hour" while his wife is gone?

>1 post by this ID

Proof that paypal accounts were blocked?

They got away with it man, it's over.

They control the dissemination of information and judicial system.

They've won this battle

Assange is kill.

There is a load of shit yet to be discovered

dont let it go lads



the shilling is real folks.

the scary part is that no body outside us will believe this until it hits fox news....don't hold your breath

Plenty of Trump people on twitter believe.







Voat is still buzzing about pizza and of course there is steemit.

Currently there is mumblings about the Dyncorp connection being modded on v/pizzagate
Video accuses Clinton helping cover up for Dyncorp. Dyncorp known to pay adolescents for lap dances.

debunked where?

Mods are fucking faggots if they are actually censoring these threads, it's a child pedophile ring you candy eating pimply fucking mod and we're trying to expose it

How does that indicate anything sinister. Of course guy should go in exile. Common joke.

Internet was a mistake

I hope you all have seen this tweet from Donald.


RIP Assange. A leading hero amongst cowards.

Anyone saying he's NOT dead is a bot/shill/spook.

Assange knows his livelihood depends on having people believe in him and what he stands for.... he wouldn't just turn his back and say "uh yeah, can't come prove I'm alive. Oh and embassy cat will post a picture. Actually no, no more embassy cat either. But everything is fine, nothing to see here."

Poor Assange... ugh

The reason it won't work is because for any operation like this to work you need three things:
1 Research
2 Men doing groundwork
3 Cash

We got exactly one out of three.
Maybe funds could be raised but getting sufficient physical force is near impossible.

David Seaman is an idiot. Please stop sourcing him if you want to be taken seriously... he is already discrediting anything he is associated with in the crypto community because his reputation is that bad.

Patience anons, justice is coming. Justice is in the air cause we see and feel their fear. In the first 100 days ...

Be careful not to underestimate Sup Forums. There are powerful people here, some friendly, some not.

It's fucking pathetic.
There is nothing to debunk because nothing specific has ever been established in the first place. This feels like someone created a time waster.
Way worse is all you faggots who staunchly believe in it, yet you don't do anything about it.

Denouncing the horrors of organized corruption and a system that encourages lying, it's something.

Now if you want us to go and jail somebody...ît_de_Bonvoisin

deep rabbit hole here i have just scratched

Eat $50k lmao kikes

I am denouncing that, too.
And I do believe in secret pedo rings. Is this one of them? I don't know, would be pretty dumb to be this blatant about it.

If people were as shocked by it as they say, more than one guy with a gun would have tried to investigate this at all cost.

Lid on this got open very fats and publicaly.

After the releasing of the emails, they had all the time in the world to hide the traces, but they ouldn't hide the suspicious behavior they got so far.

They avoided problems, and were helped by influencial people on the only account that they had pizza, that's very strange.


Sure hope you're right.

> blatant

'Cocky' is the word you are looking for.

Pizzagate is 100% unadulterated bullshit. Any remotely intelligent organism can tell that it's a joke that got way out of hand because people like you faggots started LARPing too hard.

Honestly, pizzagate was the moment that I stopped taking Sup Forums with any degree of seriousness. Your behavior made me reevaluate my political beliefs and I realized that conservatives truly are the dumbest creatures on the planet. I'm now a moderate liberal and in 2020 I'm voting for whatever democrat is not Donald Trump.


your opinion is 100% unadulterated bullshit.
define what you think "pizzagate" is fool

I can honestly say that I know pizzagate is legit.
If you're so certain that it's bullshit then why not have an investigation?
It would be a simple task to dispel the whole thing but there hasn't been any attempt at actually clearing things up. Just lies and cover ups.
CIA needs to be disbanded and agents need to be arrested.


They hope to shut it down by saying "it's been debunk okay? Look at all these outlets that debunked it" and every claim to debunk it is something like "they said they keep children in the basement but the restaurant has no basement xD DEBUNKED NAZIS BTFO"

Then go away and let people who aren't asleep deal with this.

scary part? msm is so dismissive of pedo charges, towards people who openly flaunt obvious fetishes towards it.

see how msm jumps on attacks towards trump by women with virtually no proof who then disappear after the election, but they DISMISS COMPLETELY pedo accusations towards nameless creeps?

very strange indeed.

thank god for geeks with too much time on their hands

Shut up faggot shill.
No one cares who you vote for or what you do not believe. This is not a conservative board you fucking retard.

At least that way you know they not only care about ratings.

Saviors of mankind.

Never change.

Pizzagate is a retarded attempt to discredit democrats by baselessly accusing them of operating a a pedophile ring. It's mostly believed by people who have voted for Donald Trump and have an IQ lower than their height in inches.

It's been dispelled multiple times. You just refuse to believe it because every time it happens you say "Oh well I'm not going to listen to (((((((them)))))))" and continue your retardation streak. You actually reinforce my position with your statement that the CIA needs to be disbanded.

Are you really truly so fucking dumb that you think the entire CIA should be dismantled because they're part of a giant coverup to let high-level democrats fuck children? Go to a counselor dude.

>It's been dispelled multiple times.
No it hasn't
I've been paying attention.
They say it's been dispelled while providing nothing to back it up.
There was never an investigation.
It can't be dispelled without one.

>attempt to discredit abloobloo


>mostly believed by abloobloo ahurrdurr fart

Try being less obvious, pedo.

Probable cause.

Plus many minor violations that are suspiciously overlooked.

Grand piano will fall on you pedo. Digits confirm.

Where's assange ;-;
Has wikileaks really been compromised?
I'm scared

Pizzagate in a nutshell:

Things that are being seen out of context are being taken out of context.


>retarded attempt to discredit democrats
so it is a conspiracy involving russia, trump, republicans, and autists on Sup Forums to discredit a lying criminal, and it worked because the average voter is dumb as a rock?
You have earned yourself a tinfoil hat sir, well played.

I hereby accuse a transvestite seven-penised giant squid of secretly running a heroin distribution network out of Chuckie Cheese's ballpit. The entire thing is a headed my Nigel Farage and Nigel Thornberry, and the Wild Thornberries has a secret code in it to let handlers know where to send children to pick up the heroin.

Do you why no one is going to investigate my accusation? Because it's fucking retarded. Just like your accusation that high profile democrats use the freezer in a pizza joint to torture and rape children.

The problem isn't that they haven't investigated it, it's that there's nothing to investigate because it's such ridiculous bullshit. Luckily for you, journalists are willing to stoop to your level and have looked into it and concluded that pizzagate is pure fiction. It can be dispelled without one because it's so fucking retarded that they're no point wasting taxpayer dollars on your schizophrenic delusions.

You are acting like a nigger. Please compare yourself before you attempt to rejoin the discussion.

That means less than nothing. There is no probable cause you dumb faggot.

The opponents of this aren't pedos, the people parrotting the claims are. You're all projecting your sick fantasies onto the world and so desperately wanting your fetish dreams to be true that you start to believe them.

Sure hope it doesn't go like fucking Conservapedia...

It's too stupid to be debunked

Investigate and it'll all be over.
There won't be an investigation because it is legit and big names are involved.
Any other place would be investigated to put it all to rest.
You can't tell me that it's untrue because I'm "fortunate" enough to know for myself.

comet pizza is a fucking distraction you idiots, and you all ate it up like fucking cake. you CANNOT stop what is happening. read the bible and learn. revelations is a metaphor and i see it become reality more and more each day. prepare for the worst anons, its coming and worrying about the pedo elites wont prepare you one bit.

you just realized wikipedia is a biased pile of shit?

i will never donate a cent to that shitty website


You have to go back to hell, James.