Libtards, explain to me.
What would have been positive about Hillary Clinton as our president? She is a woman? I would be ashamed as a woman having that witch as the first female president.
Libtards, explain to me.
What would have been positive about Hillary Clinton as our president? She is a woman? I would be ashamed as a woman having that witch as the first female president.
I'm a progressive.
Both Hillary and Trump are bad, it's just that Trump is significantly worse. he denies global warming, he is literally poisoning the public with disinfo on scales never seen before, he makes up false statistics on the spot, he advocated to killing innocent women and children on fox news, his economic policy is bush tax cuts v2 and he is generally a moron who cannot form a high-quality policy.
>((( )))
Tits or gtfo.
Well, there you have it. The Israeli kikes hate him and the American kikes voted 80% against him. He must be doing something right.
>Hurr Durr whatever what most of the jews think i must think the opposite XD
Your intellect is showing
Hey, Schlumberger, I've got a great invention you can sell.
>thinking anybody cares what a non-american thinks about American elections
So is yours
You can listen to my arguments and come to your own conclusions.
Ignoring my arguments completely just because i'm not american is the equivalent of putting your head in the sand.
Most jews are parasitic ticks especially in America
We're ignoring your arguments because you're a kike.
And the sexist Drumpfflepuffs just couldn't handle it.
Does the source of the argument more important to you than the argument itself?
Isn't this intellectually dishonest?
Nice "argument"
My favorite part was where your response has absolutely nothing to do with what I said 10/10
The only negative thing about trump is he supports your hellhole of a nation
I wish he would of told all of you to fuck off
Not typically, but when it comes to kikes, it's much safer to simply ignore the (((argument)))
I will repeat my argument, maybe you missed it. i will copy paste it.
"I'm a progressive.
Both Hillary and Trump are bad, it's just that Trump is significantly worse. he denies global warming, he is literally poisoning the public with disinfo on scales never seen before, he makes up false statistics on the spot, he advocated to killing innocent women and children on fox news, his economic policy is bush tax cuts v2 and he is generally a moron who cannot form a high-quality policy."
This argument is copied from the first post in this thread, which you can see here
But Hillary is in favour of abortion, which can be considered killing of pre-developed children, and she killed Khadaffi which created a mess in Libya. And you still prefer her?
>Killing Gaddafi
Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:
>pro abortion
Trump: "I hate abortion, but i'm very pro choice"
You should ignore most shitposters here btw. People don't choose to be born jewish and not every jew joins the globalist agenda, so it's pretty silly to blame all jews for that.
Global warming is the meme only white and western blacks fell for.
Trump understands this.
We're building eco friendly shit as it is.
But what's the point in trying to be super eco friendly when the other half of the planet is doing the opposite with no intention of changing.
>Global Warming is a meme
And why would the vast majority of the scientific community "Make up" this meme, in your opinion?
Btw 16 out of the 17 hottest years on record happened in this millennium if i remember correctly
Her FBI file is 4 pages .
Pertraeus' FBI file is 100's of pages .
comey should go to jail with the clinton 's and lynch.
Hey, I wonder if horn dog bill boned lynch , I bet he did .
People sometimes change their opinion when they realize things are different from what you thought at first
The fact that you're not from my country is reason enough to disregard your opinion.
You don't know shit about my way of life or my home.
You see what you want it to be and nothing more.
I'm not friendly to strangers who think they have any business telling me how the inside of my house should looks.
Mind your own damned business.
I think your people should stop the genocidal racial cleansing of the Palestinian peoples , shekelberg.
people say this stuff as though Hillary hasnt been doing the same shit IN OFFICE for 30 years
she is desperate for war with russia and iran, you have to do anything to avoid that - even if it meant voting for fucking donald trump (which i would have had i been american)
Well, he/she is a liberal, so I guess he/she is against it too
She would have probably Killed Putin instead of making the greatest nation on Earth his bitch (and by associations the followers of a bitch are bitches themselves).
Russia represents on of the largest, wasted area of the planet's crust. A nation smaller in economy than Italy (or California for that matter) and a GDP/capital less than Greece. It could have been a normal western nation (and possible EU member) and instead its just shit.
All Putin needs to collapse is someone to blow a bit of dust in his face and he is done for, no Russian wants to die in a nuclear fire for his shake or to be specific, no Russian Billionaire of his friends would want to do so (the disadvantages of being a corruptocrasy). And Hillary would have been the one to blow that dust.
Russia finally fixed, trans-atlantic alliance continuing as usual, society focusing on cool stuff like the stuff Elon Musk is doing rather than a bunch of collectivists desperately wanting to play empire just in case they feel good too.
Instead congrats, nothing is going to happen, everything seems we are going to have to waint out for them to die naturally so all these decades have been completely wasted. And we are knee deep in idiots thinking they are "fighting the elite" and "becoming red pilled" when Trump & Putin are going to live a life of stuffing bags with tacky golden stuff and laughing at the useful idiots who fawn about them thinking if they kiss a lot of ass it will rub over them (haha, no)
It seems to be a basic principle that if you are opposing Israel and people like George Soros you are on the right side of history
you know it is not a mere coincidence that you were expelled from every country you have ever been in, in the entire world - which has never happened to any other group of people in history
>our president
He doesn't deny ((Global Warming)), He knows the climate changes, as it has for the past 4.5 Billion years. Yes, pollution is bad. Trump does not believe the solution to "Less Pollution" is to just tax the citizens.
How much fuel do military jets and ships burn every day?? Is the solution to just send money to the UN?? I don't know any people that can even hold a candle to how much the governments of the world pollute, through endless wars with depleted uranium bullets and burning oil rigs.
Trump doesn't believe taking my money is going to do a damn thing for the planet and he's right. It only makes rich people richer. We may be able to stop the wars and pollution, but we will never stop the tides of the Earth and Nature's climate.
cause shekels, goy.
Never thought of it that way, thanks
The fact i'm not from your country does not mean my arguments are not sound.
Not paying attention to arguments that challenge your current world views is a bad habit. i challenged your world view - face it and think about it.
Hillary never denied global warming, she never pushed into bush-type of tax cuts and she never actively advocated to kill innocent people in the way trump did on fox news.
Granted, she did lie in various occasions, that's why i did not just say that trump spread disinfo, i was specifically mentioning that he spreads disinfo on scales never seen before.
To prove my point - trump lying 25 times in ONE speech:
About your claims that Hillary is interested in a war with Russia and Iran - Hillary actually supported the Iran nuclear deal which was meant to prevent a war with iran. the only time where she mentioned she would attack iran is if iran will decide to use nuclear weapons against other nations in the world who are US allies. that is a very sensible position, considering iran using nukes would be a threat to the entire world.
In regards to Russia, she never specifically said she will go into a war with russia, and in fact she was involved in various diplomatic deals with russia as secretary of state (See the uranium one deal) which makes me believe a war would have been very unlikely. however, at one point during her speeches she mentioned the possibility of a military response in the case of a cyber attack, she did not specifically mention what type of cyber attack would require a military response, and she did not claim the type of attack commited by russia is a type which requires a military response. considering her history, i strongly believe she wouldn't have responded militarily against russia for the type of hacks that have occurred.
I don't know.
All I know is that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Who are you trying to troll? I don't want to waste my time to respond, but your "facts" are debunkable and easy
>cannot form a high-quality policy.
>not even in yet
>still has much more than hillary ever did
If you're into women's rights and things, having hilary lose is the best thing that could have happened, because she would have been the LAST woman president.
>City people all voted for Hillary.
Yeah, so many city people voted they got more votes than registered voters
Think what you want about Russia, but you're over simplifying it to an insane degree by saying that all it would take is for some to "blow dust" on them. A lot of their equipment is outdated but they are still an incredibly powerful nation, and war with them would be incredibly long and bloody.
I think almost everyone who voted Hillary did so because they believed all the meme shit on Facebook about Trump want to kill all Mexicans and kick out anyone who wasn't white. A lot more voted for her simply because she wasn't Trump. I was down in the US for work during the election and talked to a few people, almost no one had any real reason for supporting Hillary, I got a lot of "they are both bad but she is the lesser of two evils."
She doesn't give a shit about climate change, but at least she doesn't deny that we're responsible for it. Trump is a fucking idiot who disregards irrefutable scientific data.
Go and debunk them then.
I'm confident enough in the facts i presented here to invite you to try and debunk them. you claiming that the facts i presented are "debunk-able" is simply not sufficient, you have to actually debunk them
Because "experts" are only in it for their selves.
Except it does.
Your arguments are coming from a place of ignorance and you're playing in it like Pajeet in a pile of shit.
Let me get it straight then.
Do you think 97% of climate scientists believe in climate change only because climate change benefits climatology?
What's about the fact that it is demonstrate-able that the few scientists who oppose climate change are funded by oil and fossil fuel companies? if climate change was genuinely not true, i would expect more climate scientists to oppose it, not mostly climatologists with clear conflict of interest.
Furthermore, the fact some gasses are greenhouse gases is a physical property which was known for centuries, regardless of the global warming theory. Co2 is known to be a greenhouse gas, it's a physical property which has been known for centuries and it can easily be demonstrated to be true through experiments
I will repeat myself. if you think i'm wrong, explain why i'm wrong. just claiming that i'm wrong without an explanation is not sufficient.
I have already responded to this comment.
It does not contain any explanation which shows that i'm wrong, it merely claims that my arguments should be completely ignored because of my geographical location.
I strongly believe my geographical location does not make my arguments less valid, however. i think you should judge the argument based on the argument itself, not my location.
Your argument can be discarded because you don't know the way of life in my homeland.
You have no connection to the people who live and work here and you don't care what happens to them.
You have nothing at stake here meaning your input is unwanted.
A people has a right to their homeland.
Foreigners never really care.
Hillary is the complete queen of this and nobody realised
I have never supported gay marriage
I do not support a no-fly zone in any nation
I did have sex with my husband without Monica present
Lie after lie after lie
>A lot of their equipment is outdated but they are still an incredibly powerful nation
The United States nuclear weaponry still operates on floppy disks. No country is really as modern or aware as they claim to be.
Have you ever considered true national socialism?
None of the claims i made required an anecdotal view of life in your homeland. regardless of where you live, we can all exposed to same evidence of global warming, and we are all exposed to the words of trump and Hillary through media outlets and videos that show them to us, making geographical location an irrelevant factor.
And btw, i'm a secular humanist, i care about the well being of humans all around the world.
I also strongly believe that what happens in america effects the entirety of western society since it is the biggest global superpower, and therefore i have more interest in what happens in america compared to let's say, France.
I consider all nationalism.
You're a globalist who believes that my home should not be sovereign. That we have no right to self rule.
Your perspective is that of the weak who wants control over the powerful while not wanting to put in what it takes to become powerful yourself.
I agree, I was talking more about their fighting equipment though, like tanks and ships.
You forgot to add "without mentioning Trump" because they're just gonna go on about Trump without any actual information.
I tried to be open minded, no one could tell me why her policies were any good, or how anyone can ignore her past. It's just WELL BUT T-TRUMP...
Ignore the kike, all they do is steal land from palestinians anyway. If Israel burned in nuclear hellfire the world would be better off
I don't like palestinians either.
Israel actually has a right to a homeland the same as the palestinians.
Let them fight it out and the winner gets the spoils as it should be.
Not my business.