Prepare to Cry edition

You realize that Brexit was just old people stupid enough to vote for nostalgia "ITS MUH COUNTRY!!!" and Trump was just a hissyfit made by whites losing power over the world? 2017 will be different, Le Pen will lose just like her cuck father (look it up!) and Schulz will become God Kanzler of Germany streghthening EU beyond your imagination?

You fucking nazis will cry all year because you will get rekt in all incoming elections.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Le Pen

literally who
its over
they won
deal with it

elegant shitpost desu

Brexit didn't won, it WILL be blocked.

happy new year to you too

>getting rekt
you'd know all about that, wouldn't you polan

>y-you win this round
>we'll win next time, j-just you wait

Where are you fucking nazi cowards? to scared to confront reality?

no, we've just found that petty uneducated kids like you are better off ignored

>it's nostalgic to feel like your people own your own country

You're clearly just pissed off that the West is going to de-cuck itself and countries that don't take part are going to get double-cucked, revealing liberal bullshit doesn't work, resulting in apartheid and deportations in the New West, and a racial crusade.

Nope. Sorry Bartek, you free EU bucks are about to come to an end.

So this is how democracy dies? To thunderous shitposting?

The EU is a neoliberals dream you idiot. If you are supposed to be a leftist then you atleast need to know neoliberalism is right wing you fucking idiot.

Because EU will survive you fucking cuck, Pootin killed your people and what was your response? sucking his dick!

10/10 reference

Probably having a fun time not living in the shithole that is Poland

There is nothing wrong with neoliberalism if there is equality.


Capitalism and equality are incompatable.

If poland had gun rights like america they might have not been eradicated by the nazis

And Muslim dick is up your ass.

>Voted remain and everything gets more expensive due to the uneducated lower classes autism

At least they'll suffer more than me

Rural morons voted leave, while educated people voted for remain. Thank God the EU will block them.

>says shlomo nervously for the hundreth time

didnt win you retard. You should learn some English considering half of your family lives here collecting benefits

>Trump got less of the white vote than Romney

Good one dad!

so they TOOK YOU JERB or your welfare, you hick?

By fucking who? Labour said they wouldn't block it, and the Conservatives are the ones making it happen. Ooh wait, I know, the LIBDEMS will prevent this ;)

No they didnt take my job but definitely someone whos English. I would prefer to have someone who can speak my language cleaning my toilet so maybe I can talk to them rather than some Polish cunt like I have currently

Stfu indonesia

if a dumb illiterate polack can steal an englishman's job then all he deserves is a fucking bullet for being a total inbred moron

by the EU or Scotland

Pick one and only one

see now I kind of take the blame here, because I get polacks to clean my shit because I can pay them barely anything and they still treat me like a god. No self-respecting Englishman would take the money that poles take for the jobs they do. Its not a question of being dumb, its about how much you get paid.

Oh look, it's an illiterate! Scotland as a country has no say in the matter and even if every single SNP and LibDem voted against, Labour alone could easily match that, let alone the party that commands a majority. And the EU can't prevent a country from triggering article 50.

Why is a chink trying to prove me wrong? aren't you busy waiting for that big juicy china dick to bone you again?

for all I know you can be a hindu and you shit in the street so scrubbing a toilet isn't your problem realy

It should be obvious from the fact that I have a far better command of the language we're currently speaking that I'm not a chink.

And given that I clearly know more about British politics than you, I think you could say I'm familiar with the country.

I'll LEAVE this one to you, Sherlockovsky.

Can't speak to the rest of the world, but here in the U.S. Republicans hold both the House and Senate and starting January 20th will hold the presidency. Republicans also hold 33 out of 50 state Governorships and a majority of State legislatures. It will take several election cycles for the Democrats to even begin recovering their losses.

> I think you could say I'm familiar with the country.
spewing dumb Sup Forums talking points really makes me think you are an expert on the UK

>It will take several election cycles for the Democrats to even begin recovering their losses
with a moron like drumpf in power it will take really a short time also jerrymandering helps you guys a lot

I smell a Jew or maybe a faggot here.

Just kick California out of USA and Democrats can't win.

Noice shitposting m8 and what is with this repressed anger that you burn on racist internet are an angry little man just relax and calm down...

Why are there so many poles shitposting here now?

Lol you don't matter

wtf I hade polan now >:^C

>losing power by winning

repressed anger on a nazi board? the irony!

triggering morons is a fun pasttime always it's healthy to get once in a while out of your echochamber


We dindu nuffin, it's just this one faggot.

lol polish troll, we gonna keep winning until we are sick of it

>moron like drumpf
Trump is many things, but "moron" is not among them. And underestimating your opponent because you hold them in contempt is a classic strategic failure. Which is why Trump has curbstomped every political opponent he's faced so far.

Damn, it sure feels good to read the antics of buttstung drumpfkins who still can't get over the fact that Cheeto Mussolini betrayed them, except one thing: he's actually gonna get fingered by P*tin for the next 4 years. Enjoy the coming waves of your new 'natural conservatives' from Mexico and the Middle East that will vote for the Democrats and finally purge Russia of P*tin.


>streghthening EU beyond your imagination

You're an idiot. They'll take any opportunity to make anything more expensive.

And sorry that people who are losing their jobs (and are bitter about it) and are abandoned by the ruling classes has made your skinny cappuccino more expensive.

They should be less selfish, and think about you.

>when polish faggots stop shitposting "muh we nationals, muh we remove kebab" and show their true kike face

so you're that liberal хyйлo on the left?

I'm afraid that name is reserved for your little balding man of crush.

I don't give a fuck what happens to you Poland the English speaking world is uncucking itself.



my man of crush is tall and has full head of blond hair, you pesky little hohol inbred

Calm down mixed race baby.

>EU will survive

Reminder that Indonesia has the highest percentage of Muslims by population.
Go away Abdullah.

I thought you and your tall bf from дивизия "Pycич" liked it in Donbass, they are pretty gay friendly after all. There wasn't any need for you to flee to Europe smeared with soot pretending to be Syrian refugees.

Entry-level fagposting. Hidden.

OP is right

drumpf will be impeached
brexit will be canceled

(((they))) want to piss you off, divide your already shitty societies. I don't know their end game but these things will surely happen, just watch


>komorowski 60%
>No chances for Brexit
>Trump won't be a President

> butthurt liberal is so butthurt
I'm not ruski, so try again, ok?

lepen father wanted to bring back concentration camps he was /pol incarnated thats why he lost

>t. increasingly nervous man
It's over for you and all of cuck-kind. These butthurt posts are your death throes. Day of the rope is soon approaching, prepare your anus.

I hope it DOES get blocked. The outcry would be far beyond anything we have seen in this country for centuries.

He already gave up when he realized how unpopular the Social Democrats have become.
You should read the news from time to time.

Fuck off you stupid fuck. Trump is going to make america great again
Brexit was the best thing that happened to UK in a long time

outcry from toothless morons and chavs, educated people wanted to stay in the EU

>You fucking nazis will cry all year because you will get rekt in all incoming elections

Never again, we saw the temper tantrums that all the libtards threw after the election.

You people will NEVER get power back we will kill you.

>Educated people
Like who? Ahmed from Shitfuckistan?

>Scared over Brexit

You Polish sub human rodents are the sole reason I wanted Brexit. Fuck off out of our country you ugly fucking tramps

Incorrect. The people who voted remain were "educated" insofar as they had a degree in gender studies. Intelligent people voted leave. I love the residual buttgurt from Brexit and I look forward to much much more in the years ahead.

You're a russkie's bitch imagining to be a vatnik like a tranny aspires to be a woman, which places you in the row with even lower subhumans :3

what are you doing to the world Russia? Your country scares me.