ITT:Post things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
ITT:Post things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
Arguements against National Socialism
Yes, I exist.
Life is hell.
How do I fix my gay? Please no meme answers, I actually need help, but psychiatrists are all kikes who will tell me I'm normal.
"I was born gay"
Saddam's Nukes.
Girls that will fuck you.
Do not commit sodomy. Lot's of men lived in Celibacy before the post modern age.
t. person in more or less your situation
Try going to church and seeing if your local christians will help you without being assclowns. If you can find some good people they'll help you with this struggle.
Consistant Christians
Honest Jews
Assimilated muslims
I have no intention of it. I'll probably just man up and find a wife to have kids with. I'm not necessarily opposed to women, I had sex with one at 17, but being even a little gay is fucked up, and it's kind of starting to override the straight.
Easiest way to cut down on sexual deviancy in your society: ban porn. I blame porn as the 100% cause of my sexual issues. It's too easy to access on the internet.
Sleep with women?
Look up lesbian porn and play with your dick until you rewire your brain to like girls.
Well it seems like you know what to do exactly. Find a wife(preferably one that understands the situation), make kids, live a clean life.
You are not a slave to your urges if you do not want to be, and as you said it's a developing condition that stems out of porn among other things. The cure is to not give into the temptation, as simple as that.
This is pretty good advice
Gender wage gap
I don't know what it is, but lesbians disgust me on an intimate level. I don't really care on a social level, but I am physically repulsed at the thought, on the same level as coalburners. You'd actually probably sooner get me to watch blacked porn than lesbian porn.
Thanks merchant, you're my greatest ally :^)
Godspeed user.
"White" Americans.
>canadian with a SMALL penis
this is the only answer
conditioning is a very real thing and if you disagree you're an anti-science fuckwit.
you can stop being gay, but lol like they'd tell you that. you are a vote to the liberals.
Liberals' dignity.
I do think there is some kind of gay gene though. Take a look at gay dudes eyes, they all have a certain shape to them. Aaron Rodgers and Neil Patrick Harris are perfect examples of this.
it's because they are exposed to each other massively from an early age and sought to reinforce their relationship with each other, subconsciously, but liking the same sex, so they weren't alone.
it makes perfect sense for siblings or children to be gay because of familial influence, which is everything to the developing mind
See Milo Yiannapoulis
Work out, go to a bar, talk to girl, get in pusspuss. Viagra if it don't work the first time, shouldn't need it then on. Anal is the same both ways don't forget, so now you just get an extra, better hole, in exchange for an ever so slightly worse hole that she talks out of, which you can train to be redpilled
Timmys taste disgusting and a double double is cancer
What are Log Cabin Republicans?
Hes jewish
Don't forget:
Open-minded Atheists.
>Milo Yiannapoulis
Not a conservative by a long shot, a faggot who decided to try and make money of co opting neo Sup Forums sentiment
yes we do, we have more of a reason to keep the mussies out than anyone else
>moderate rebels
>unbiased news
I started working out last year. There is nothing that makes you feel more manly than lifting heavy weights.
Soon you too. Pulse 2.0
No, that's real. Just not in the way feminists say it is
>unbiased anything
Serious question, what's your relationship like with porn? All I have is personal anecdotal evidence, but I believe that it can condition a person to crave sexual depravity that they would otherwise find disgusting.
I've watched porn for almost 20 years, from the time of the magazines to modern internet subscriptions and have never gone at anything more hardcore than some light bondage. I barely use it once or twice a week to rub one out and that's it.
I laught at Sup Forums's threads about "porn turns you into a degenerate", "porn saps your gainz and enery", "porn turns you into antisocial beta", "porn makes you a cuck", "porn makes you impotent" and other pseudo-scientific crap that is better explained by placebo effect. Literally losers justifying their failures blaming something external; "porn is why I'm not a winner!"
My favorite videos are generaly vanilla sex. Still disgusted at trannies, still disgusted at gays, dislike anal, not really into lesbians or group sex.
Well the only fetish I've developed is forced orgasm. Shit's hot
>Costa Rica
A high percentage of conservatives are closet homosexuals, it ties in with Christianity, which is basically a homosexual death cult.
You can't pray it away you filth little faggots.
Right, I'm not saying it's a problem for everyone. As with most addictions, it's got a lot to do with environment and self-worth; people with good lives don't have to pleasure-seek with addictions but people with mental problems and shitty lives use it as an escape.
However, it surely does affect SOME people and I think you'd be naive to dismiss pornography as non-addictive, it plays with the strongest reward-seeking impulses we have, after all. I'm just curious about cases where heavy usage and extreme novelty-seeking warp the sexuality and urges of the user, or lead them to seek sexual novelty in the real world outside of porn.
>I laught at Sup Forums's threads about "porn turns you into a degenerate", "porn saps your gainz and enery", "porn turns you into antisocial beta", "porn makes you a cuck", "porn makes you impotent" and other pseudo-scientific crap that is better explained by placebo effect. Literally losers justifying their failures blaming something external; "porn is why I'm not a winner!"
I do believe you're right to an extent. Like those NoFap guys on Reddit, keeping "days sober" badges and acting like a big online support group for one another, preaching about their "NoFap superpowers", posting their tearful "OMG I JUST RELAPSED!" pity-parties, and wallowing about how porn is ruining every part of their lives. I think it's self-fulfilling prophecy. Beating yourself over the head with that kind of doom and gloom mindset is more harmful than the act itself.
I think the big key those guys are missing is you've gotta stop letting it be such a big fucking deal, make an effort to stop looking at porn if it's causing you problems, shrug your shoulders when you fuck up, stop living under a cloud of self-inflicted misery, ya know?
>gay conservatives don't exist
You clearly haven't been here long.
more than 2 genders
i exist senpai
Fucking nice, Iceland going full Reich, compared to Sup Forums niceposters. Hilarious.
Porn has made me crave more sexually depraved porn.
The concepts of some sexually depraved acts can be hot, but it doesn't translate to reality.
It has probably actually adversely affected my interest in those things since they have become more fantasy than reality for me.
Since japanese me-me-meme for example
>have cousins that are young, a young girl and a young boy who is older
>worried I've been conditioned into thinking little girls are hot and therefore going to pop a boner
>absolutely nothing
>I'm tall enough and younger than her dad so she jumps around, wants to play, asks for piggieback rides, etc
>absolutely nothing about it is arousing even though she's a cute little girl
>not a single awkward boner
therefore from my anecdotal evidence that while knowing about depraved acts can open you to an internal sexual failure, it does not 'make you' enjoy those things.
>Things that don't exist
Hard working niggers
3 or more genders
Islam in 5 years
>therefore from my anecdotal evidence that while knowing about depraved acts can open you to an internal sexual failure, it does not 'make you' enjoy those things.
Do you suppose you might have felt differently though if you had been getting yourself all heated up to some porn for a while before those encounters? Or if it was something less taboo/dangerous than incestual pedophilia?
In my case, porn has served to kind of "build my courage up" to do things in the real world. I never actually enjoyed any of the things I did though, I kind of felt like I was sexually abusing myself in a weird way.
I don' get this. Why would Sup Forums be a shitskin?
Zionist Americans
No and no, I've heard enough confessionals to know that whether it's pedophilia, incest, or just buttstuff that if you feel the craving the danger doesn't make the arousal go away- actually, it seems to intensify it.
>I never actually enjoyed the things
precisely, they were appealing in fiction but not actually any better than normal sexual activity in reality.
milo and douglas murray are okay
>millennial conservatives
>millennial christians
>redpilled christians
>Sup Forums intellectuals
Jew loving protestants
what are log cabin republicans?
theyre called log cabin republicans because lincoln was the first gay republican
Afro Argentine/Black Argentine
just do anal sex with women
stinky vagina is the devil and the reason for 99.5% of gay
in Poland all muslims are either assimilated or removed
>Literate Argentinians
He said things that don't exist
Non-greedy Jews
Non-corrupt governments
Moral non-vegans
Non-degenerate SJWs
Heterosexual masturbators
>Strong and brave white "male" that isnt a keyboard warrior
You've gotten nothing but shit advice so far. Here's what you do: raise your testosterone levels as high as possible, stop cumming.
I'm in the same boat, user. I'm thinking of taking a plunge into Christian ascetic device. Here's some useful stuff, especially the ton of books ar the bottom.
>Marching to Zion
>Yuri Bezmenov - Why we need God
>Father Coughlin: Jews & Communism
>Cultural (((Marxism))): The Corruption of America
>Christianity is Not Jewish
>/christian/ books
A smart polish person.
Honoka is a blessing to this world.
>actually know tranny that looks like that
>don't know for sure if they would do something like this
do what? try to get hard while sneaking a peak at you?
Shut up Senegal
Post video of them playing with their dick. Unlikely, though. Just weird the face is similar.
OP's pic
>no hourglass titty monster GF
Hi justin
Straight weebs
The Armenian Genocide.
My waifu.
I'm a bisexual conservative. My existence makes you half correct and half wrong.
Just stop being such a faggot and be comfortable with being gay. You are normal, though i know saying that will get me downvoted to shit on here.
I don't know if you can stop the gay, but that doesn't mean you can't love a woman.
I like boipucci and i'm ANCAP
I can't wait to have trap jailbait sex slaves
Peter Thiel. Did you not watch the Republican Convention?
Lesbian porn is actually the source of a lot of men's movement to gay/transgender identity. They associate their own sexual pleasure with vaginal stimulation or a woman's moans and as a result this fucks up their drive.
If you actually want to become straight again try POV porn.