Well, Sup Forums ?


Answer is 0


swastika is 2 because 6 / 3 = 2
hitler is 3 because 7 - (2 + 2) = 3
auschwitz is 1,000,000 because 1,000,005 - 2 - 3 = 1,000,000

swastika * hitler * auschwitz = 2 * 3 * 1,000,000 = 6,000,000

With common core it's 6 gorillion.
In the real world it's 0.

3x = 6 ; x = 2
y + 2x = 7 ; y = 3
z + y + x = 1.000.005 ; z = 1.000.000
xyz = 6.000.000

6 million


Wrong. ~270k

6 million, oy vey.

You guys realise this is OC I just made, not asking for a real answer.
Those guy get it

disgusting mainlanders with their point as a decimal mark


Six gorilion

oy vey not the six gorrillion

Subtle kek


I think I found the solution, finally.

the answer is
it didn't happened


This is so mean goyim. Atleast it was real in my mind now fucking shut it down!