What is Sup Forumss opinion on mail order brides? I want to have lots of white children but It's not easy. I'm 29 and I'm single. I am a relatively rich blue eyed engineer but I can't get a gf because I'm 5'4 and socially awkward. The only girls that seem to be options for me are asians and brazilians but I want a blue eyed girl to make blue eyed children. All Irish girls seem to be lefty athiests who would make terrible mothers and would rather have a job than children.
I am considering buying a mail order bride that is willing to have 8 children and be a stay at home mother. Is this degenerate?
Mail order brides
shes pretty hot, but i doubt the picture matches the stats, or if shes real at all..
which is sad..
yea she is pretty hot..
also rate me.
>English Skill: Elementary
less degenerates pls
It wouldn’t feel right knowing the likely reason she’s doing this is to escape her own country. I would feel used, she’s probably doesn’t want to be with me, and that the relationship is more of a transaction than something to ground new family roots from—not to mention how pathetic it would be to tell the folks about how you and her met.
You should probably take a humanitarian approach: let her in and always stress that she has the option to leave at any time and that doing so won’t result in you denying her the fake marriage for the green card. If after the fake marriage she’s already packing her bags, then there’s nothing there. But conversely if she chooses to stay with you even after she’s got her license to say, then by all means go start a family with her.
What website?
I'm fairly certain these women don't want a green card into India.
>like they won't leave you as soon as they have residency
You'd be better off holidaying it up in east euro and finding a woman in person
She'll probably rip you off the moment she gets citizenship in your country
Top kek
Actually mail order brides actually have a 80% success rate as opposed to traditional marriage which is 50%.
>no source
>implying they dont divorce you afther 3-4 years and learning language to take 50% of you and mill you with for kid you make.
That would work If women had no rights.
**milk you
once she's in the west with more options and rights you're going to alone again and childless still
are you a Pirate?
That's not how it works, lad.
You make a claim, you provide evidence for said claim.
>current year
>using google.com
you can do that but you need to be careful and strict
the moment your ukrainian 10/10 qt arrives she will be blasted by the western brainwashing and feminism if you let her do her own thing she will be just like the degenerates in your homecountrie in 2 months or less
here is how you can prevent this
1.) keep her away from western women
2.) keep her away from anyone you aren't sure about that they will have a good influence on her ( good means in your interest)
3.) use her language barrier, if she can't talk to the degenerates she can't get spoiled by them but she needs to understand you that'S why you should learn russian
4.) that you don't give her your bank accounts or the ownership of your house is clear I hope if it wasn't clear then you should forget the whole thing
in germany we order brides from ukraine a lot and I have seen everthing
I saw girls turning out loving mothers and I saw girls ripping off the husbands and becoming strippers
which site are you using btw?
They'd get a brown card anyway
Sorry to ruin this for ya but your/your wife's eye color doesnt automatically pass down to your children. Both my parents have blue eyes and I was born with blue eyes and blode hair too but as I grew older my eyes turned green and my hair brown. So basically you dont have to look for a specifically "white" woman, just dont pick any brown eyed betahuman.
>born in '81
>age 28
Old pic is old, she's over 30 now which means she will look like Baba Yaga, like all old Slav women.
>I want a blue eyed girl to make blue eyed children
this sites are a straight up ripoff anyway
with all that fees... just travel to ukraine and find your qt like a men
>have a friends wedding in august
>the ex I dumped will be there with her fiance
>tfw been going solo since it ended
Genuinely tempted to hire out a hot as fuck blonde Russian for a day (because my ex is Polish and hates Russians)
Ahmed please
Stop being a fag and caring what your worthless polka ex thinks, no wonder they dumped your ass.
if you really wanna make her mad go with an asian or a nigger girl
that's like if she goes with a nigger carrying his 40cm dick in front of him
stop being such a faggot m8. I don't care about happiness. I only want white children that I can impart Chrstian values onto and teach them how to be logical thinkers and engineers
How is it pathetic to get a woman with traditional values and have her bear your children? Anything else is pathetic by comparison.
I can't think of any other way to meet a young woman with traditional values anymore. You have to import them.
The only borderline exception I can think of in the US is southern belles, but the Jews are slowly making progress with destroying them, plus they're all claimed by town Chads right out of high school anyways.
I suddenly came across a lot of money this year and I'm 32 so sometimes I consider this as a desperate option, I feel I should act before my seed gets too stale.
However, another part of me thinks none of us were meant to have families. It's a waste for any of us to do so. Any white person can do that, but we're different. We're the few who can fearlessly look evil in the eye and keep researching the enemy without running away in fear or embracing ignorance. It's a thankless trait, no one congratulates you for it, but the ability you have is incredibly rare and important. Throwing that away, suppressing it to instead LARP as a normie with a family would actually be the worst failure, the ultimate disgrace. We're supposed to be fighters and leaders, it's our destiny and we shouldn't let ourselves be tied down by women and children. There's too much work to be done.
Leave the child-rearing to everyone else, rest assured they'll keep producing children. Someone has to keep fighting for them in ways they don't understand, someone with nothing to lose. Whether you like it or not, that someone is us.
2nd'ing the Asian. Women are all for race mixing except for white male Asian female. It pisses them off more than anything
I lold.
That's worth a giggle m8
Ask John Romero about how it went for him.
Google.com senpai
>Whether you like it or not, that someone is us.
Well, we really need to get this shit moving then. There needs to be real charismatic leaders out there other than that homosexual Spencer.
>Birth: 1981
>Age: 28
Or u could fix the socially awkward thing and find a good wife
Nice argument you have there
Don't that just make people laugh at you? If you want to make them salty shouldn't you go for a pretty, traditional grill?
more pics
>thinks i have to provide arguments against the most cringeworthy post i've seen this year
Ukraine is chock full of economically destitute hotties. Take advantage.
Nah all you need to piss off a woman is
>better looking
Don't know how it works since they'd both be immigrants though desu
Autistic subhuman nigger
There was a gallery of this shit somewhere and a few of the pictures has a nigger eating fried chicken. 100% serious.
No thanks, grandma.
Found the autistic triggered lefty/pol/ kike sperg
>I shouldn't have kids because i'm a white nationalist researcher who has really important stuff to learn about the jews on Sup Forums.
Are you actually being serious right now? I mean if you're not having kids that's one thing but at least be honest with yourself about why.
>I'm 5'4 and socially awkward
Don't have lots of white children.
Why? My father is 5'5 and i am 5'11.
>Wants children to impart christian value onto
>Doesnt care about happyness of others
Your father more than likely didn't have access to the same nutritional benefits you had though.
Meaning in the modern age if you're a 5'4 manlet, that's likely your genetic potential.
t. 6'3 son of a 5'11 father
The idea is that you're supposed to constantly act on that information for the rest of your life, but kids would be too big of a distraction and prevent you from doing anything meaningful.
Are you pretending to be retarded? Surely you knew this was what I meant.
The part of your brain that autonomously decides to fight must simply be missing because you're a descendant of filthy redcoats
These sites are most;y made by Nigerians and are scams.
You are gonna fall in love with some igbo scammer and send money to his cousin by western union to pick up in Moscow.
Be warned.
for what purpose
Women carry more height genes. 99% of cases, with adequate nutrition, the lovechild b/w an amazon and a midget will not be a manlet, and should > amazon.
ahhh yaaa
If you're too beta, weak and boring to attract a female, then you shouldn't breed at all.
Last thing we need is more white male children being brought up by beta fathers, because we don't need more nu-males in this world
/pool/ fails to realise that weak white men are the problem of their own society. not thed women
Feminism and hit women exists because of white knight faggots and weaboos, masses of them.
can i import here and then just make her work as an accountant and just chill at home on her income?
>I want to have lots of white children but It's not easy
>Dutchman Ed Houben has fathered 98 children in 12 years
>Was a virgin until age of 34 and says would still like to have his own family
More like: that would work if men had any rights.
>You should probably take a humanitarian approach: let her in and always stress that she has the option to leave at any time and that doing so won’t result in you denying her the fake marriage for the green card.
Holy fuck, Lancelot. If she ain't gonna give you sex and White babies, leave her in her shithole country.
disgusting nigger lips
Don't do it. A friend of mine did this with a Ukrainian woman. Ended soon, after she had one child.
Aesthetic degeneracy.
Look for homeschooled Christian girls.
I'm a software engineer with five children. God bless homeschooled Christian girls.
it's not real man.
you are better off coming to america and winning a girl over with your accent.
>white children
so are you going to order a father in the mail too or what?
Almost all of the ones you see online are people in a "call center" type of job. Often they are men, perhaps some ukranians could tell you but this is what I have been told. They get shekels every time you buy more time, pictures, and eventually their "contact" info.
>Look for homeschooled Christian girls.
how ?
Why are there western women on this?
Lemme give you a tip - when it comes to woman trading, Ahmed's opinion is usually the most competent and this is exactly the case. Mail-ordering Ukrainian females ends bad long term even if you're a Sultan. en.wikipedia.org
bro this made me laugh so hard
Your country is what 'saved' Western civilization through the monastery.
Go to Mass. Find a traditional chapel--not some new-Catholic limp-wristed sodomite Novus Ordo "Mass."
You will find them.
Man he's fucking hideous and fat
you'll only find old people at those masses
how come Irish were always considered nigger tier? I never understood that
It's true for the most part.
Except...they are the ones having children.
Novus Ordite nuevo-catholics as a whole aren't having children--and wonder why more don't go to church.
probably related to potato famine
have you ever seen one, Xin Xang?