How do we fix white women Sup Forums?

How do we fix white women Sup Forums?

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Just stop beign a cuck Sven.Dont let Abdul to culturally enrich your wife every day.

We fix the men first. The women will follow. WE

>Implying I'm not a kissless virgin

Then I gues you deserve Abdul's hairy sandnigger cock to spread diversity to your women.

If you cant stand as a man against the barbarian subhumans,then you deserve to be cucked.

you look just like a nigger doing those rock throwing

Damn Sweden, you guys really need to get video games or something.

Fucking beta lefties, working out is a core nationalist value.

is he training to give head?

also not a lefty

Say that to my face, beta.

are you taining to give head ? (to your face)


>dodge and throw

Just give up. You cannot compete, dyel beta.

>spending all day training his body like the work animal he is
>not reading philosophy and history all day while occasionally debating his peers at a forum

It's like Uncle Rico on Napoleon Dynamite

>implying you can't be jacked AND a northern intellectual

Vem är detta?
Är den hjälten vi behöver men inte förtjänar?

>Vem är detta?

>Är den hjälten vi behöver men inte förtjänar?


Helt tokig.
Äntligen är vi räddade.

What did those rocks do to him

Why he is so angry about rocks?

Listen Sven, your country is done for. You only have one hope...find a good, non-deaerate east-euro gf. Poland is a good place to start.

his right.
Them guys in that video are quite attractive because their showing that they don't give a fuck as well as showing off their physical prowess. you will only get the women if you prove your the best as women are natural race traitors because they will always choose the "muh alpha" guy no matter how shit the future maybe.

Thats how you get smart user.

>British women have worse health than Polish ones because they don't become alcoholic cocaine addict when they are teenegers

>usa 60% non-white

>women only go for the top 20%
>yet they somehow have 20+ partners at age 20
something doesn't add up

Poles are hybrid Jews.

It's not our women that needs fixing. It's the men.
Men have willingly abandoned their responsibilities, they no longer have the will or the ability to control our society.

Stop thinking about women, start thinking about how to become a man.

pic unrelated

Chad fucks dozens of women every week