You know.. he has a point...
You know.. he has a point
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People are living 50 years longer than that.
I know this is a bait but retarded millennials need to understand that people usually die around 85+
Also you shouldn't be allowed to vote until you're 21 and that's coming from a 20yo
the left trying to remove right votes again
and a useful idiot supporting them
and a queer original poster saying they have a point!
tell me something new
Young whites shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Because it's not their future :^)
maybe it's for the better?
>people who built the world and have exponentially more knowledge and experience than I have shouldn't be allowed to vote because they don't vote for my candidate
Really gets the ol' neurons firing.
>Nobody under 150 IQ should be allowed to vote because they do not understand politics
>Nobody who is on welfare shouldnt be allowed to vote because they do not pay taxes and such do not contribute to society
>Nobody under 30 should be allowed to vote because they are too immature
they also vote for ponzi scheme pensions which are a conflict of interest.
>older, more experienced people shouldn't be allowed to vote
fuck off
Or maybe respect your elders you piece of trash
People in jail or on benefits/ not pating tax should be banned
this is coming from brexit
where if you were old enough to have experienced Britain without the EU.
then statistically speaking you would vote for brexit.
>Older people don't care about the youth
>you die shortly after 65
>18 year old are more intelligent and have more life experience than 65 year old
the establishment is just so assblasted they lost
>generation after the SJW cucks are super conservative
>but you pass the no votes after 65 laws
>at 66 the younger generations pass laws to incinerate all leftist elderly people
>What Sean said about the Referendum is 100% true and I agree completely. My aunt wanted to vote out, but she asked me what I thought (which was in) because she knew it wouldn't effect her as much as it would effect me and my generation. It's a shame 50% of the country are such morons. Europe here I come!
It seems like this could catch on.
Why do we even vote anyway? What makes the new people know better for us than the old people?
Only the president should vote.
>shouldn't be allowed to vote until you're 21
>I can go fight and die for my country but I cant pick my politician
old people are problematic because they have heard all the lies before.
>wise people can't vote to make the world a better place for their offsprings
Yeah, that's stupid.
What about a 64 year old?
seems more like the problem is that stupid people are allowed to vote regardless of age
using that logic we should let kindergartners vote since its their future more than anyone elses. christ leftists are morons.
>people over 65 without children shouldn't be allowed to vote
I think that seems fair.
he goes onto say children as young as 10 should be allowed to vote.
People agree.
Shitskins shouldn't be allowed to vote, it's not their tax dollars.
I honestly think people should not be allowed to vote till they have a job.
What if the reason why they don't have a job is because of a shitty government?
I would go further and say until they're paying taxes.
Actually, lets make it so that only people who have children are allowed to vote, since everyone else has no stake in the future anyway.
Think of the children.
>pay taxes your whole life
>become 65
>sorry but your opinion isn't needed anymore
>but you still have to pay taxes
Sure thing user.
Just take away voting rights from criminals and NEETs, more problems will be solved that way.
Nice b8 but I'm triggered.
They are suggesting that people that spent their lives working and living in a country should not be able to have a word on where the country is going to go ?
If these people don't want other people to decide for them they should jump from a bridge, like this they will be in charge of fucking up their lives like they want to be.
Okay. How about when they are finished education?
Its just shit that retarded children have a say in how tax money is spent when they might be a whole decade away from ever contributing.
There is a push to lower the voting age because these teenage voters are so naive.
we should have to earn our vote by paying taxes or military service.
those OLD
should just spend their last 15 years in the cuck shed yeah!!!
over 65's have had their chance. They've had 40+ years to have your opinion heard and shape the country. it's someone else's turn to fix your country's problems.
>military service.
Starship troopers was not a well thought out book. I feel for the guy. Soldiers who risk their lives do deserve more respect but the system he suggested would be too open to abuse.
Also note I said "risk their lives". Most NATO and US soldiers deserve no respect.
We need to get dumb people saying this in public and on twitter.
You can't drink or smoke in America.
Progressive here. This is a shitty bait. I'd say older people care more about the future in general as they are facing a death soon and will think about their legacy while a lot of young people are more concerned with enjoying life, some even have this "live fast, die young" thing going with hedonism.
People love scapegoating old people once stats come out about their voting patterns but frankly I think it's less about old people being greedy fucks not thinking about their future and more about party loyalty or just different political principles.
This is a general problem with democracy when you place the power in hand of everyone especially when the choices they are voting on are usually weird slightly off-center variations of eachother that it becomes really hard for people to discern if it matters or not so we have a political climate where your political opinion is this very subjective and muddy thing mostly decided by the types of people you are trying to appeal to or very vague ideals.
>Man who just turned 66 the day before is no longer allowed to vote thanks to these people
These people are so idiotic, especially since people are living longer and longer every year
>finish education
We burgers don't get free college, you are asking us to pay 40k and to sign up for conscription to vote for puppets.
I'd rather not have a say at that point
Immigrants shouldn't be able to vote.
They are new to the country, they doesn't understand it's culture and politics.
Atleast 3 generations of grandparents born in the country should be needed to be able to vote.
That should make it more fair so the elders can pass down knowledge about the country on the younger generations.
in that case noone should be allowed to vote kek
No you can finish education after high school. I mean you cant be in education. If you arnt in education you are considered to be available for work.
Which is the compromise between "only people with jobs should vote" and "hey thats not fair!"
Honestly, only taxpayers should be allowed to vote. If you're a student you go fuck yourself. You do not live in the real world.
people who don't pay taxes shouldn't have the right to vote because it's not their money
But they're still severely retarded when they finish education. Good grades doesn't necessarily mean intelligent persons; I've known some proper fuckwits who finished with great GCSEs and A Levels. One "guy" I knew was the most annoying and flamboyant, Beyonce-obsessed faggot with earings and makeup and a stupid fucking braced grin all the time, would not stfu in lesson, had some of the stupidest opinions I'd ever fucking heard in my life.
My favourite one being "Why would you vote to leave the EU? What if there's an anti-gay government here, I want Europe to be in control so that doesn't happen". Lemme tell you user, the strength it took to hold back on that is unmatched.
>Old people aren't allowed to vote for the future of their children and grandchildren
That reminds me, how was Screenwipe this year?
Was it Brooker shitting on everything as usual, or the same tired butthurt?
Nothing is physically preventing someone less than 21 from doing those activities.
Every time a progressive suggests banning old people form the vote for the reasons related to OP, I agree with the principle and also suggest the vote should be restricted to people with children, because if you don't have children, it's not your future either.
kek has blessed us
>Nobody under 25 should be allowed to vote either since they don't have a fucking clue how the economy works and are still sucking the government's teat either knowingly or otherwise.
Successive doubles. Kek favours us indeed.
>mfw as a teen I was apolitical and loved comedy and watching panel shows and stand up.
>Now can't enjoy it because its full of pseudo intellectual left wingers and even those I used to like in now see are just leftist shills.
Shite desu
>Nobody should be allowed to have an abortion.
>'Cause it's not their future.
We cant limit the rights of people to vote. No one would agree to it. I just want to delay some people.
People should not vote till they have a stake in society. They have a stake in society once they begin to contribute to it. That contribution starts when they begin working and paying taxes, after education.
If your parents pay for your college you dont get to vote. If you take out a huge loan to go I guess you would have to let those people since they are now financially commited to society.
I realise a huge amount of people in the US take out loans for college and then fail at life.
He is now pro immigration as well as butthurt at everything.
Nobody under 55 should be allowed to vote, because they haven't live
long enough to know any better.
You're telling that people live about 115 years awerage? That's fucking bullshit. Even if they lived that long by 85-90 their brain melts into fucking bortsch soup.
>nobody with X characteristic should not allowed to vote because that's the demographic that voted against my own interest
I swear if it was the other way around you'd see these lefties pushing for the age of voting to be higher.
It is their present, their taxes, and in many cases, their children and grandchildren's future. To assume that people over 65 don't care about the future is absurd beyond words.
if it was the other way around right-wingers would be demanding the same thing Sean did.
When you say everything, did he include the fact that people like remain and Clinton ran utterly incompetent campaigns, and Labour and Lib Dem insist on being literally whos to ensure Conservative dominate without even trying, or is it just crying about the evil racists?
>Nobody who is on welfare shouldnt be allowed to vote because they do not pay taxes and such do not contribute to society
this is true by the way
Is Sean cucked?
This is his partner, Anoushka. She's very pretty.
I didnt watch it this year. I have given up on him. I seen one of his shows earlier in the year and swtiched off once the literall nazis took over the UK and the US.
This makes a change from the left arguing that kids should be allowed to vote. Both ideas are liberla bullshit though.
I know this feel. Draw strength from it, it shows you have progressed yourself.
It's not the age that's important, it's whether or not they pay taxes. A 65 yr old can easily live to 85, so it is their future, but not paying taxes and getting the same vote as a taxpayer is bullshit.
fair enough.
I suppose I should check his column to get a gauge of how assblasted he is.
It's a pity, because he used to be reliable enough to shit on everything and at least try to get past his own biases, even if he didn't always succeed.
yup, if youre willing to be a soldier youre too dumb anyway and shouldnt be allowed to vote.
This meme needs to die, you can drink AND smoke.
You just can't purchase smokes until you are 18 and alcohol until 21.
You can take your 14 year old kid to the bar and buy him drinks and then drive home and guess what? Legal.
He just can't purchase the alcohol.
You don't even need religious or parental justification for it. As long as you didn't buy it its completely legal.
>People over 65 don't have the future of their grandchildren to worry about
many people live for 20 more years than that. that's plenty of time to call "future". and even if they don't have much time left, maybe they still care about the future of their children and grandchildren. they've had more life experience than anyone else, so why not give them a voice?
>Build up a country
>Be told your opinion is no longer valid
>cuck AND soulless authoritarian
What went wrong?
Their mentality is that if you are against future immigration you have hatred against the people that are here right now. That is how sensitive they are.
The rental market is mental here in Dublin. I suggested the only way to ease it was to stop inward migration. We currently have 40,000 leaving and 80,000 entering Ireland per year.
If we stopped people coming in, demand would fall and so would rental prices.
Maybe its landlords who are permanently squating in every forum. I doubt it though. Darkies are just very very sensitive and dont even know how act in their own best interests. They are the largest group of renters. THey would get the lower prices. They cant comprehend it though.
You arnt wrong.
This would be great to have spread around
Really helps drive home for the youth that they are absolutely fucked if they don't wake the fuck up to what's happened in their countries.
And nobody under 65 should be allowed to vote, because it's not our past.
Really, nobody should be allowed to vote. Fuck the French Revolution.
>people who have more life experience than me shouldn't be allowed to vote
That really activated my almonds.
Maybe they remember a time when things were better. Why shouldn't they be allowed to vote for that future for their children? It's not like the elderly have any wisdom to be passed down to the younger generations...
Maybe we should say the childless can't vote, because their line will be erased within a century, and therefore it's not their future.
People under 30 shouldn't be allowed to vote.
people should not be able to vote
cause it's not only about their own life, but about everyone else's life ffs
actual human beings live into their 90s all the time
the average shitskin it dead by 40
a real human pretty much lives the entire life of a shitskin after they are 65
Words of truth.
In France old people are marxists scum for the most so I'm ok with that I guess.
The Fn is the first party among the youth btw.
Young people who haven't contributed fuck all shouldn't get to vote. How does shitposting qualify as being productive and contributing to society.
I think we should all get a number of votes, equal to the amount of taxes paid. Just like shareholders in a corporation. Welfare scum get no votes.
>nobody uder the age of 45 should be allowed to vote since, they have no realistic understand of more than 60% of life yet.
t. uni student hoping to have some kind of clear vision before that time
Sounds like an Oligarchy to me
the moment taxes are increased the rich get even more votes
Just in case anybody is wondering, this is Sean Lock. He is an English comedian who's entire comedic persona is centred around acting like a grumpy middle aged man, and he almost certainly wasn't being serious when he said that.
He actually strikes me as someone who is low key racist.
Best post ITT
Not true. It varies by state, and there are no states that allow consumption of alcohol by minors on alcohol selling premises without parental consent. In many you can drink at a private residence, some with parental consent and some without.
Literally the only people that should be allowed to vote are men who are at least 30 years old, have served in the military, are married with at least 2 children and have never been to prison. Prove me wrong.