National Socialism worked, and all Europeans must rise for it to return again!
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Man, she's one beautiful NatSoc.
How do we rise with huge numbers of police & military, anti-gun laws, surveillance, etc etc... ? Unless there's a mass redpilling/ widespread awakening, I don't see what can save us.
>Ended with a world war and a country in ruins
>"It worked!"
It worked, forget the bloody war.
Besides, the war was Germany's fight against Bolshevism, with many millions of Europeans following them into battle!
In Germany, before the war, they became the poorest to the richest nation!
Fucking yes!
Shut up Åke, you are retarded!
I feel like brits are just pushing for it so they can have another war in which they beat us together with russia and america
I mean come on.
You could've had national socialism
But you did everything to stop it.
And now you are telling me you want it?
>National Socialism worked
no it didn't...
Prove it
Can someone here give me a direct explanation about how National Socialism actually worked or perhaps a source on which I can study? I'm asking on here because I'm very tired of the, "Muh 6 million." Every single time I try and study WWII.
turned out pretty bad for the Nazis last I remember
That's not a proof. War is not inherent to Nat. Soc..
>A war.
Proves NatSoc failed as a ideology.
Not an arguement.
Because by that logic, Communism worked.
>yfw national socialism works
>then you start a war with the rest of the world and ruin everything for everyone for all time
pretty sure it is actually lol
Nat. Soc. wouldn't have survived without starting war
>Nat. Soc. wouldn't have survived without starting war
That's a bold statement. Do you have any proof?
Tbqh, Nazi Germany really had no choice.
Churchill wanted a war with Germany hugely, and Poland recently turned extremely Anti Fascist, banning movements that supported the Nazis.
This caused the Polish a Goverment to start kicking out Nazi Supporters from Poland from 1938 to 39.
Half of the entire world attacking you? I think the NatSoc did it pretty well.
The entire foundation of it's system is based around hateful prejudice to rile up the masses
HAHAHAHAHAHA you are good pupil who listned to his teachers
>without starting war
England and France started the WW2, using the pretext of "huuurrr i hav to defend poland!". But not just Germany declared war on poland, infact, URSS attacked poland too, but the Defenders of Poland didn't care about it.
Also, Hitler tried to end the war with England a lot of times, but they just refused every proposal.
As far as I'm aware The main case is that NatSoc took a fractured WW1 Germany, an in under 30 years made it strong enough to take on the world again.
Also we all know that the muh 6 million meme was wrong to do (If it occurred at all-according to some), but apart from that few things went wrong in post-WW1 Germany it was pretty decent. However this needs to happen as a natural process-SS fags calling again for the untermensch are edgelord dickheads with little else to do, and don't understand what economic policies went well for the NatSoc's
Holy fuck you're stupid. Even for a leaf.
_H-hitler can do no wrong, pol said so!!!!!!!
That's some nice fan fiction there
Reminder that true national socialism has never been tried
That's even what he says in his book :~)
The thing is, the British people had no say in it.
Churchill just made the war happen, without even listening to the MILLIONS of Britons which wanted no war.
Modern NatSoc isn't so much about "we need to eradicate those untermenschen"
Its more "Germany for Germans and Turkey for Turks"
Literally just "you have to go back!
Right, it's not like they spent the years up to the war trying to appease Hitler's increasingly insane demands. Nobody wanted war until the germans just started it
>The entire foundation of it's system is based around hateful prejudice to rile up the masses
Every system excludes a group of people and has prejudices. Communism: bourgeoisie, Capitalism: poor, Christianity: heretics, Islam: sane people. Those are not causes to start a war.
Yeah I'm sure. You probably read a heavily edited version where they point out why each statement Hitler made was actually secretly evil.
>That's some nice fan fiction there
Ok, now you are shitposting. Facts can't be denied by logical fallacies (ad hominem).
Nat. Soc. in Germany was literally we need to fight these other guys because they're different and we want their land! A little different from Christianity trying to keep it's members in check
The eternal leaf strikes again
(day of the rake when?)
>germany started war
Read again
>Modern NatSoc
That's what National Socialism always was. Why are you so cucked Hans?
commie scum
Only in your cuckold porn movies, britbong.
Okay, here are the lands Germany took before WW2:
>Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland)
Ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia were being put on Cerfew. It was a threat to Germany.
However, there were many NSDAP style movements in a Czechoslovakia which wanted the Safety of both the Sudeten people, the Czech people and the Slovakian people. Which helped Germany invade it because many people wanted it.
Austria LITERALLY VOTED for Hitler to do the Anschluss 97% voted yes.
Danzig was a ethnic German city which, if taken, could form a bridge between Germany and East Prussia, connecting the nation.
Ethnic German Poles supported this, including Polish National Socialists.
I dunno.
How much of your history class was learning about horrible things your ancestors did?
How young were you when you went to a school trip for the first time and they took you through all the steps of genocide?
I was 8.
Yeah, Germany took Poland after many appeasements made to them beforehand.
How did they not start the war when they were the first to encroach on another countries land? It's the west's fault for coming to aid their ally? wat?
>trying to apease
Pls JIDF. Starting a war with Poland was reasonable. It was just about clay (like 90% of all wars) and to prevent the polish peasant from killing more germans in polish territory. The Gleiwitz incindent was a false flag just to APEASE the GB,FR,USA etc. so germany could get the clay.
>falling for the leaf
>Nat. Soc. in Germany was literally we need to fight these other guys because they're different and we want their land!
So did every empire and colonial power at some point, it is not exclusive of NatSoc. Many countries are founded on lands of others.
Yes I'm aware about all of that but could someone please enlighten me about the ACTUAL economic properties of what National Socialism was when it was implemented or have they been lost to time?
You idiot.
You need to step back from the Kool-Aid, my friend
Germany just tried to recover its territories stolen after Versailles.
By the way, Hitler tried to recover Danzig (poland) by diplomacy, but England and France forced Poland to not accept saying they would help in case of war. Also, poland was killing german minorities few days before the invasion.
Thats reddit tier doublethink senpai
>Germany just tried to recover its territories stolen after Versailles.
Land that they lost in the war, it wasn't theirs anymore.
I just want to sharpen my arguments in favor of NacSoc, so I can troll my friends.
then why do they play out exactly the same?
gets me everytime
I will add that Austria wanted to join the Reich after what WW1 winners did to them and their empire.
But they had the right to recover it, and they were recovering it by diplomacy.
> Austria LITERALLY VOTED for Hitler to do the Anschluss 97% voted yes.
What is election rigging?
> Ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia were being put on Cerfew.
They could have done the right thing and fucked off back where they came from. They were put there to displace the native czechs and slovaks, now that both nations were independent the Germs lost their privileges and started unrest. Fuck them and their collaborators.
You guys are know for your sick mind
All parties, even the Communist party in Austria wanted to atleast call Austria "German-Austria" after WW1
kek, why?
Look at those women with non-degenerated faces.
They would be hard to find in our age.
Still not convinced?
They had the right to try, anyway
Come on...
Do nazi stuff.
Hey, I'll admit inter-war France deserved a kick in the ass and Germany got sort of a raw deal, but it really didn't justify the level of racial prejudice they practices on even their own citizens
>Not understanding banter
Oh foreigners you...
Holy fucking shit, thats borderline child abuse levels of guilt tripping. At 8 we started far back in history to shit nobody cares about any more (1066, Henry VIII) then slowly moved forward to
more modern mature subjects (WW1, WW2, 9/11) around 11-13
I honestly feel sorry for you, no wonder why most of you are guilt tripping yourselves. Greentext?
But remember how fun it was? Do it again pls, i promise we'll help.
>They were put there to
You do know that Czechoslovakia didn't even exist till Versailles...right?
Because its funny to say, and its what a stereotypical Mariachi band would say
>Buenos dias amigos
>Killa yourselfa
>Si no hombres amigo
>racial prejudice on their own citizen
Shlomo you and your (((international clique))) were pushing sanctions against this country. Don't get mad if it backfires. You can only hold yourself over water by pushing lies and leeching off other countries like you did you many times before in history.
I can't await the day Israel fucks shit up and every jew on this planet gets a real oven treatment. Just like you shill
You know Bohemia and its people existed before Versailles right. Czechia, Czechoslovakia are its successor.
Lets try again
>tfw she'll never soc your nat
pls be my nazi gf
Plenty of Jews helped Germany in WW1 and not every jew was a communist
You didn't say anything about this Ok, lets see:
>We (France and England) will defend Poland, because we are good countries
>Germany attacks Poland
>Declare war on germany, starting the WW2
>URSS ataccks Poland too
>Do absolutely nothing
>Poland government exiles into london
>URSS kills a lot of poles, they call it "Katyn"
>Nobody knows until Germany attacks URSS and conquer east poland
>England says Katyn was German fault
>Poland in exile says no
>England gives a shit, they dont want to throw poop at URSS
>War is over
>Soviets get into poland
>Real government in exile ask England for doing something
>England does not care
>Soviets start a puppet state in Poland
>Someday they invite the Poland government in exile
>They put em into gulag
>England does nothing
>40 years of communism in Poland
But they defended Poland ;)
It was terribly ineffective in the end though, having one leader with a tremendous tantrum at the top who decides on a whim to invade all countries around him and no one is around to stop him.
>Field-marshal Hindenburg did nothing wrong
>nat soc
>spend shit load of money
>go to war to not go bankrupt
pretty gud, 5/5
Just because the allies did stupid shit doesn't justify National Socialism though...?
but in reality just controlled by a small group at the top
hmm...sounds familiar
Yeah just like this faggot jew in WW1
Or Rosa Luxemburg and her commie jewish friends in germany at the end of the war.
The only thing jews deserve is death and thanks for reminding me of that with you shill posts
The pro allies always says the WW2 started to defend Poland from the baaad nazis
Not really. It's just a nice meme.
the british would look so good in the right uniform
Are you stupid or just trolling?
>leafs don't know about Organization
> What is reaching critical mass
> What is power balance on the continent
> Why can't everybody between Porto and Archangelsk be German
distilled cuckoldry right here.
>truth = stupid
Blow eachother?
Should army fatigues look familiar to the Wehrmacht or should we have a more modernized look?
I'll organize your face!!!
I support NatSoc because of the massive triggering it causes and the few real proven arguments against it.
>True NatSoc has never been tried!!!!
Question is, what are the arguments for it?
It will be even more fun this time.
oh yeah, it worked wonderfully. You people should really try it again, just to get absolutely BTFO for the second time.