This is your average (((german)) now. How does that make you feel, my german brothers?

This is your average (((german)) now. How does that make you feel, my german brothers?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what the average German looks like. All I know is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Looks like two slavs.

Retread fuck off Jewdy.

it's a shame then that there were not enough city people in states that mattered.

That (((nose)))



let germany sink and disapear.
I fucking love the googles for this one. If there is one white nation that needs to fuck off it's germany.

Everyone hates them for failling everything they ever try to accomplish. THey are arrogant and stupid. I pray kek everynight to make germany an even bigger shithole everyday.

looks like a jew and a finn

holy hell that hook nose. is that shopped?

Yes, it's a shame that there are so many rural and suburban retards. Someone should exterminate them.

Noone still cares about that leaf

Looks like it was badly fractured and untreated not the hook 6.

Holy fuck pleae tell me that nose is shooped.

it's 100% no shopped

Yes they do.

My first boxing coach had a nose a bit like that but not as severe and he was Scots-Irish..

so he has an ugly nose. So what
do you really think that people used to look like in some nazi propaganda poster

How come a 15 y old refugee drinks beer in some bar?

looks like he stole ur gf maxi

No they don't you fucking retard

Well, i live in germany and it is not that bad.

apart from the mass rapes and the trucks killing my friends.

but you know, don't fuel the hate and all that.

just reverse image search it

get of my board, normie.

yes, i do. just have a look at this handsome fellow right here

that nose needs a new airfilter every 50 miles.

Yes they do.

Don't forget the aryan master race created the philosophies that are destroying the west.
pic related

This is your average (((jew))) now.

you seem retarded, friend.

Shekel Sniffer 2000

what a beautiful couple

my nose was supposed to be like that but I broke it when I was a wee little kid and now It's half niggery

That nose!
It's like god downvoted his face.
