Did memetic warfare win the election or are we deluded?
Did memetic warfare win the election or are we deluded?
Enough of a dent that the united states government is going to open an anti fake news force.
Deluded. Many lulz were had however.
I remember her Latino numbers started dropping when #SpiritCooking got going on Twitter.
I wonder when the militant atheist white hipsters and the Catholic spics in the Democrat Party will reach a breaking point.
For now it seems that spics care more about gibs than their religious principals, but there may be only a certain amount of degeneracy they can take.
The results speak for themselves.
>captcha: pizza
i think at best we helped get the ball rolling on the dems shitting on the entire right.
calling everyone nazis and deplorables ect seemed to piss a lot of normies off
I made this one
67th Shitposting Regiment checking in.
Since Bush Sr. we've been flip flopping between Presidents of either party because the last guy didn't do a great job, so when Obama shit the bed, it wasn't hard to see any of the Republican nominees winning if it weren't Trump
We didn't win, Hillary lost.
3rd Record Correction batallion, Royal Hillary Guards regiment here
No it didnt
I made this one too.
I hope morons who posted this get sued the fuck out.
one of the biggest blows to her campaign was pizzagate, and that was entirely us.
Sure you can say that no one believed it but it was spreading, people started talking about it, about the e-mails, it reignited the conversation for the final blow.
So you can say just from that one thing that we had an effect. Not to mention all other memes we were memeing
That's it, I'm with her now!
#abort4hill #killforhill
I made this one. I love you bastards.
>one of the biggest blows to her campaign was pizzagate, and that was entirely us.
46 percent of trump voters believe in it.
Member when it was just us. haha.
MAGA my friends.
You're my hero dude! I thought the "draft our daughters" campaign was brilliant and this was perhaps my fave.
>entirely us
as in we pushed it the most, all of the media was naming Sup Forums as the inventor of pizzagate
no its just neets tryng to justify their exsistence. the real winners was this weird culture that developed over trump. his anti immigration stance and american work ethic was the main motivator for vote
Calling the President and supporters Nazis has been done to death by losers of elections on both sides for years
But you have to be fucking retarded to make a blanket statement condemning potential voters as a politician
I spoke on omegle with a democrat that told be he voted for Trump because Hillary was pushing the anti-russian rhetoric too far
In other words, yes
>I love you bastards.
The 81st Indian Regiment Poo Posting Battalion got on cnn when they made the vote by text meme.
You forgot PEP AYYYYYY
Pretty much this.
The Catholics need to learn the modern Democratic Party isn't the one of old.
we make the best propaganda
LOL nice one m8
Deluded. It probably hurt trump overall. Was great tho.
memetic warfare was huge.
listen to Max Keiser talk about it on his show on RT.
This is awesome
And right on schedule, ctr shows itself.
>captcha: pizza
I loved every second
I remember this. You were the bong with PS made image macros out of people's suggestions, right? Nice work.
>combat gap
If it's war they want, ....
Internet users voted Hillary, Christian ("Jewish") Conservatives ("Cuckservatives") voted Trump.
Why do you think Sup Forums suddenly is anti-Trump? Sup Forums is the hardcore left - anti-European, anti-Christian, anti-Monarchy.
Maybe influenced 1% of the electorate who were undecided redditors like berniebros
It was the odd vibe Trump gave off to his voters.
For those of you unfamiliar with what "authoritarianism" actually is, I strongly suggest reading Bob Altemeyer's "The Authoritarians".
It's a free download, all the academic research is presented in a highly readable way, and it will give you some very interesting insights into what makes a great portion of Trump's supporters tick, as well. He is, quite literally, their leader, and Altemeyer shows, empirically, that there is basically nothing he could do or say that will change their opinion of him.
I love this book. It pretty much explains US Conservatism to a goddamn tee. The only issue is that because conservatives worldview is attached to the in-group/out-group paradigm, it means that the chances of compromise are pretty much moot. Especially seeing as how the country is rapidly browning, the main driver of conservatism in the future will be racial panics.
This is only the beginning of the beginning
>satire can be sued over
Nigga, pleez.
reminder that obama signed this into law on December 23rd:
aka "we the truth now", so yes, memetic warfare influenced the election and the government wants to crack down on our freedom of speech.
As if I couldn't hate what congress and obama have done to this country anymore, the bastards go and prove me otherwise.
Hillary bitching about Pepe confirmed memetic warfare played a role
>there is basically nothing he could do or say that will change their opinion of him.
If he'd nominated Romney for SoS, he'd have lost my vote.
And if he doesn't actually build the wall, I won't vote to reelect him in 2020.
It was certainly a factor, especially when Hillary declared war on Pepe
Explain how everyone said it was the "brilliant use of meme"? That won the election? Why is Pepe recognized as "hate speech" by adl now? Why did Hillary do an alt right speech?
We created the narrative and the memes; then they got pushed to nirmies via Reddit on the_donald; Reddit eventually had to keep it from dominating the front page of the site.
Maybe you weren't here or maybe you were try to justify your existence.
These kind of men have got to dry up a woman's cooch nearly completely.
I can't believe they represent anything that would make a woman happy.
Pepe is the avatar of kek
>no one posting the Pepe page on Clinton's website
All I care about is that fucking wall; it's the answer to so many problems.
I bring it up to my lady once a day.
>Sup Forums is anti-Trump now
If you repeat it enough you may actually believe it, Abdul.
Quite a few indeed
He's there to take care of his wife's son.
>tfw got to serve in the first recognized meme war
The #draftourdaughters made it in to the main stream press.
the pepe shout actually did something
Deluded and retarded. Lost by 3 million votes
Is it just me, or does the red army look better? Think about it, they're all perfectly in line and look like they've been trained day and night. I'm not saying the blue side hasn't done the same, and maybe this is just because I can see their faces ant not the others, but look at the fat black woman in the back, they don't look as dedicated to what they're doing as the red does.
>we still won the election
Does it hurt your ass?
Our children's children will be able to enjoy the salt we mined in 2016.
who is this "we"?, Sup Forums is not a single entity
>not me
I might be late, but do I see a goyim's scheme at play?
1 post.
russian hacking won Trump the election
>"I'd win if we were playing poker"
Russian tampering won the election
They were too smart to win apparently.
So THAT'S where the fucking weird-ass meme comes from
Russian hacking is literally a counter-meme to fight us.
Yes, user. The psyops which Bannon(dude is a genius) launched via 4pol did indeed help trump win.
Ever since the election the mental gymnastics have been olympian-tier. Being spineless does confer an advantage in that regard.
>game is decided upon to be chess
"Wow look I win I have more piece on the board, so I win!"
Memery aside, that was quite an interesting article with a fucking misleading name.
It was not about claiming electorate was too dumb, it was about Hillary's staff falling in love with a computer model of voting and refusing to recognise that it was not perfect.
I'm pretty sure the "transgender bathroom" thing made that abundantly clear. Trump drew about the same amount of voters as Bush and Romney. Clinton got a lot less voters than either of Obama's elections. People who couldn't vote for Trump or Clinton either stayed home or voted third party.
Actually I think it had an impact. The media pushed the "alt-right, trump voters are racists, PC" meme way to hard so that normies got pissed which secured victory. Don't think our meme warfare had a direct connection to relevant voting groups, but what the mainstream media made out if it
Wrong newfriend. That is just another example of memes entering reality.
The meme started on /fit/ as a harmless
>tfw too smart to lift
Playing on the "buff dudes are dumb" stereotype. And just caught on from there because it was so exploitable.
Same here. I saw hardcore libs being like "fuck that shit I dont wanna be drafted!"
The Red Army is the Soviet Red Army. Probably the Elite Kremlin Gaurd. The Blue Army looks like a U.S. Army support unit of some kind, so, you're probably right.
hillary called us out yes we got to her alright lol
Your average Pennsylvania miner or factory worker could not care less about twitter memes.
Trump would have won regardless. What pol did was distract and troll the entire twitter generation of journalists.
fucking retarded sounds about right when describing hillary.
Barely, i mean it may have influenced some people and won a few thousand votes, but don't ignore the fact that Trump campaigned massively across the country, trying to appeal as many people as possible, pandering a lot to the rust belt that which flipped many states there by a margin of 1-2%, gaining a lot of electoral votes.
*salutes slowly and intensely*
Memetics is pretty powerful.
Agreed. It echoes something I heard on NPR. They had one of Trump's campaign staffers on, and he was talking about iPhone and Android apps they had developed to help field office staffers communicate with the campaign. It's how they realized that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and even Minnesota were in play. Trump only lost Minnesota by one percentage point. He also said they were mystified by what the Clinton campaign was doing in the last weeks of the election. They couldn't believe that Clinton's staffers didn't realize she was in danger of losing Blue Wall states.