19 years old

>19 years old
>never kissed a girl
>no friends
>acne all over my body
>small dick
>shit at sports
>shit at uni
>living in a third world shithole

yeah good goy, you are worthless and can't achieve a single fuck in life because arbitrary reasons that have no really weight in real life.

why don't yo try suicide?

>shit at uni



>>acne all over my body
how the fuck do you deal with that? i'm in my mid 20's and never had acne in my entire life. now all of a sudden my body decided it was the perfect time for some acne. fucking bullshit.

Post dick

Find your muse boy

>POLITICALLY incorrect
Can you even read?

Get a grip you fool, try and finish uni or get a trades skill, like unless you want to be a porn star, the person who interviews you for the job position only cares for your skills and if you're a single male, which for you is an advantage when finding a job, that means you're available for overtime and Saturday double pay, cheer and man the fuck up


That sucks OP.

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

Become a trap

At least you're not black.

>I have no regrets.



Then you woke up with a wet bed that you piss in every night.

>All these qualities and still you can't pay your debts.

This is like one of those meme charts that claims Greeks actually work the most in the entire EU.

but I do that already every single day. sometimes twice a day.

Isn't literally the only reason to live in a 3rd world shithole to have lots of babies with a 2/10 whore?

what part of chile you didn't understand indochine ?

you can be my mexican trap girlfriend


Could be worse, you could be eternally BTFO in the whitest of your neighbours: Argentina.

Kill yourself and maybe you'll respawn with a better life

>using low quality pics of honka-chan in op

how many hours do you sleep a day? sleep at least 8 hours, it will help a lot, also this is the sort of threads you would create on instead, welcome to Sup Forums anyway.

Stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself is a good starting point. Get focused. Go to the gym four times a week and work out so hard you want to cry. Eat healthy. Drink plenty of clean water. Your skin will clear fast and your confidence will grow. As for the woman issue... Forget about it and just carry on with the usual paffing. Carry on with the 'rebuild user' plan and the girls will notice the girls taking interest in you. Tip... find a good whore a few times before giving it to the new girlfriend for the first time.

Well, time to an hero you filthy beaner

You do realize that you need to get off your ass, right?

Literally, this is all you have to do.

Every organism is pre-programmed to mate with the opposite sex. If you would re-direct your "bitching" energy into one of 'fucking', you could get laid in a matter of hours.

Take it from a cripple who has been with 30+ "women" (many 7+/10). GET OFF YOUR FAT FUCKING ASS AND STOP BITCHING. Females are just as horny as us, so show them you want to fuck with no strings attached, and half will be willing to stick their pelvis towards you in any non-descrete locale available.

STOP thinking Jamal has something up on you. Women want THEIR kind to be able to mate. We all know White is Right; and this isn't going to change anytime soon.


>19 years old
still have atleast 2-3 times that to live
big whoop go to a hooker
>never a kissed a girl
big whoop go to a hooker, or be social and get close to drunk girl and kiss her
>no friends
and why is that bad ? do something productive faggot , if you crying like a little bitch go make , be social , be noice goy
>acne all over your body
How about you see a doctor and figure out the problem to that acne , might be milk proteine that is fucking shit up
>small dick
Stop being a faggot and falling for the BBC myth , there are plently of big dick mofos that don't even make women cum, you don't see chink women complaining.
>Shit at sports
you can't be good at everything , stop jerking off and stat doing a routine , eat good , lift , run , it doesn't matter if you bad just keep trying you'll get better
>shit at uni
stop wasting time jerking off to anime and "gaming" all day like a faggot milenial and focus on uni (if you give a fuck) i persoanlly say don't give a fuck on uni , do the minimum and start building something your own.
>Living a third world shithole
hey atleast you are not a gypsiy living in gypsyland , so how about you man the fuck up and get yo life straight there are plently of other faggots worse then you

Start working hard and you'll move to any country you want one day, so man up and stoping being a faggot crying like a little bitch

>third world shithole
I've never understood this meme. If Chile and Argentina are third world shitholes then wtf are the balkan countries?

Get fit

That is key.

You will already feel much more confident which will attract women to you.
It's the start of a brand new year, do no-fap to increase your test and work out whenever you feel the urge, stop eating snacks, stick to meals, ditch the sugar-water-jew, that will get rid of your acne so long as you also wash yourself very well.


Stop complaining, at least you are not in Brazil.

>19 years old
>never kissed a girl
this shit doesn't matter, I lost virginity at 19 to a high school gf, then she dumped me after half a year of relationship and now I am 24 and not exactly pulling mad pussy because of this.
>no friends
just start to small talk people and force yourself in small social situations. I am an extrovert, but used to be very socially anxious introvert back in school who started to cry in front of a class when I recited a poem in grade 8. Transformation happened when I moved to Denmark for 8 months and had to present a group project in english in front of other foreign students, and I did fine. After that, I have no social anxiety, and feeling pretty good being extrovert master race, desu.
>acne all over my body
it goes away when you get over, it's a teenage thing desu
>small dick
it sounds like bragging, I am sorry, but can't relate to this. Shit sucks, but you can compensate for it, and most women don't really mind dick size as long as you don't let them know you are insecure about this. I think insecurity from small dick is worse than actually having a small peen
>shit at sports
I am shit at sports too, I always finished last at any PE class, but this can always be improved with practice.
>shit at uni
Then drop out or switch majors. If you don't wish to do neither, just force yourself to study harder. Reward yourself after a study session. Find good videos or music to play in a small window while you study to keep you alert.
>living in a third world shithole
Chile is not that bad compared to other shitholes. Warm climate, hot women, stuff is cheap, and probably less modern cancerns like feminism and islam.

>tl;dr man the fuck up

>in conclusion

So close m8

For everyone who has problems with acne, talk to your local and make them give u Roaccutan, shit works, it cleanses the acne permanent.

Or it could also fuck you up permanently.

Also try cyanide

yall are pathetic

No it doesnt lol

I can confirm this, works like a motherfucker even 20mg dosage.


it'll all be over soon

All them swedish girls uses this, thats why every swede and migrant here has beatiful skin

How do you know that you are shit at sports mate?
How many have you tried and for how long have you tried them?

Dude growing up is hell.

Just kill them all. Just make sure you get all of them

None of this shit even matters if you're not a disgusting fatass. Go bang a couple of prostitutes, get some practice in and your confidence up.

>1st world Nato allies
>2nd world Communist block
>3rd world everything else

Problem was that NATO block economics grew grew because muh global trade making everybody life better

Communism build shitloads and gave shitloads of everything to everybody meaning everybody could eat and get job ,and economically stuff grew

While 3rd world were isolated and calm, because they were mostly ignored being outside the two blocks thire growth was much slowler, thus you see the diffrence today.

For example , when it comes to war refugees it's the duty by law by any country that signed the Geneva convetion to take in war refugees for up 5 years during a conflict, if the conflict last more then 5 years then are supposed to be reseatleed to a 3RD world country


Start lifting weights. It'll do wonders for your body and self esteem. Don't worry about women, focus on yourself first, and the women will come to you.