Is it dying?
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No an extent. More people are becoming vocal and this is good because pushback is neccisary in order to swing the tides. From this we get liberals jumping through hoops to avoid holes in their ideology, which will only further draw people towards the anti pc.
The problem however is the eventual swing of the pendulum that will fuck everything up. Just as pol will be start of anti political correctness culture, it will also inevitably promote the end of such a movement in the public.
The reason for this is simply the irrationability behind racism. Pol likes to play armchair scientist when to comes to race and ultimalty only hear one side of the argument.The other side,which we never hear here, shows that culture is the cause of all the problems in the black community and any race or country.
Even more so, when it comes to how normal people think, it's not on the terms of how right wingers typically think, which is... continued
"What is the problem and how can we ELIMINATE it" . This implies that morality is more thrown out the window on the right. The ends justify the means. Where as most people find this immoral, and so if blacks or any race were to be inferior, they would rather tolerate than to hate or attack. The logic for this is you wouldn't hate or attack legally retarded people for the bad shit they do, nor would you (morally) with schizophrenics.
So therefor racism really is the caveman apporach towards problems. But appeasing to every whim they have is not the right answer either, which is why the left is getting so much backlash whether you believe race is the cause or culture is the cause. Bending the knee is simply not the right answer, it promotes bad behavior to become the norm.
>Is it dying
Eh, debatable.
Although people are getting a lot more mad in my country now, and they do get a voice which they didn't have a few years ago. I'd say things are improving pretty well.
>on a board called Politically Incorrect
>talking about political correctness
Really makes my synapses activate
not really
it's just now that the centrists and civic nationalists (lit. silenced majority) are regaining their voice
Don't say you never hear the other side of the argument on racism. I see the term Uncle Tom thrown around on here quite enough. People get it.
It definitely is. I can feel more and more people abandoning the pc speech.
On this board I meant. I see more of
" that person is stupid, must be black." Or they just look at the black community and blame it on their race instead on the culture. Or if they do blame it on the culture, it's fucked up that way because of their inferiority.
the overall genotype of a group will be a significant determinant of that group's culture.
blacks prone to violence will develop violence-centric culture if left to their own devices.
Society and culture are racial constructs, not the other way around.
Regardless, to most people they just don't care.
But regarding to your comments I would have to say no, what will determine your culture mostly has to do with your
1) complexity of your enviorment
2) the neighbors around you
The reason for 1) is that the more enviormental influences that you have, that must be survived, the more oppurtunities for innovation.
2) is vastly important because if you are heavily surrounded by numerous different cultures, it is easy to adopt and to innovate when you are given more oppurtunies.
It's enviormental determinism that determines the roll of the dice that your culture will follow. Native Americans did innovate largely due to their enviorment, but did not continue to improve because everyone around them were doing the exact same thing. Where as Europe was quite fortunate because they had tough enviorments to handle and had multiple cultures that they adopted from. The Greeks especially.
You could try not taking what is said on the internet as literal truth or meaning.
It's like you faggots can't critically think. Stop caring what other faggots are talking about, if you're gonna take what they say so literally.
Ok then you shouldn't care if people who spit political correctness as speaking literal truth or meaning.
Not exactly. It's now more acceptable to speak against it in the public sphere, but polarization has made hyper-political correctness virtuious, fashionable, and contrarian (because le evil Drumpf made America racist!)
It hasn't even begun!
Tranny bathrooms soon!
Yes. Trump blew the fuck out of the other Republican candidates entirely because he wasn't a politician, because he was politically incorrect. That was the reason he won every debate and why we heard so much more about him than, say, Ted Cruz. The media ceaselessly bashed him for being too mean or too vulgar, but it had the opposite effect: when they started screaming about political incorrectness, people weren't repulsed. People sat up and listened to his half-coherent demagoguery. It had nothing to do with what he said, but how he said it. He was unapologetic with his loudness and his insensitivity. He didn't play the shame game and never apologized for hurting feelings. It was refreshing.
Mind, it's not a Democrat/Republican or liberal/conservative issue. There are people on all sides of every issue who are tired of being told how they must think and speak about [x] by politicians, talking heads, and bloggers.
It's not being pushed back just yet, but people are digging in.
Some contadictory messages here.
it's on alarming rise here at spain
there's no alt right here, not even something like previous republican party
only different tastes of socialism
it is
funny how the righteous can't recognize their own political correctness
"Political correctness" is just being a decent person, and considering we gladly elected a guy who has molested more girls than he can remember, who believes its okay rich he is rich and smart and owes it all to his superior genes (pic related), id say yes it is.
Well, I keep hearing that it has gone mad so I assume it is in an asylum somewhere
>"Political correctness" is just being a decent person,
No. The correct definition is:
"Political correctness" is being forced to give up your personal choice for your own level of rudeness, humor or personal expression, through the use of coordinated threats, bullying, loss of employment, social restrictions, policy changes, and legal reprisals.
I would be more than happy not to be rude ..WHEN ASKED. But when someone FORCES me into something, tries to coerce me, you can bet your fucking life that I'll fight it every day. I would happily consent to be polite, but in absence of consent, and at threat if I don't consent then I'm going to get fucked, that is rape of my freedom of speech and expression. My personal choice to be rude if I wish, is not within the public domain to police it.
I would happily consent to be polite.
it doesn't come naturally?
WHEN ASKED. But when someone FORCES me into something
like some halfwit that clams they they don't give a fuck about anyone else but wants to force women to have kids they don't want