Sup Sup Forumsacks. You have it all wrong. We can't just invade a fucking island...

Sup Sup Forumsacks. You have it all wrong. We can't just invade a fucking island. We need to use the dirtiest of tactics. It will require no bloodshed, and boy will it work.

Here is Namibia, a sub saharan african country with a population of ~2,000,000 people, 6-7% of which are white. If we mass migrate to Namibia, specifically the capital, Windhoek, we could be in a position of power in about ~20 years if we create our own political party and get a Namibian that agrees with us to become head of state. We then encourage immigration from Europe, USA, Australia/New Zealand and Argentina and Uruguay. We then turn the country into a decent country and we will have very strict migration policies towards immigrants from neighboring countries. In about a couple generations, white people would be the majority if we force a two child policy, which in this case will mean that every family is required to have at least two children. Any other ideas? It's definitely a better way of getting our own country than conquering a shitty island with no resources and risking our lives in vain.

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Yeah, let's just trade Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand for the world's driest country.

Europe is fucked though.

With this defeatist attitude we sure is. I'm getting a large family and focusing on my career. When the time comes we will send them all back.

What letter your real name start with?


friendly bump

You could also just get Afrikaners to move there. There are 4.6 million whites in South Africa. Hypothetically if we all moved there whites would already be more than 70% of the population, that's whiter than America.

Being whiter than America is not exactly an achievement worth mentioning lol.

>abandon Europe for some african shithole that is mostly desert

t. moor

For an African country it would be kek.


Enjoy sweating your balls off in 48 degree heat every day buddy.

Namibia is shit and boring.

Netherlands and America will have the same white percentage by 2040

Enjoy that thought

You got a better idea cunt?

How about begin fighting back by getting some kids, instead of complaining like a defeatist woman?


You have to realize that in Europe, women don't want to have kids anymore. The women that do, about half of them are not marrying white people. Plus, Windhoek is nice pic related

Wait for the impending South African Empire of course.

Whats wrong, did people stop paying for the Namibian Project since it was proven a scam?


Oh they do, you just have to look at the right places. I have many friends in their 20s with kids. Not being a NEET and socializing actually helps a lot.

>Still can't spell ''Zuid''

Did your Turkroach masters allow you on the internet today?

> what is vpn.

It not weird at all that the Cypriot would try to stop white people from creating a proper country. Half of Cyprus is turkish.

Where did you even come up with this idea bro kek

Think about it. Other races are doing this already. We need to catch up or we will be left with no country to call our own.

So how would we do this since 8cuck failed

Let's invade the Falklands peeple!

>Not wanting to retake the land of your fathers starting on hard mode

don't go there goy