Is AMD the final red pill?
AMD here, can confirm.
Why are NVIDIA jews. Requesting a redpill.
Only good if you live surrounded by snow
they now refuse to sign all drivers but their own
amd here
they cant optimize dx11 games for shit
They control 80% of the market share and are starting to act like a monopoly. They charge an "nvidia tax" on products that amd makes cheaper for the same or better performance.
Nvidia don't sign drivers though, WHQL is by Microsoft.
Thanks. I was looking to upgrade my graphics card (it's an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660) but now I'll start looking into this shit more, and maybe switch to AMD.
keep Sup Forums's autism on Sup Forums please
AMD are further behind Nvidia now than they are behind Intel. Ryzen if they aren't lying will be a massive shock to Intel and everyone, though they are probably lying/manipulating benchmarks.
AMD keep falling further and further behind Nvidia. Been garbage since 7xxx unless you are a poorfag.
Don't buck the narrative faggot.
Why do you never provide any proof if you're gonna bother making this thread?
You'd be surprised. Look at the results in dx12 and vulkan. AMD cards beat their competitors and even challenge the nvidia cards higher up the ladder.
AMD is a joke.
nVidia drops redpills on launch.
AMD drops purple pills on launch.
By the time AMD reaches nVidia's launch performance, it takes 3 years and by then nVidia drops another redpill.
Kys faggot
Lets buy inferior products because at least they aren't popular.
Should I buy a GTX 1050ti or a AMD RX 460? Which one's better, lads?
No one plays that piece of shit game.
I have a 1080 at 1440p I can play any damn game on ultra with vulkan or dx12.
best post
Get a used 980Ti off ebay and you won't regret it.
But wait you live in a shitty country so it probably costs more there to get a used card.
I'd say go with a 1060 at least and don't be a poorfag.
That wasn't the point of the video you turd. If you drop enough bux you can play any game on 1440p. Are you retarded?
Actually yes, yes it is. Not only was Intel managed by Jews such as Ex-CEO Andrew Grove (who dent tens of thousands of Intel jobs to Israel during his tenure), but other AMD competitor Nvidia was financed solely by Seqouia Capital (which allows them to make many decisions including CEO changes). Partners of Seqouia Capital include (((Michael Moritz))), Jewish Billionaire and staff writer for TIME magazine, (((Jim Goetz))), who sits on the Board of Directors.
Its what AMPoos want to push since AMD is irrelevant and hasnt released a competing product in years
Eat a dick and stop supporting AMD until they man the fuck up and fire that woman CEO Lisa Su and put a man with a big dong in there so they can actually compete with nVidia and make sure nVidia doesn't have a monopoly.
AMD is too focused on shitty console and shit tier GPUs for Fapple laptops.
The RX480 was a joke of a launch.
Not performance, but the fact that you said they're Jews, or run by Jews.
reminder that the 2500k is the best CPU ever
6700k master race here, kys.
Just look at the power consumption of AMD GPU. However, without AMD, both GPU and CPU markets would be monopoly
Don't give a shit. I have a 3 year old Nvidia card that hasn't let me down yet, got no reason to hate them.
my fx-9370 draws like 250 fucking watts when its working hard
Also lets not forget AMD drivers are SHIT tier.
They're not even trying at this point.
Can you play hearts of iron 4 into the 50s and 60s without the game going to shit?
Besides these
They made GameWorks, which grants shoddy visual improvements for shitloads of performance costs, even on their own cards.
HairWorks is an extension of that, and nowhere near as good as TressFX.
G-Sync is a hardware implementation costing iirc $100 to implement in screens for a synchronisation problem that AMD has solved with software called Freesync, which monitor manufacturers are allowed to implement for free. G-Sync is also incompatible with AMD cards, and Nvidia does not support Freesync out of spite.
Their drivers have been dropping in quality as well, especially when it comes to long-term product support. The Witcher 3 had massive performance problems with slightly old enthusiast Nvidia cards. It took them a week to be bothered enough to fix it, which they did instantly, as though they were trying to phase out that card prematurely.
t. PC enthusiast with 10 years of experience, currently have an AMD r9 290
Just changed my 2500 for a 6600k
AMDfag here
Forced to log into social media or create an nvidia account to use shadowplay (gameplay recording / streaming)
Introduced paid subscription service to their geforce experience bloatware so you can pay them money for no reason (I figure they're going to move shadowplay to this eventually)
They're using their hardware driver to spy on everything you do on your computer so they can sell it to advertisers
They tried to advertise one of their cards (970 gtx) as having 4GB of VRAM when it actually had 3.5GB of fast VRAM + 0.5 GB's of slow, useless, VRAM - they got hit by a lawsuit and lost over it
They've tried to bribe developers into adopting nvidia gameworks tech, which is basically a way for nvidia to optimize a game to nvidia's latest hardware while sabotaging AMD performance in that game
Gameworks also sabotages the performance of older nvidia cards to help force people to buy new cards
Nvidia does very little to improve drivers on older cards, and more recent drivers actually decrease the performance of older cards, again to help force people to buy new cards
Nvidia's got a shitton of shills on major tech sites trying to convince people to buy nvidia (you'll see anti-AMD and pro-nvidia spam like crazy on Sup Forums and Sup Forums for example)
They do very little to actually extend, improve, or innovate the technology - most advances come from the AMD side. Vulkan/DX12 for example were both heavily influenced by AMD's mantle API
When nvidia does use a new technology, they try to lock it down so AMD can't use it - physx, g-sync, and hairworks are perfect examples
G-sync is effectively the exact same thing as freesync, but $200 more expensive - it's a hidden tax on buying nvidia if you want freesync/g-sync benefits in your monitor
Tends to be more expensive than AMD for the same performance
This. This is the only reasonable response in this thread. I used to love AMD and ATi back in the day, when they were separate companies and released very competitive and GOOD products.
AMD is pure shit these days. God knows I would love to see them compete, but they don't. Hardware hipsters are just insufferable faggots trying to justify their poorfag purchases.
t. 6700k and 1080 owner
Both are Jews.
ATi forever.
Nvidia is run by a Taiwanese born American called Jen-Hsun Huang.
AMD is also run by a Taiwanese person living in the U.S.
Intel is run by actual Jews though.
Save up some more and get the RX480, better performance per dollar and will last you longer.
Alternatives may be found on the used market, the GTX980 or GTX980Ti cam be found for a good price though you should keep in mind that Nvidia appears to be phasing out support for older cards much faster than AMD.
What kind of a gay ass unoptimized game is that?
I prefer shit like The Witcher 3, which runes fully maxed out at 1440p and hovers in the high 50s. I may SLI the 1080 soon, but I hate SLI in general.
I'm an intel user, not a fanboy. I'm looking towards and future and AMD cards perform WAY better in dx12 and vulkan. Challenge me.
t. Fanboy who hasn't checked AMD's drivers in 8 years
>have large group of online friends
>every demographic and class you could think of in a group of mostly first worlders
>the only people who had AMD hardware were our poor bros and the guys who couldn't get their hardware freely because they lived in a police state
AMD users have been crying about the sour grapes since it became clear nvidia was superior to anyone with common sense.
750 ti master race here
the r9 390/rx 480 isnt a bad gpu. they just dont have something to compete above that class.
lets not talk about cpus 'till ryzen
but i'd say that amd are the leftist crazy cucks.
they're always pushing the liberalist side. but they're honestly, quite a fun thing to watch.
>...Nvidia appears to be phasing out support for older cards much faster than AMD.
That's not right though. I know plenty of people who update drivers every release on their old 6xx cards and are chugging along fine.
If by phasing out you mean focusing on new tech, of course they are you silly faggot, that's the point.
People with 9xx cards will find them plenty usable for years, if not decades to come.
Also, advising someone to buy a 9xx card right now is retarded. The 1070 offers the best bang for buck. I just sold my 980ti for almost $400 and the 1070 outclasses it on pretty much every front.
This is all true, but I wanted a 1440p card from the newest generation, Rx 480 wouldn't deliver and the Rx 490 is an eternity away, so I just got a 1070. However its all true. AMD's last hope is Ryzen and if that fails its probably over for them, and if the RX 490 flops, its definitely over. The 1070 isn't half bad tho.
>t. Person who used AMD cpus for years
Wake me up from the hell that AMD cpus are
Not a fanboy, I just see it as it is.
I was helping a friend setup his older 280x card and it took forever to get that piece of shit working. I had to resort some old ass beta drivers to get good performance.
Face it, AMD is trash and someone needs to buy them and fire that cunt gook woman at the top she doesn't know what she's doing. This is a male dominated industry women don't belong at the top because they trade feelings for competition.
AMD's basically designed their cards around technology that hasn't really been put to use in videogames. They don't have great dx11 performance because they future-proofed their cards for vulkan/dx12 performance.
That was partially a mistake, imo. AMD thought that tech was going to come along a lot faster than it did, and it really fucked them in the ass as nvidia has kept the dx11 performance crown.
Vulkan/DX12 is a different story. Nvidia's behind on the tech, whereas AMD's had years to sort out issues with it in actual hardware. Nvidia "supports" vulkan/dx12 in name only, and if you check benchmarks you'll see this play out as Nvidia's 1000 series cards get little/no performance increase from using the new API's, whereas AMD gets massive boosts, usually putting the AMD equivalent card at or above the level of its nvidia counterpart.
Basically, if you want to future proof and expect to buy a card to last 2+ years, you'll want to buy AMD's GPU's right now. If you want max performance in dx11 titles, then you want nvidia.
AMD launching GPU's with 16GB of HBM2 memory and next gen vega 10 archetecture next month
nvidia BTFO
I hope that's true. Like I said, I want them to be more competitive. I want a reason to buy AMD again. People hating on superior products for the sake of hating are insufferable faggots though.
>phasing out
Breaking the performance of older cards deliberately so people are forced to buy new cards. The 780ti suffered from that iirc.
>GTX 1070
>RX 480
>identical performance in Dx12 and Vulkan with a $200 price difference
Explain that one please.
Vega should be announced at CES, you're probably no more than 4 months away from RX490's on the shelf, and I'd wager within 2-3 months.
I have never had problems with AMD drivers.
Just use DDU to get rid of all the leftover tumors and install fresh drivers, peace of cake. Child could do it.
seeing as most AMD users are childen, and a lot of them seem to have issues, I'm not too sure about that.
The final redpill is not being a brand loyal consumerist whore.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
>Breaking the performance of older cards deliberately...
That's been proven to be a lie.
>A new set of drivers performs worse on older hardware
>nvidia fixes issue in short order once problem is found
Like I said, you ignorant nigger, I WANT AMD TO BE COMPETITIVE AGAIN.
If their new CPUs and GPUs regain superiority I am more than happy to buy their products. If DX12 and Vulkan present the opportunity for them to pull ahead, great.
>Wanting a Novidya card.
Don't ask me how they get away with their over-priced heaters.
Strong argument you've got there, boy you got me.
Sorry, but I don't believe you. AMD hired on a tech company to redo their drivers and the results have been fucking amazing.
For the past year or so, AMD's drivers have been great, I think RX480's have seen something like 10-20% improvement in performance since launch, they finally got their shit together on a shadowplay equivalent, and their bloatware is way less bloaty than nvidia's and doesn't spy on you.
Meanwhile nvidia's drivers have been fucking everything up. Half my shadowplay files now spontaneously corrupt themselves, and I have to log into the fucking social jew just to use shadowplay.
AMD drivers = bad was nothing less than a marketing meme pushed by nvidia's advertisers.
1080Ti is coming out this month bong, watch your anus.
The 1080 will come down in price and AMD will be back to being BTFO'd once again.
>Don't ask me how they get away with their over-priced heaters.
You clearly haven't played on the 10x0 series. My 1080 doesn't even become hot when it runs maxed out and OC'd.
16nm master race
>nVIdia product
>down in price
>Shadowplay equivalent
It actually costs less performance while delivering the same product
Is this real? If real, why did he do this?
What card is this one?
I need help guys. How can I optimized my fallout 4 using AMD?
>>down in price
It's called open market capitalism, Jack.
AMD is shooting for the low end market, so nVidiots raise the mark on their high end cards because they have no competitor.
Blame nVidia, not Capitalism.
Don't hate da playa, hate da game.
>Is AMD the final red pill?
Not unless you want a fast video card
Gayms need to actually use vulkan, and that's not the way it's meant to be played.
>How can I optimized my fallout 4 using AMD?
Play at 640x480 maxed out.
Please don't ask.
nvidia makes better cards, whats the big problem here? shitty cards cant sell? lmao
vidya games are for jews
He's not saying that, you stupid americlap, he's saying that Nvidia cards never come down in price because stupid cucks like you will buy them based on brand alone.
>but muh dx12 and vulkan
What people seem to not realize is, REAL WORLD performance is all that matters. Name me software, that exists right now, that would drive sales for these AMD gains?
Only poorfags buy hardware based on how it might perform 2, 3 or 4 years out when mainstream software uses said hardware and driver support.
I buy hardware for how it will perform now and in the next 12-18 months.
While I have a 1080 because the opportunity arose to secure one cheap, people who bought into the whole Pascal feature set, especially in VR apps (single pass stereo for example) are retarded, because I guarantee you not a single decent piece of VR software will utilize said tech until at least the 11xx series is out, if at all. Right now it's a pain in the ass to implement and the "easy" features in Unity and UE are buggy as fuck.
They completely fuck older cards so you will have to buy the new one.
Turn down NVIDIA Gimpworks settings such as God Rays (more like Goy Rays)
>still using GDDR5
The funny part is the 480 beats the 1060 in fallout easily. Bethesda is optimizing their games for AMD. Sad!
Well I just googled it and found out.
As much as this guy is a genius, he's also goddamn crazy.
How do I play Mankind divided on a GeForce GTX 770?
It runs so fucking shit compared to Human Revolution
Oy Vey
Reminder that intel cpus, especially skylake and kaby lake are literally designed and produced in israel kek
Obviously a 3Dfx Voodoo is the final solution at that resolution
>Windows 10
>Only 16gig of Ram
Watch out - we have a casual here!
Dude, just buy an RX 470 or better, super cheap, and pretty great.
Calm down you Spic Nigger.
I don't buy on brand alone, I buy because I have a budget for it.
If AMD made a 1080 type of card, I would buy it.
kys faggot
Come on faggots, tell me!
AMD dropped support for my GPU( HD 6870) within 5 years.
NVIDIA is much worse but AMD isn't different than them.
Reminder that intel cpus, especially skylake and kaby lake are literally designed and produced in israel
>final solution
6 million pixels?
nice storage bro
I buy amd because I'm a poorfag.