Make your claims for 2017

Make your claims for 2017.


You're next...

kill japan

I'll fuck your Mum

I'll win the lottery and bang YOUR Mum.


I will become rich and get married, Putin will reinstate the monarchy in Russia, Trump will call on vigilante groups to help capture illegal aliens.

Everything will be fire.


pizzagate blows up, elite worldwide child trafficking ring busted

ban anime

A western country adopts sharia

or apocalypse

I will receive great influence and I wont be quiet about whats plighting our society.

I will become chad.

calexit goes through, and we promptly glass cali off the face of the earth

I will lose my virginity to the love of my life

111111111 get
For ebin canada

Assad, Putin and Trump die.

Revolution in Iran

I get gf

South Park will go back to it's old season pattern.

Australia will rise as the next superpower after europe falls and America/China blow each other up.

We will rule firmly but fairly. Kek confirms

Yes, fire!

destroy Islam

There will be a true coming.

accidental kids

Trumpwave becomes most popular music genre

A giant purge.

dodged that bullet... phew

Murica and Iran become friends

My wife will have sex with me


The great white race moves off planet and leaves earth to rot.

We blow earth up on our departure of trips.


everything already is fire. e=mc2. kek confirms!

Please let them win Kek, then kebab removal can begin in Europe.

please make south italy less of a shithole :(

im ready for it to rain fire

This thread has low energy.
2017 will be good year btw
Don't worry about it

Kek is tired after 2016, and needs another rest, so he no longer has a need for Sup Forums and deactivates it.

now begins the real fun


whoa 00hhh

Turkey's instability finally shatters their infrastructure which allows the floodgates to drop and the mudslime river becomes a tsunami that threatens to drown Europe. The UN tries to intervene, but not in time. The rise of the right and righteous militias begin and take matters into their own hands.

If two same numbers then kek is blessing the white race with a great prophet at 2017

virtue signaling and people partaking in it will be shamed relentlessly on social media until all sjw are forced to retreat to echo chamber sites like tumblr

best gf

israel gets nuked, the laws of causality wills it.


Trump will die in hope

John Oliver will brownsplain a major terror attack and try to defend it.


physics is now fundamentally changed

russian civil war part 2

After a few more snackbarkings and rapes eurocucks decide its enough, massive riots and every non-white gets lynched on sight.
Extreme far-right parties ascend to power and start cleaning up the aftermath of the 2017 european race war.
After seeing that many other whites in other countries start doing the same.
Africa just collapses and starves since western countries are solving their own problems and no mo' gibs.
In preparation of the african collapse the italian navy switches from rescuing boats in the Mediterranean to simply shooting them, nobody can cross it.
incredibly strict border controls in europe.
Peace and prosperity soon follow.
Check em

I begin the conjuring for world domination, if pepe wills


Trump throws out the NFA. He enters into trade agreements with russia to import guns, parts kits, and ammo. Nationwide concealed carry is permitted. At least one staunch 2nd amendment supporter is appointed to the supreme court. Dianne Feinstein dies.


Aliens vs. AI by 2100

I don't want it to happen, but I think this is Buscemi's year.

Trump will soar in approval ratings

She'll finally be my gf ;_;

A safe trip to and from Italy tomorrow.

Trump will be murdered

Sweden starts "relocating" white people into "camps."

Your waifu will become real

Someone will try to assassinate Trump but he will be protected by Kek

Kek's New Year Resolution
Remove France

The end of the world comes 1 year later than Ghostbusters 2 predicted it.

I will get a girlfriend this year.


Merkel dies of a heart attack live on TV

Another religion of peace attack in Britain
40+ deaths

The mainstream media becomes aware of Kek and tries to smear him, making a powerful enemy in the process. This becomes the death knell of the old media giants.

Global Nuclear Holocaust

Nuclear fire sweeps the world started by South Korea. The US and its direct allies, UK, Japan, Russia, and Canada survive it. They start receiving tons of refugees at the beginning only for Trump to go, about 30 hours into it "no more" unless they are worthwhile to the US, basically meaning doctors.

hes not the smartest guy, his twitter is propaganda, but I would hope that kek doesn't curse anyone remotely involved with the production of any official star trek content. Annoying or not, HE SERVED ON THE ENTERPRISE BROHS. WITH FREAKIN DISTINCTION.

This guy won't get a girlfriend this year.

This guy will finally come out of the closet this year and get a boyfriend.

roll for this

full out war between the -stan countries

EU is Kill

Wildes will make the Netherlands great again and Afrikaners will reinstitute an application for relocation.

WWIII coincides with a second american civil war PLEASE KEK

Everything will be just fine

sweden falls

KeK will manifest himself in flesh.

czl a lot



Kek's mother?

world leader assassination

Charlie Sheen will die.

It is no longer 2017, it is 1 AK, After Kek

Angry Goy gets Game of Year award

if singles, GF

Donald Trump will be impeached.

death of Globalism

two pair. kek wills it.

oh come on

USA will be nuked 7 times

Let those who call people clowns be the biggest jokes of all.

Let those who want to take away our shield and sword against danger be felled by the violence they so fear.

Let those who want to spread hatred and dissent among the ranks of the righteous and pure be wracked with schisms, infighting and confusion.

More or less has all this happened, but let it swell to sevenfold.