Why are black men being objectified by the modern media so much...

Why are black men being objectified by the modern media so much? The BBC myth is widespread around the world and probably most hurts the average black man.

In this picture, you can see the exemplification of the phenomenon. Some girl, to make her point about female objectification on video games, uses a picture of a black man with a giant flaccid penis.

Is it the porn industry's fault?

Yes, they are.

how can white Raiden even compete

Porn didn't invent big tits and men's fascination with them
>Dead or Alive

It's because of the rising amount of cucks who think that sexual orientations should be determined on the size of your penis.

can you even imagine a TV show that fetishizes black women strippers?

>85% below average
>how does math work
>blaming men for women's inability to measure properly

> posting some feminist anti male garbage



>humans have one of the largest penis to body size ratio
>there are at least 7 animals that have larger penises
>human penis is 12:1 on average

oops 1:12 backwards

The smallest of the seven largest animals is the blue whale with 1:10.

It isn't made by feminists.
It's made by an /r9k/ user trying to bait people under at and under the average length.

It makes sense if you don't think about it

white boys just can't compete

I'd play a game with a design like that tbqh.

> Anenomes
> 1:3
> Dick 3 times the size of their body

>what is normal distribution

N-not that I'd like it or anything...

Would still be a lark if only because any game that lets you play as an almost-naked gigga nigga ninja who slaps terrorists with his dick would be fucking hilarious

The Barnacle has a ratio of 40:1. Penis forty times larger than its body.

Google Skyrim Sexlab Defeat
you can literally rape opponents when they fall down with I think 20% of their health remaining.


You know maybe video games don't objectify men because men don't want to see black schlongs wiggling on the screen.

Evidently, neither do women. I fucking hate this entire feminist movement in video games, people who don't partake in a media have no right to complain about it.

Somebody had to sit down, model and animate this


So breasts is just as shameful and lewd as showing your dick?

Blacks don't have large penises. This is a jewish myth. There is a correlation between height and limb length and penis size among all races. Northern Europeans have the largest penises in the world.

The jewish BBC myth perpetuated by the jewish pornographers industry literally is based on surgically enlarged and sometimes even plastic penises. You can tell when it is surgery by the small penis head relative to the rest of the member. It stays floppy when erect and when fully erect even shrinks

Here's something to consider. Women often compare a man in a tight fitting tux to being as arousing as womans lingerie.

Women are attracted to power, men are attracted to sexuality.

>The fact that white men have lusted after, and when not offered, taken the body of Black women for centuries is sickening. The idea that a Black woman would voluntarily lie down with one is mind-blowing.

this should be exploited to the fullest extent possible

How can black boys even compete?!

We should get someone on Sup Forums or Sup Forums to make a sidescroller with that design

>There is a correlation between height and limb length and penis size among all races
>implying niggers don't have long legs, big feet, long arms, big hands and long fingers

I don't think many people would play that game.


Yes and Odin used to smite his enemies by waving his gigantic aryan cock at them.

Big white dick here.

75% of women can't even take 8 inches.

50% of women get sharp pains from a dick thrusting all the way in that is 7+ inches.

Could mod hentaieater

Shit like this is what pushes me towards hebephilia, smaller girls for my smaller dick.

I prefer small boobs and ass as well, so I don't understand what this "breast size shaming" shit is about. Maybe the problem they should have addressed is their gaping pussies.

>entire continent where only black people live
>nigger population expected to explode from 1-4 billion by the end of the century
>we lost another one

>tfw 12.8 cm

>Thor's hammer was actually his penis

>tfw you will never know what it feels like to be a black manlet with a micropenis

Women were already fucking black slaves in ancient Rome, did they have internet porn and jewboxes back then too?

>20cm erect
>always thought I was below average


Don't let women see this.

Do you think i'm fucking chinese?

Come on burger we're one of the only nations in the world that still uses the horrible imperial system.

2.54 cm is 1 inch.

I hope they motion captured this animation

Yes this proves most men are "around" average ie +/- 1 sd.
>15cm erect
>above average

>tfw not even on the chart

Big cums?

what the fuck.. is that for real?

>I look at paler Black people and literally SEE the oppressor in them. There have been times I’ve looked at a lighter skinned Black person and envisioned massa’ raping their ancestors.

She's freaking great!
I'm gonna send her a very nice email!

I know who is going to develop diving as a new hobby.


>if male vido game characters were dressed like female characters

Rebbit liberal faggot gets his Nubian queen. She probably pegs him.

You can grow it (PE edging, clamping), make it so hard that it will lift weights at the tip (pelvic muscles), you'll still be a miserable looser if you care for it.
Muh dick is a righteous meme, it's not what makes u a man and being one is your real longing.

I guarantee you it was a Russian.

........... but how does it even


implying the degenerates dont love that

i thought his thighs were two uncut dicks

I can't have sex with my gf missionary for long bc I hit her cervix too many times

It was cuckoldry in general amongst the degenerate, perverted patrician class

Patrician women also frequently fucked tall Germanic warriors who were captured and enslaved.


>Pedo is afraid of women

A literal gay and Jewish invention. pedo is pedo.

>get data
>find out average penis is between 20- 24 cm
>tell people that average is about 10 - 14 cm
>now everyone thinks they have a huge above average dick.

Pedophilia is liking PREpubescent kids, ie., sexually immature kids.

Most of "women" brides throughout our history (more than 95%) were 14 years of age or less.

>tfw 18cm hard

Bait or not "men should be shamed for being born with a small penis" triggers me, as tumblr would say.


None of that morally justifies fucking girls under the age of 18.

You also used to be able to murder people without trial as long as you were a "king". Try to morally justify that one with your backwards logic.

They kike showpieces for multiculturalism


>what is the age of consent in Germany
you should really get out more leaf.

I find this hard to believe. There's no way my 8 inch is literally off the charts.

It's on kikepedia, so you know what that's worth, but probably the easiest available information.

My wife kind of likes it, but I do need to be aware of how fast/deep I'm going in. Otherwise it's not fun for her.

>be fat for years
>have the tiniest dick imaginable, literally micropenis
>decide "fuck it" and go full autistic neet morbidly obese mode
>one day decide to lose 140 pounds
>now my dick is just a little below average
>if i had never gone full fattie i probably would've had a relatively normal life

holy shit i fucking fucked up my fucking life so bad

I always wanted to know what music goes with this.

That's what I'm saying. I go a cool 8.5x5.5 and apparently it's some monster bigger than 99% of the population. I don't get it. It's nothing special and I see bigger posted on this website every fucking day, OP's pic included.

pics or it's not true

9" inch long slong here (22.5cm)
desu perhaps it's a bit too much (8-8.5) is ideal I think.
Yet when a girl is horny which she actually should always be when you're having sex. Than a 9" dick is no problem at all, they love it. But my ex's and gf all had/have some pain in their lower stomach after sex.

Why do they love it? Porn I guess? When they first see or feel my dick they always have this omg wow expression.

All you average or below-average guys. Just make sure you know how to use your fingers and tongue. Size does matter in a certain way so make sure she can cum.

Pics pls

i feel you user. I'm 5'10" and just got down to like 220 (yeah still fat) from 345. Penis is much happier now. Stay skinny bruh.


Not too late for you brother
If you come to /fit/ and prove you want to change theyll accept you with open arms

Are we allowed to post dongs here? Thought it was bannable. Not catching a ban for your curiosity. Point is, I'm not lying and what's more, it's not even that big unless I play around with angels and "special grips" like a faggot.

you ppl are so pathetic and insecure you're debating whether BBC is true or not.. fucking hell.. way to get cucked by niggers in life.

i'm not gonna post my dick on Sup Forums you dimwit. You're pretty fucking gay leaf.

Although... if you're lauren southern give me a timestamp then we'll talk

lol why do people give a fuck what women think and what gets them off

please consider for a moment if a woman is really gonna whip out the measuring tape

and if you think she'll cheat on you if you get married because you're not big enough then well you just found a whore you shouldn't marry desu

Ofcourse you should give a fuck about your gf/wife's pleasure. As should she.
Both partners must work together in order to please the other.

Sex is about taking and giving

Who else is huge girth master race

Who else East Asian below global average sized dick masterrace?


I have an actual black friend.
The other day I was joking about bbc with him and he told me that most black men have normal siezed penis and the myth of the bbc is very annoying to him

You can fuck girls here to the age of 14, and noone really objects against that law.
You are brainwashed by your government.

Yeah it's allowed. You could post it on imgur and just put a link on here if you're worried tho.

Pics or it didn't happen :^)