The Girl Club is in town. The rules of Girl Club are simple. The Democratic women of the Senate – plus one former senator! – explain.


Other urls found in this thread:


The music is sooooo fucking cool- this is just so awesone I am literally shaking.

I can't explain. All I can tell you is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Here's another one with meaningful and touching piano music:


this pasta again?

*leans in to mic*

Jesus Christ

Day of the rake soon.

Do you have to be a leaf to post this stale pasta?

>you don't get here because you're a woman, you get here because you're the best for the job, so roll up your sleeves!
Hey, it's something I can agree with!

G-guys, the day of the rope will come soon, r-right??????

fuck trump and fuck white people

You gotta shill harder than that.

This pasta will still be alive even when Trump repeals the 22nd amendment and has 4 terms as a human and becomes out eternal AI president.

>Issues that effect women effect everyone.

Yea because you never shut the fuck up about them.

Looks like it's time for a jihad.

is she why CA is so fucked?

You have to go back Mohammed.

>you don't get here because you're a woman, you get here because you're the best for the job


Back to Ledit with your shit-cuntery

>if you don't win the first time, don't give up. Keep fighting!

This was days before the election. What did she mean by this? Did she know she was gonna lose again?

We go to Jail unless you keep fighting, Goy.

1. Male - Lolita/Podesta Express

2. Female - (1.) implication; a host of others.


>leaf baits with shitty pasta
>newfags give him yous
time to return2reddit

>male elected officials are expected to and almost universally do look out for female wellbeing
>handful of male elected officials do care a tiny bit about male wellbeing
>female elected officials are only interested in giving more handouts, special privileges, special rights (LIKE THE RIGHT TO FUCKING VOTE AND THE RIGHT TO INFANT GENITAL INTEGRITY WHICH MALES DO NOT HAVE)
>female elected officials spend their time screaming that men are ruining the world even though women in the US are the most privileged and and well-provided for group of humans to ever exist in history and this is due to taxpaying males (females are a net tax negative and a pretty large one at that)
>SJW lawmakers publicly talking about and endorsing white genocide

There's a reason that liberal white men like me with more than two brain cells to rub together have been voting against progressive candidates for a few years now. My vote for Trump was my first presidential republican vote in my entire life.

Maybe one day the Democrats will figure it out, if their party survives.

Keep fighting for your future girls.

>You didn't get here because you're a woman, you got here because you're the best person for the job.

Keep telling that to yourself.

i must find the source of this bot and end its life.

for this, i will require a team of russian hackers.

just tell me where to go.

>Emily's List

Every time I think I'm off the boipussi they pull me back in with this 10/10.

pls be my ai gf

I want off this ride

>All I can tell you is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

the left somehow knows who we are

just like how they all knew that gamergaters were all cis misogynyst white men

>If you don't get there the first time, keep going, you'll get there

>tried a second time
>didn't get there


> flag

It's like it was tryn to make a reaction gif of itself for Reddit boats so it hired a cameraman from the office but forgot itself was a retarded mentally ill absolutely not passable tranny with no acting skills so the gif sucks but in a way that's ironically usable