Where is our Queen?

Alright, what's the likely outcome of the Queen's health? She hasn't been seen in public for 13 days and my Britbong household is freaking out.
Do we want Charles to abdicate?

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>Do we want Charles to abdicate?
No, because that would be bending to what the (((media))) wants.

Prepare for the dumbo

can some body redpill me on Charles, didn't he just praise Mohamed on the Christmas address??


Charles was on record as saying he wanted to be a tampon and is also famous for talking to plants

It might not be this week but I don't think she'll last the year.

What is this bitch's practical economic purpose again?

Wasn't necessarily making praise to Mohamed but stating that prominent religious figures are fleeing something.
Source: twitter.com/BBCr4today/status/812000333438316546

What's yours?

>Do we want Charles to abdicate?
Nah, we want a War of the Roses tier succession war where Prince Harry seizes the throne from Charles (who is not his true father), and leads a resurgent monarchist movement to abolish the powers of Parliament.

Tourism bucks
Shes making bongland money just by existing

>Charles was on record as saying he wanted to be a tampon
wtf i love charles now

>is also famous for talking to plants
Probably a Druid like His mother.

+£350m into the national coffers each year from the Crown Estate. Plus, the costs saved over having an elected head of state. And the theoretical costs saved against having politicians with more power than they presently do.

>(who is not his true father)
Uncanny resemblance, then.
>and leads a resurgent monarchist movement to abolish the powers of Parliament.
Would support.


Charles shouldn't be king. He should abdicate and let William be King. He's killed pakis and helped people in the coast guard and has a fit wife. Top-tier. Charles is shit and his approval ratings are not good.

she's dead.

fuck off frog france is rightful british clay and therefore she is also your queen

We will find out this month.


Start at 21:00

Can I use this opportunity to ask somebody from UK to explain to me how this royal family thing is still a meme in 2017 and there is fuckload of fans and cheering people everytime they make public occurence?
Do they even have any political impact or is it just a puppet show for plebsters just like murrican president meme?


The Queen is the second most loved person in the world my dude.
She has tremendous soft power, and she brings in millions/billions in bongpounds from tourism and is an icon for this country.
She's so successful because she has NEVER had a public opinion on anything except she supported brexit privately.

who is number one?

Angelina Jolie

Harry was a helicopter gunner and an infantryman, Charles never saw combat.


>Do we want Charles to abdicate?
He's a rotten Muslim-loving globalist and a cheater. Of course we want him out of the way.

>Do we want Charles to abdicate?

Yes, Charles is a complete cuck and I want a young monarch

Kim Kardashian

She is dead

Your digits aren't impressive. That means she is alive.

Could you imagine fucking the queen? I would have smashed her twat when she was in her pomp. Does anyone else think she's taken it up the arse? I reckon big Phil has slung one up her shitter.

You bet ?


fucking captcha

Yeah. Takes more than a cold to knock her out.

but he's unsure, as are the digits


OH shit nigger

I wish the queen would hurry up and die.

She's fucking useless to your country.

Blame the captcha all you like, but you're wrong. Kek wills not for the Queen to die.

You aint seen nothing, son.
We shall reconquer the Anglo lands under King William V.

She will die in your lifetime

>Becoming king based on approval ratings.

Fuck anyone who disrespects Grandma

Well essentially yes. If people hate the monarch then why would they want it to continue? Cutting Charles from it guarantees the continuation of the monarchy.

Prince "I love Pakis" Charles or
Prince "Fit wife and RAF service" Williams

Gee thats a tough one

Sad you will have to deal with Charles becoming king and William dying in the great memetic war on islam

Kate has no arse. Shouldve been pippa


Even better, we could have a vote on it!

I pledge allegiance to the reptilians, give me counter digits plz

she's dead, time to become a Republic.

Holy mother of god

Queen Victoria was not seen in public for over a year after the death of Prince Albert. She'll be fine.


If you abdicated a king based on survey, it looses its mysticism and power, Its better to abolish the system.

Nice try, juif, but some nations don't want your kind in complete control.

Or Charles could just abdicate because he's too old and realises a young king is superior? Seriously, nothing mystic about it, just common sense.
Also GTFO republicuck

>letting a bald cuck be your king

also that time when he called that indian guy a paki

Ding, dong!

The crown of england created Israel you sub human criminal genetic dead end

He's not going to be riding alongside the heavy horse into battle, age doesn't really matter, except for wisdom.

No, the parliament (ie. your kind) did.

OP here.
Anyone have leaks of her funeral procession?

You fucking faggot. HRM will die when she decides it is appropriate. Don't have ideas above your station cunt. We are loyal subjects, not filthy sandniggers!!!

Just a touch of a bloody god-awful right ol smack of a cold Guvna. She's positively in right ol tip-top shape lads.

>No, the parliament (ie. your kind) did.
So that means your sovereign, aka "commander in chief", has 0 power.
At this point its just a puppet to maintain the tax havens.
Become a Republic, a true DEMOCRATIE already. Stop throwing money for the sake of that useless bitch.

Pippa has an ugly fucking face. Kate is elegant as hell.

The legendary green amphibian says she is kill

Holy shit this is how a king and a queen should look like

Brit, bong!


Pipa is fuking ugly

>Become a Republic, a true DEMOCRA[C]IE
Pick one. Hell, don't bother. Only a delusional moron believes in democracy. Or perhaps one who knows (((his tribe))) are actually in charge of it.
A monarch is the only bulwark against you people, even if just ceremonial.
>Stop throwing money for the sake of that useless bitch.
Confirmed retard. Her Majesty pays £400m/yr to the nation, and receives a wage of £40m/yr in return.

And her ass isn't all that, compared to a beautiful Brazilian ass, or maybe a non-white Argentine.

>People will claim this is not the Queen's clone

>Charles shouldn't be king. He should abdicate and let William be King.

hell no, William needs to die, Charles is the rightful king

>The Queen is the second most loved person in the world my dude.

we all hate her britbong,

>A monarch is the only bulwark against you people
Too late

wasnt she a reptilian?
didnt she say last year something terrible would happen just before christmas?

Yea, Her Majesty went to a Royal Masonic Hospital. What's your point?


I don't care if some obese mongrel nation that is 60% white and clearly on the decline doesn't like my head of state, burger.

She has been healed by (((Mason))) and you don't see my point ?
Republic best system anyway, even obi wan knows it.

Its good to hear she's sick, it'll be even better to hear that she's dead. She's German for fuck sake and monarchy has no place in modern society. Not to mention, we have to pay £500 million to fix her palace. How fucking cucked are we? Pathetic

It's a Druid Grove, genius.
Her Majesty is patroness.

>((( )))
Nice try, kike. Just because your people have fucked up Masonry in France doesn't mean real Freemasonry isn't nationalist and anti-you people.
>Republic best system anyway,
Normally the JIDF are more subtle.

grandma has some massive tits

>She's German for fuck sake
Her Majesty is less German than half the "native" inhabitants of Kent.
>monarchy has no place in modern society.
>Not to mention, we have to pay £500 million to fix her palace
You'd pay that anyway, moron, it's heritage listed. The Windsors normally save that money by paying it themselves.

have you seen this man??
Missing since Oct '16

The UK is fine
>the uk is fucked

I prevent inflation by burning excess welfare money.

see ausfag now this is a good answer.

William is Charles' son. Harry isn't.


She is dead my friend or will soon be.

>Her Majesty is less German than half the "native" inhabitants of Kent.
Is that why they changed from Saxe-Coburgto Windsor?
Pathetic comeback
>You'd pay that anyway, moron, it's heritage listed. The Windsors normally save that money by paying it themselves.
The windsors dont pay for anything, ocker.
In times of austerity, housing crisis, job crisis and the migrant crisis; we the tax payer should pay for her 776 room palace to be restored? She's a fucking leech, the whole family are parasites, they're worse than benefit rats. One of the richest families on the planet and we have to foot the bill for their palace. We're a pathetic bunch of cucks. And the Tories aren't too dissimilar from monarchy, in the sense of robbing the tax payer for personal gain.


2017 has been reserved for more epic sacrifices to Kek.


On her deathbed, like the white race.
Tick tock tick tock

Why do bongs have such low standards

>those reptilian features