>Philosophy class at my uni
Guys.. please, help me
dirty alleyway = uni in brazil?
> brazil
> white
looks like a support group for heroin addicts
guy on the couch looks dead too
thanks for the laughs brazil
bring capitan nascimiento to the class
>jew brainwashing degenerate mullatos in a slum like university ruin
yup, France in 40 years.
Is it the jail university?
>taking philosophy class
Please tell me you're studying something decent and only took it to get some easy credits
that's why the only philosophy that matters is symbolic logic.
lets see any of these faggots fuck with De Morgan's laws
is that survivor telling them about the masturbation machines?
>taking philosophy class
philosophy is quite based...but also impractical
Is that prof a Jew? That nose looks pretty telling, good luck bro
>Jew teacher
>Barred windows
>Graffiti everywhere
>Drinking and smoking in class
Holy hell. This is South Africa tier. Sorries.
Why don't you have any kind of ventilation going on? I'm feeling panicked imagining having to breath those people's air.
girl in the center is cute. get me her phone #
this looks like a "class" where i'd sit on the floor, unpack my 3ft roor and milk hits until its over
Imagine the stench...
jesus wept
what the fuck
you fucking liar, this pic is old as fuck, I know this is not your uni. And you know it too, stop lying to get attention, you prick.
For the sake of truth, I will not deny it: this is indeed a pic of a university. But this is not the class, this is a Student Directory, run by students. For the writings on the wall, I cant tell it's related to Social Science, which is indeed flooded by leftists. So what?
In this pic, the professor is surely just teaching a class outside the classroom.
Don't be a idiot, using pictures out of context to get sympathy from Sup Forumstards, you little bitch.
Is just like the Tropa de Elite scene with rich kids crying about muh favelas and the police dude finally has enough and drops redpills on them all.
Intelligent doesn't always mean based. A lot of intellectuals like to stimulate their brain by debating about nonsensical hypotheses without creating any real values. And philosophy is pretty fucking useless.
those windows are closed, idiot. They're breathing each other's subhuman liquor wreaking air.
God dammit brazil , start killing leftists , if your economy keeps in recession forever Macri here
will not be able to reform without the syndicates burning everything.
pretty much exactly how I pictured Brazilian university
>class is probably all middle class and wealthy kids wearing their favela costume to look "authentic"
At least their are no niggers in your class
Where is the "antes e depois" marxism/university?
I lost my .png compilation
Nice thread.
Help yourself by killing everybody in that room.
Wow, so thats the power of R A C E M I X I N G.
Truly impressive
The thing is philosophy is really what most people are aiming to study in college, so it is really easy to get into a brazilian public uni in these types of degrees. What you see is the absolute scum in the pic.
It's too many of them user
There is no end
Is not*.
>Based Afrikan Lightning Witch
Isn't it pretty much like that everywhere. Leftists dress like poor people in second hand rags even if they are the heir of multimillionaires.
I'd marry that fat white girl if she drops leftism.
> Fidel Castro muchos greatos killos capitalistos blancos!!!
Her face
>Oh boy these goyim are so easy to manipulate they listen to a negress like me
What are they learning? Continental surely.
Are most brazillian universities as fucked as I get the impression they are from Sup Forums?
Wasn't that movie made by a leftist cuck with commie actor fags? I was rooting for the BOPE guys but I'm not sure they meant to make that kind of a movie.
>Are most brazillian universities as fucked as I get the impression they are from Sup Forums?
Since you probably never came here it's safe to say it's worse than what you imagine
The negroes invade classes and start screaming "This class is too white!"
She is probably a virgin
T-they have a university in favela now?? Mebbe ask Socialist gubernmint to buy chairs for you??? Stop disgracing remote Germanic ancestors and get a job dumbfuck.
>"we wuz kangz we able of bursting lightning of ballz and shieet from our fingers and go into magic pilozophy"
>"but... that's not true"
it's a Jew leading the racially ambiguous unwashed masses
this is fucking poetry. But it's real.
that pic is Nigeria burger
kill yourself
bullshit, it's Brazil, you can see from the writing on the walls. "Trabalho Mata" means work kills.
Good to know.
It's not as if actual classes are any better, desu.
>brazilian reading comprehension
i found something VERY interesting
It's like their doing the dirty job for Soros
Look at one of the class they had
>Desfazendo Gêneros na Infância: possibilidades do uso da literatura infantil na educação infantil.
>Dissolve Genres in Childhood: the possibilities of the use of children's literature in early childhood education.
Hmmmm... I wonder what kind of (((Theory) they will be using in children's literature....
I am afraid to ask but... is his hat really made from dirt ?
What... What is the point ?
You were supposed to hate the brutal cop and symphatize with the left-wing students, but Brazilians are so tired of criminals and their enablers in (((human rights))) that they've cheered with what was supposed to be the fascist villain.
In the sequel the director was less subtle, more explicit. The right-wing death squads are the clear villains, and the left-wing teacher (who is based in a local far-left politician) is the clear hero who also cucks the policeman.
>Pictured: founder and CEO of Popeye's fried chicken restaurants
>at least we nave no nigg-
wow they weren't kidding when they say brazil is a 3rd world shithole
the fuck kind of university is this? being held in one of your numerous crack dens?
Feminist "art" performance in muh faculty.
It has tits mayne.
>dilapidated third world shack filled with bleary-eyed mixed race youngsters getting mainlined Marxism from a Jewish 'intellectual'
This is our future.
We have a private university here that they call themselves "Catholic University". They have parties with crack cocaine and sex. I'm not kidding. It happened more than once. And it's quite expensive by brazilian standards so it's only the upper middle class.
G.G Allin tier
what the fuck is going on there. seriously.
> Philosphy
> Uni
> that place
what the fuck.
>It has tits mayne.
I will unironically vote for the politician who proposes burning down public universities.
>hod up
>hod up camera guy
>hod up i gossa get mah lip rims back on
A Petri dish of Leftism...fuckin A...
Wow, fuck your school. I was a philosophy major and i saw some pretentious fucks but this is something else entirely. It looks more like hemp fest on the green than class.
Warning: Leftists naked
That's a pretty generous estimate Pierre.
Ha! Fucking black labs.
These people are high as fuck, no?
The smartest thing our previous left-wing government did (for their own sake, of course) was creating dozens of universities and technical colleges.
They are breeding grounds of communist radicalism, and people who graduate from them are essentially unemployed so they will always demand a bigger government and vote for socialist parties. Even with the economic collapse brought by statist policies in Brazil, leftists will maintain their political (and cultural) power for decades to come thanks to all these zombies being spawned from our universities.
Either we destroy the universities, or the universities will destroy Brazil. There is no middle ground.
Ha! fucking golden retriever, my favorite one with german shepards
Haha. Good luck with that. The scale is beyound public uni here. Pic is #NiUnaMenos, a feminist march.
Maybe eventually they will sell them to a better nation.
(((philosophy))) students rarely want to talk about anything outside of disproving religion.
bring up how child pornography being morally wrong as subjective
math is subjective
logic is subjective
language is subjective
perception is subjective
>The white middle class
you can't tell
I thought the movies were pro-BOPE but they felt pretty weird at times, especially with the leftist and favela gang scenes which seemed forced. Like the viewer was supposed to support them but why would someone instead of BOPE?
holy shit just fucking nuke us already
You're right, the professor is a Jew.
Take him out OP.
>Either we destroy the universities, or the universities will destroy Brazil. There is no middle ground.
It's a subversive movie. Cops are shown as psychopaths and students as "naive and people of good will"
it's the same everywhere
Universities largely function as political training centres to ensure a support base for liberal and leftist politicians.
This is why teaching big breeds to give paw isn't wise.
Ask them why you shouldn't murder all of them if morality is relative.
Only ever watched something like this play out irl when all the participants were high as fuck. But I've also chatted with leftists who were batshit insane perfectly sober. Hard to know where the fucking line is, ya know?
I'll tell you something you probably aren't going to believe. I was in a liberal/leftist festival in 2011 and I saw with my own eyes more than 30 people that didn't drink any alcohol start to dance like that.
As soon as the music started a few women started to dance like that and then all of the sudden there were dozens of them.
I felt seriously ill by watching that scene.
If it were in Spanish I would though that it is Argentina. I didn't know that your public unis are also this bad since I though Brazilian society is more immune to leftist extremism. And we have Peronism, yay!
>don't drink
It's drugs. Ecstacy/MDMA