A typical prision rebellion in Brazil: 50 deaths - 6 beheaded

>A rebellion at Penitentiary Complex Anísio Jobim, at Amazonas state, ended after 17 hours. Secretary of Security of Amazonas State, Sérgio Fontes, confirmed, at least 50 deaths the mutiny. At least 6 of them were decapitaded.
Well, as (((human rights))) complain with prisions overpopulation, prisioners gave a solution. I'm ok with that.
Pic not related, bodies and heads from another prision of Pedrinhas, Maranhão State, where there were also cases of cannibalism.

Other urls found in this thread:


>De acordo com informações da SSP, os corpos de seis pessoas - ainda não identificadas - foram jogados para fora do presídio, sem as cabeças.


Brazil worse than the worst parts of mexico

In statistical terms we are way worse
>Mexico - 15,7 murders/100k inhabitants
>Brazil - 24,7 murders/ 100k inhabitants

Theme song


Why are brazilians so violent?
Is it the nigger blood flowing through their veins?

So of those 50 how many were guards or inmates?

daily reminder

Brazil has 660 times higher crime rate than Japan...

its tough when you aint got no body

I think it's worse than that. It's probably mixing nigger and indian blood.

How many niggers are there in Japan?

that's so muslim, juanito

I blame hentai

were they guards or inmates?

Why are germanics so stupid?

Even after they stole the few things they didnt destroy from romans, they are still stupid

I was really mad at Tropa de Elite 2 human right faggot... Like really fucking mad, ruined both movies its left-wing messages.

Funny how the right-wing messages despised by the movie as bad, were what the people love from the 2 movies.

Brazil is white. Don't put down brazil

Iberians + Cannibal Amerindians + West Africans + Nazis + Nips = Hue

really wonder why

Nope. Only bandits killing bandits.

No one gives a shit.

they also have almost an identical amount of cops per 100,000 people too

really makes you think

>Brazil is a multicultural leftist paradise
really makes ya think


Are Brazilians some kind of human sub-species? Homo sapiens favelanus.



Daily reminder, Japan like every old World country had strong AUTOCRACY.

With autocracy, it's easy to control barbarians from every species.

New World is a democracy built only in explotation.

Notice that the most non-white places in North America like North Canada are violent as fuck.

> I blame hentai

for the low japanese crime rates ? I mean it makes sense, after a good fap you're pretty mild and chill

Most of the population is. Luckily, I'm from the South.

Then why does Japan import thousands of brazilians?

Too many for my liking (it's not like we need one zoo in every city,man I wish they brought pandas instead of south africans..they are way cuter)

Did he died?

Seems nice.

how's gun control in brazil?


daily reminder
It won't last long since your government has started to push for more immigration.
This is your future, Ken.

Are germanic subhuman?

Yes, they are

well its pretty much illegal to have one so id say its controlled



He has some slight scars but he made it.

Kek has spoken!

subhuman animals
i call for racial holy war until their repulsive sadism has been relinquished from the planet

There is alot of Bias on this pic, but it still true

t. SC

Holy kek, Checked




Are you a leftist? I mean, the South has a huge production of leftists.

They are Japanese Brazilians.
I wonder how to Japanese Brazilians survive in there...

open your eyes to the real world cuck

Go on best gore and literally 9/10 posts are from Brazil.

What the fuck is going on there


anyone got the full video and know why this happened? danke

Se você não postar no fio do 55, sua mãe vai morrer hoje.

>tfw Curitibano com orgulho

Well on the bright side, at least they could have six simultaneous soccer matches going on while they wait for things to calm down...

>Another south Brazil is white and developed thread

good job guys, you really are doing it

brazillians are the most emotionally charged people i've ever met. calm the fuck down

Não era mais fácil jogar a cabeça?


>there were also cases of cannibalism.
Damn Brazil, your people are truly african tier.

Brazil is the meltingpot where they got the worst of all worlds.

Theyre horny subhumans who think theyre suave as fuck lmao these savages

They love to upload Da Silva's gore material, somehow they found Brazil an unlimited source of what they love so much

Northeastern here, can confirm
Planning to GTFO of this place once i finish my engineering degree

>Calling another group stupid

My fucking face when

They locked themselves on a very tight society. Only miscigenation there is with white weeaboos and successful niggas

Only white fascist regime will save Brazil.

its impossible to have guns unless you are a criminal

from a mexican, i believe him

Uma pena que acabaram com a rebelião, se deixassem mais 24hrs quem sabe não fossem 100 mortos.

Esses bostas custam 3k ao governo por mes, eu pra ganhar isso tive que estudar 6 fucking anos na faculdade federal, e ainda assim meu primeiro emprego foi subemprego, só fui ganhar mais dps de 1 ano e blau de experiência

Hispanic doesnt make someone stupid, your post just proof how stupid you are

>wearing business casual like slacks, khakis, and polos at such a medieval scene

I donno why it just looks off to me. A very barbaric visage that someone made its way into the contemporary.

>nips are not another subspecie
Remember Nankin Hiroito.

Unless you're Buhda and go through the bureaucracy.

It's also pretty hot, if it's any comfort, they are all pretty uncomfortable and sweaty :)

ken is american Ryu is the jap ...

>How come he gets a quicker death
>He gets decapitated within seconds, while I it takes a full minute for me :(


Forgot to add: very rich and lucky they won't simple reject you, because they didn't like your face.

Brazil invented the airplane.

>tfw São Paulo still holding the highest development, rent, infrastructural and low crime rates index.

South is literally an Ukrainian-like shithole.

Yeah but nothing I'd lose my head over


It's not like you will be so much "out-of-law" because of that.

Fuck I ruined it. Nothing left for me but to j/o and then kill myself.


Don't do it man, just think about us BR and how bad we got it here, and think about how good you have that you live in the land of the free :)

Let me run a prison.
No one would have energy to fight.
800 calories a day isn't much.

>WTF is wrong with multiculturalism?

With facts like that you wonder why even the jews would push for racemixing.

Oh no, of course, latin America is responsible for an incredible amount of contributions to the bettering of society, how could I have forgotten?

The Spaniards should have wiped you fucking monkeys from the face of the Earth.

>Again, mfw you animals think you're people

At least those were prisoners / guards, not students on a bus to school

Wow dude, as a Dominican I think you should kill yourself out of respect for whites, you fucking nigger. You're probably hatian too

Make death sentences a thing and you'll be heading the right way

>Portuguese people already mixed once
>they come to Brazil
>mix themselves again with other Europeans, South American Natives and Niggers

Makes you wonder.

Stop giving me white guilt over my freedom to j/o and kill myself

Never change Australia

You mean subhumans. This has nothing to do with real world or not. You fucking sa subhumans lack problem solving skills, and this shit is the only thing you can come up with. Pretty desperate cuck. You need to be cleansed for sure.


Update: the body count now is in 60 deaths. Plus, 87 prisioners evaded from prision. It is said that the rebelion and the bloodshed was a gang/mafia (google PCC) conflict g1.globo.com/am/amazonas/noticia/2017/01/rebeliao-no-compaj-chega-ao-fim-com-mais-de-50-mortes-diz-ssp-am.html

That's actually a popular idea here, but it will never be approved, they argue that only the poor will be put to death in this situation, seeing as lots of criminals are rich guys it maybe isn't the best idea.