1804 - 1bln people
1927 - 2bln people
1960 - 3bln people
1974 - 4bln people
1987 - 5bln people
1999 - 6bln people
2011 - 7bln people
~2024 - 8bln people
1804 - 1bln people
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yeah were fucked, extinction in next 70-140 years
Well I guess that gives the globalists and CIA fucks all they needs to kill off as many as possible.
Good for you. It's not like they have hidden tech that could help and it's all just a sick game for diseased minds.
1803 - 12bln people*
It's not exponential anymore. Malthus was wrong.
We need to find a way to stop the niggers from reproducing, AIDS and EBOLA failed dramatically.
theres actually a recent video about this
>2024 polish genocide
>still 8bl people
fuck i cant even make difference with my personal goal
iron fist 1 child policy NOW
It is an alarming trend, one that is completely unnecessary for the world. Imagine how much more prosperous and clean the world would be if we were only 1 billion total.
Typical flash-info-video. He doesn't mention the enormous racial disparity with regards to population. Also he says that most of the world is currently better off than 1800 Britain. I would wholeheartedly disagree. Has this guy ever been to Liberia or to the slums of India, or perhaps a trip to Cambodia. The fact of the matter is that it is not just about living conditions, but about the people living there. I would much rather be poor with Englishmen than be poor with Africans.
another good
Don't forget, most of them are useless brown people. :^)
>fewer and fewer kids per family comparitive to pre-industrial era
The boom is slowing. I say humanity caps off around a comfortable 10-15bln folks. From that point we move towards actually planet cultural/political balance and move onto cultivating other planets/systems.
Absolutely okay with that in my mind. This planet is fucking huuuuge. 10 billion could easily live comfortable on this rock, just quit crowding yourself into cities like a bunch of unintelligent herd animals.
well, planet x is gonna fuck us up around 2065 anyway so world population doesn't matter that much
If exponential population growth remains constant, which is a big if, it would only take about 50 odd years to go from 7 billion to 14 billion. if it were to remain constant still, it would only take another 50 odd years to go 28 billion.
> t.excelmonkey
1924 - 3bn people.
Chinese - one child policy
Whites - wageslaving away their fertile age.
and the worst thing about this is that most of those people are somewhere on the brown and black side of the colour spectrum
It‘s time to go to space and fight the ayylmaos
10 bn is uncomfortable as fuck.
planet x will be here by next year
Everyone has been fucking. Except for you VIRGIN
Not it isn't. It's just that the human population is growing faster than infrastructure. When it slows, living standards will improve.
How so if no one has any money to improve said infrastructure?
It is.
We are at 7 and already seeing what is coming.
what's Sup Forumss take on this
Why do you think that?
The theory that population growth will allow as third world economies grow is fairly accurate. However, what's inaccurate is the idea that third world economies will continue to grow. It's highly likely that, while people in China will keep getting richer, they will never be as rich as Europeans. Indians will keep getting richer, but they will never be as rich as the Chinese. Bangladeshis will keep getting richer, but they will never be as rich as the Indians. And so on.
Capital will become more concentrated in currently-developed nations even as it gets invested in developing nations. Thus, even if population in the third world stabilizes, it will stabilize at a much higher density than in the developed world.
Countries move in stages, and money will be generated.
Imagine the Finall Day, its gonna be great.
>third world
It's second world, retard.
Just nuke china and india and it's all okay
All non europeans and north americans must be forced to 1 child policy, its the only way for our world. If not Earth will turn into very, very sad place. And Europe will fall.
What will happen is that niggers will fuck up the middle east and then much of Europe as they try to mass migrate there, sparking a North-South war
Many Europeans will become refugees in the New World while Slavdom will become the dominant force in Europe
Egypt will be ruined forever
Then with Europe collapsed there will be massive disruption to the global economy, interrupting food shipments to Africoonland as well as medicine and shit
Africa will face mass starvation and death from disease, so will India. The problem will solve itself even if leftists in certain country try to import niggers.
>people who think like this are allowed to vote
And all it will cost us is the ethnic character and racial heritage of the homelands we built.
Amazing. Can't wait for the 10bn Beige Future.
Overpopulation is a myth.
You'll be long dead before that happens.
I'd rather a pessimist vote than a utopian who feels its their duty to improve the world for others to enjoy, all the while allowing their country to sink further into debt and poverty.
Look up arable land.
what bullshit is this, post-nuclear holocaust world predictions or what?
This looks like some
propaganda , good luck with that.
2025 - 100mln people
What about giving them all amenities, how much farmland would be required to feed that mega-city?
So? That's not the point.
This one is better youtube.com
Don't be misguided by the name, it is not trying to say everything is ok. The prediction is that the world will consist of 11 billion, one billion in all of the Americas, one billion in Europe, four billion in Africa and 5 billion in Asia.
Stop sending food. That's it.
>From that point we move towards bullshit politically correct invented problems and ways to entertain ourselves while fattening up
>20th century farming techniques are the only way to grow food
>Slavdom will become the dominant force in Europe
why are american posters always so obsessed with eastern europe to the point of delusion?
3rd world population is a problem.
Yes. Let's turn everything into cities with multi-story factory farms. That's going to be a world worth living in.
how many russians among them?
So, alternatives?
I am listening.
Yes, let's turn the whole planet into Japan, that's going to be fun.
lab-grown burgers
you're a fucking retard, as long as 3 billion pajeets and another 3 billion gooks live in crowded shitholes its fine with you right? The world is already grossly overpopulated and its getting worse.
Why do you think the oceans fish stocks are being destroyed dumbarse?
You're right I'm sure the glorious imperium of sweden will conquer the world
Slavs live in homogenous nations and Poland has one of the better militaries in Europe unpozzed by niggers unlike the French, British, Swedish and German militaries which will collapse into infighting if forced to fight a tide of niggers flooding into Europe
Slavs will fill the gap after Western governments collapse, and Sweden will be partitioned between Denmark, Norway and Finland
inshallah brother
get FUCKED mongol
2022 is 8 billion
2035 is 9 billion
Gotland to Estonia for justice.
Population is logistic guys
It will slow
2021 is 8 billion.
we are currently at 7.4
cool video
It will not.
Sweden, Germany already have population growth because of "#¤"¤#"#¤" having shitton of offspring there.
One billion in Europe means Earth is going to gas everything between 20 and 50 parallels - It will be desert.
i'm just playin ya mate
god bless russia
u r ma bro
You see, this is why you don't send "aid" to Africa. They (the vast majority) are poor, overpopulated and starving because they keep having kids they cannot support, waste what little money they have, and their children repeat the cycle.
Humans are animals. All of us. People like to pretend they're enlightened, and that we all have the intelligence to know the correct decision, and can rise above our animal instincts to follow through, but many humans can't.
For non-whites
Vertical farming. Liberals hate it because it actually answers a problem.
yeah right.
Vertical farms do not need soil.
We need a new world war
This guy isn't wrong on the lab grown burgers, either.
Our new techniques to grow meat is super promising, we can go straight from stem cell to plate. The only problem, as noted by taste testers, is that it lacks fat, and doesn't taste too great.
So the answer of course is to grow fat too, and grind it in with the burger.
Fun fact: Jews can eat pork grown in a lab because it never had a cloven hoof.
Start it.
Overpopulation is a myth that is anti human
The entire world population can fit a moderate size city
Probably not opium and lead poisoned white people, though.
They would likely be comparable to blacks today.
See: crime and IQ levels after leaded gasoline being outlawed
>2036 - less than 1 million
>2070 - total human extinction
this lmao
perfect the method and then start growing that shit in an extreme scale
vegans = happy
humanity = happy
hippies and tinfoil hats = die from starvation
With their fields and farm animals and fish and mines and so on?
Overpopulating without thinking is anti-human.
Killing the planet is anti-human.
Only about 3 billion out those 7 are people.
Do you know that homo sapiens is the most populous mammal except maybe rats? Why is this allowed?
Giving up meat only because 3rd world overpopulates the planet?
Will you suggest cannibalism when being vegan fails you because all the phosphor is already stored in living human bodies?
When does it end?
genocide all africans and asians
Are you being racist against wild bears, wolves and butterflies?
I am afraid I cannot let you do that, my anime supply must remain undisturbed. Killing all niggers might be a sound proposition though.
Even so, most of the world would be without humans because they would still Within the city
Plus vertical farming is being developed
okay japanese are exempt
yeah, most of the world will be robots harvesting lard so you niggers can continue breeding without thinking.
>Giving up meat
lab-grown meat IS meat my friend
just 100% ethical meat
from what will you grow it?
If you want there to be less people in the world you can start by kys
I want the human population growth to stop by reason before nature will stop it his indifferent and efficent ways.
Stem cells.
Just rip the vagina out of a cow and you get 100,000 burgers. It won't replace animals, but it will cut down on what is needed drastically, a single ranch will satisfy the world with it's production.
It's also rapidly becoming cheaper, and if companies pick it up and make it more widespread, it's price will plummet to near non existence, meaning it's almost a pure profit for the companies that adopt it. It's a winning move to invest into it.
>100% ethical meat
The taste is in the suffering though.
Oh you, slavnigger.
> implying you do not need to feed your lab
Do you think that it will not need to be fed?
>move onto cultivating other planets/systems.
>leaf understanding of economics
Sorry, bro.
Having no sexes in our languages sometimes fucks up my english.
Yeah, leaf thinks that we have time for this inbetween dodging trucks in markets and running from feral niggers.