Why are young white men checking out of society?

What's the deal with young white boys that seemingly give up on life and play video games all day?

Is this the fall of man?

Discuss :)

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ew, a nose piercing

Be smug now, but consider what will replace it without starry-eyed liberal idealism.

ew, a slant eyed soulless gook

a world where white men don't boast about their so called "superiority" but instead act humble and passive as they should?

wow what a terrible world...

You're doing it wrong

Because women turned into hideous dyed-hair pierced up sluts with floppy, used up infertile vaginas.

Like you. You are why. It is your fault.

Shut up you filthy whore. Get your natural hair color back, remove the degenerate nose piercing and start having white babies.

you sound mad, did you lose your rank on csgo or something?

It's because we are redpilled. We know the Jews will cuck us, we now the women will cuck us. We just don't want to be exploited by the system.

no, I don't need to listen to anything you say

I am free to do as I please :)

What is it with nose rings?
I swear everyone has them now, it's literally a meme that has been really strong for the past 6 months or so

Pro-tip: That's the starry eyed-liberal idealism that I talked about.

Every liberty women have in the west has come from white men. You don't get to bring down white men and keep what came along with us. One need only look at other cultures&races to know that this is true.

>hai guyz, I got this pic of some dumb slut from Sup Forums and I'm gonna troll u nao XD

just report and ignore retards

>no Sup Forums in timestamp
>some whore from /soc/
>now fuck off back to /soc/

an english soldier gets beheaded by a somalian on your home soil and all you did was sit on your chair and shit post on Sup Forums

this is your fault

Proud to be a degenerate whore... the modern woman ladies and gents.

Either allahu akbar is going to turn you into a sex slave baby machine, or the white men will start putting their boots in the white woman's neck and demand some discipline and decency... and babies!

it has to have pol/ written on it

Must be difficult being a used up slut that's too old to be in anyway desirable...

Noice argument.

Priscilla is a fluffy waifu

reveal mammaries or exit forum

Civilization needs white men more than white men need civilization.

Keep doing whatever you are doing. I approve of white men checking out of society. Tyrone can fuck you better

every aspect and element of society is calling for their extinction?

funny scream

suck my ass idiot

What do you do for a living? You clearly are at or barely above minimum wage.

post feet.

>White cunt saying white men should be humble and passive.

Decided not to go to your faggoty community college today, didn't you?

More like fall of society.

your days are numbered and you are lashing out..or white lashing out I should say lol xDDD

I like to spend my time doing the things that I enjoy, not being blamed or demonized.

Cute girl. Shame about the nose ring

would succ. wear some stripped panties please.


In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.

The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.

...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.

Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."

>Breeding never resumed

Wtf why did you post ur butt

You're gross


For men who aren't Chad Thundercock, it's objectively a more pleasant way of life. If some qt should happen to like me and vice versa, that's great, but no fucking way am I spending time or money on it.

It's autism.


God damn I'd gape that ass

Attention seeking tranny.

who run the world? GIRLS

hhaha, I love it xDDD

You'd gape anything, virgin.

we're tired of your bullshit
of people like this
if we're so unnecessary, then carry us

>8 posts by this ID
you're doing it wrong

This is a cunty whale my dude. That's why she's sitting here looking for attention on an autistic friend simulator.

>fat fingers
Faggot show us your mantitties.

weak soft bitch made germcuck who gets a terrorist attack every other week and does nothing about it

They're just throwing away their old identities and starting over as beautiful traps who live to tease big cock sugar daddies.

Let your hair grow longer and remove that godawful piercing then I'd rate 8/10

Did your dad touch you when you were young?

> men ask for moar so i run the world
post some tits you god damn slut. that's all you are here for. and if you dont provide, well find someone that does.

You're completely useless when it goes past your body.

Now, less talking and more tits.

Whites will ethnically cleanse themselves from society. It's inevitable.

Probably has something to do with "muh kikes"... but who knows, either way it's inevitable.

what are you trying to achieve by coming here?

video games are literally better than women, prove me wrong

>protip: you can't

Giving up and just games is stupid and is setting yourself up to get destroyed.

However, I might have checked out of society, but only in the sense of what is expected of me - to marry one if these harlots, have children with her who will soak up the degeneracy and self-centredness and always have her emotional volatility hanging over my head. No thank you.

I work out, constantly educate myself, save my money, do what i want whenever and have no one to answer to. Why should I give that up when doing so ooes nothing for me? Its not 1920 anymore, we're not needed in the west.

I'll never find the woman I have set my standards for in the society I dream of contributing to, so why bother?

Fuck off you degenerate sandnigger

Better question is why shouldn't we check out of society?

That's a wierd question to ask...

Unless you understand projection... then it's not wierd at all. You're just crying out.

>"the beautiful ones."

the timestamp doesn't say Sup Forums retards

>Is this the fall of man?
When men go, so do women. The fall of men is the fall of civilization. If you aren't taken as a sex slave you will still be essentially a slave to your tribe while trading your body for food and shelter.

You fucking morons. OP is obviously not the slut in the photos. Don't know where he got them. Probably /soc/ or Sup Forums. I swear to god you're all retarded.

unlike women and subhumans a nihilistic society fucks us up and we dont want to contribute to it

demoralization :)

>tumblr hair
>chipped off/picked nail polish
>short finger nails

I don't answer the questions of neurotic disaster area type women. Renormalize yourself and find another swarthy person to procreate with.

Nah. They're just too lazy to look up the rest of the set

>What's the deal with young white boys that seemingly give up on life and play video games all day?
>Is this the fall of man?
>Discuss :)

brb constantly told i'm not needed
brb have to do twice as much work
brb state dictates how my kids are raised
brb if divorce wife gets kids, and half my paycheck

yeah op, i wonder why i'm checking out. enjoy the downfall of western society, i could care less.

>That's a wierd question to ask...
>she has colored haired and piercings in her face
Not a weird question at all.

Post a pic with a time-stamp and Sup Forums or you are an attention seeking neckbeard.


No hymen, no ring.

sage goes on all fields

you checked out of society when you realized you aren't that clever. You checked out because you realized you fucking suck compared to everyone else. You checked out when you saw non whites surpassing you on every level....now go fucking die idiot

desu, just wanted first post in a shitty thread.

>Why are young white men checking out of society?

Society is failing to integrate them.
Ultra-feminized schooling system is one of primary causes.

The far right has a place for them, the left does not. It is winning by default.

i second this, write Sup Forums on it too.

It is wierd.

In what world would that be the first thing on someone's mind?

Why are white women becoming absolute sluts not worth anyone's time or money?

This is hilarious, keep thinking just the white guys hate your dumb shut.

You're cute, can I have your number?

Listen here fatty it is your own fault the guys you want won't fuck you. You look nothing like a woman anymore, just a shitty fat attempt at looking like a dude.

>posting in a tits thread
>no tits

>woman looking like that
>wondering why men aren't interested

I fapped
Don't be tranny plox

I live in Northern Ireland d, there are no non whites here.

There are women like you though, hence my position.

I can't speak for all white American men but for myself...we feel unvalued, disparaged and even vilified in the country our fathers and forefathers built from the ground up. So personally I feel a sense of apathy, to just sit back and watch the country go to shit until the population wises up and realizes white men have given the world everything from democracy, to the technologies all the niggers and spics take for granted. Maybe then they'll realize white men are important...who knows. MOONMAN!!

Confirmed whore, showing off your body in place of a meaningful statement. When almost all American women are as vapid and attention-hungry as you are, can you really blame us for checking out?

When a female has colored hair and piercings / tattoos it is a very strong signal that they were neglected and are seeking attention.

It's psychology. Anyone who has studied psychology would have this question on their mind immediately and it's not weird at all.

The weird thing is that you _believe_ it to be weird which means you have some rooted problems in this area as well.

Poor bait.

Hey you silly boys it's OP here again. Just changed computers because my mom found my phone LOL. Anyway I'm a fucking faggot please suck my dick.

i wish we could respond before the women and brown hordes destroyed all of the wealth but oh well

>Why are young white men checking out of society?
Modern women are trash.
le nose ring
le green hair
le chubby fingers
le probably covered in tattoos

>play video games all day?
Women will likely never understand this but men actually like doing things. I know most women are just vapid empty headed people who only really thrive on the emotional rollercoaster you get with social interaction. But men actually like doing things with systems, building and destroying, repairing and modifying. Every second of the day we're not catering to your needs we actually go and do things, we have hobbies and things that interest us that aren't women.

>Is this the fall of man?
It's the fall of women, men will do just fine. It's the women who are pretending to be men who will ultimately suffer and there's good evidence of this. nber.org/papers/w14969

We're supposed to feel demoralized because some ugly sjw bitch feminist doesn't like us?lol. Go find a pack of niggers to gang rape you. No white man wants you.


video games are actually more interesting than millenial females.




