As a scot, fuck the brits. I stand with Quebec and Catalonia
As a scot, fuck the brits. I stand with Quebec and Catalonia
Lol, you lost, faggot. Enjoy your uncucked United Kingdom. Maybe you can suck Euro dick in another timeline. Cunt.
>Dividing a country which is already pretty cucked.
Terrible idea.
Haha, fag. You cuckold losers couldn't even vote yes on independence.
Now we are leaving the EU we will get a 2nd referendum and vote to leave
Sure if scots want their own nation england has no say in it it is up to the scots.
That being said op sounds like a leftist spic
Why is Russia shilling for small nations independence via useful idiots while threatening to invade the Baltics.
Such hypocrisy
Everywhere outside of Glasgow, the SNP's support is flaking.
Get fucked, OP.
Stupid people are not welcome here.
You voted for socialism, and the EU. You can fuck off and die.
Dumbfuck of the highest order
This fucking faggot things Scotland is gonna leave UK and be out of the EU.
>tfw I'm Scottish
>tfw I have an English bf
>I'm the sub
This just in: Orkney isles say fuck Scotland, fuck the UK, fuck everyone
>French and Scots at it again
This is the future.
We were fools to allow Scotland to exist for this long
We won't allow it... You'll be with us forever.
>Not even writing that in your own language
>le balkanize everything meme
go fuck yourself you fucking faggots.
The Swede is right. Does this guy even speak his own language?
After centuries of having a kerfuffle with the English, Scotland was given an oppurtunity to be independent and free from the English........ and they chose to stay.
Tbqh, I think you people just want to be thorn in the English's side.
I'm in favour of an independent Groot-Nederland
They mean explore more power for the councils you fucking idiot.
Don't be fooled by exaggerated titles.
>how dare people have the right to self determination
Basque, Padania, Galicia, Northumberland, Scotland, Wales, Mercia, Wessex, United Ireland, Aragon, Leon & Castille.
also Flanders can join Netherlands or become independent.
is this legal though?
Couldnt England just invade you for breaking some royal treaties?
Independence of thought and mind is the true white man's goal.
>slav, chink, anglo and nigger races are all collectivist.
Gay. Fuck off.
Will it be less cucked if the westminster jews stay in power?
>being this desperate to suck Euro cock
By all means fuck off, cuck.
are you worried lots of business will go to scotland when they are in the single market and you are not
Go suck Pablo's balls then if you think independence is a bad idea, you dim cunt.
Me too. But that's just expanding the country. We will become more powerful and have about 24 million people (minus the ones who will get deported).
We won't be some sad meaningless shithole like scotland with 3 million people.
Least we have our own country, Shrek.
>Scottish Independence
>inbred cavemen who wear skirts and get fucked by lake-monsters on a daily basis
>muh freedom!
>wants to join an even larger, more undemocratic union.
Scotland, everyone.
Took you several hundred years as Turk rape baby farm to get the idea that an independent nation is best nation.
Scotland leaving would disrupt the European balance of power.
/auldalliance/ here
>Thinks Quebec can survive without living off money from other Canadian provinces
they will live off china
>thinks quebec wont go to france for free money
Luzon should be independent. I'm sick and tired of all the Bisaya and Muzzies in our land.
You do have the right to self determination. You live in a parliamentary democracy. Look at all those SNP MPs! Sure, lot of good it did you, but still. The recent opinion polls show support for indepedence shrinking big time.
But where will your money and benefits come from?
Hope Scots are known for being industrious and entrepreneurial.
had we "left" after the war and became oil tycoons like Norway, it'd be fine, but we've waited too long
We cant support our entire country on Irn Bru exports, especially if we get independence since no MPs in Westminster means no bru in London
>half the countries on the map are divided into states/counties/regions
>half isnt
>will your money
some things in life way more important than money, laddie
Gaelic is only the language of the Scottish Highlands.
If Scotland wants to leave the UK it has to ask Westminster permission to call a binding referendum on it.
If (independent) Scotland wants to leave the EU, it would only have to ask Holyrood.
Just like the UK, if you want to leave the EU you can leave it. Leaving the union without London permission is more tricky. (UDI is a fools game.)
>Independent Quebec
>Independent Basque countries
>Independent Sc*tland
>Independent W*les
>Independent C*talonia
Will those things feed and house you?
The union was great until we gave the irish rights. Its not the english its the niggers
kys my man
But oil is almost worthless now with the global over supply. You would spend more developing the infrastructure and extracting it than you would selling it. And you probably wouldn't be a able to sell as cheaply as the US and Saudi Arabia.
> implying Scotland will get independence
Fuck off you god damn retarded window licker
Well they you are voting in the wrong direction. Being a cuck state to the EU is NOT independence you fucking mong.
Why does London hold so much power?
thats *LITERALLY* what I just said
if we went our own way in the 40s/50s/60s and started making our own oil then (assuming the brits didnt invade us and reclaim the oil fields) we'd be (independantly) as rich as, or richer than, Norway
but we've left it far too long and we have nothing to offer the world anymore cause of Texas and the middle east
It's where the UK parliament is located (like saying "Brussels" for the whole EU, or Washington for the US.) and Scotland would need permission from that parliament to leave peacefully.
Though in the UK London has disproportionate power because it's the financial-services capital of Europe and perhaps the world, lots of foreign oligarchs own property, culturally it's one of the most diverse areas (good for the ((media)) to shill.), tourists are generally drawn to the London-image of the UK instead of the nation as a whole, etc. London has the same size population as Scotland.
May Europe burn with separatism for siding with the Albos.
>t. Still butthurt
Once out of the UK Scotland could always vote to leave the EU.
The EU thing is a pretence. The SNP were anti-EU until the 80s when they realized they could use it as a wildcard when dealing with the UK government (as the EU could hypothetically penalize the UK for not respecting a Scottish wish to leave, if that were the case.)
Now that both are on the verge of pulling out, that card has become use-it-or-lose-it and they might just use it.
>be me
>currently employed by large (English) financial company
>could make me unemployed tomorrow and move to England if they wish
>literally no control over my future
Your jew argument holds no weight user. The first priority is to have control over your own resources, without that you have absolutely nothing.
>tfw invaded by spanish immigrants that hate your country
>tfw you're a minority in your own country
>tfw you can't even have a referendum
It is a fist step, cowardly first step I'll give you that. However all the No voters also voted to Remain in the EU, so the vote was more complex than it first appears
holy shit kys scotcuck
KYS you dumb fuck. You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you cant even take the time to understand the issues, or the fundamental principals of the far left party you are voting into power.
Scotland has no option to leave the EU,a nd no support to leave the EU. A vote for independance is a vote to remain in the EU.
It is that simple. If you don't understand this seriously KYS.
It borders on inevitable that the SNP will split after independence.
A vote for independence is a vote to remain in the EU until people elect a party that wants to leave the EU.
The SNP are a broad church party that remain coherent only because all of their internal contradictions are justified by independence.
Its not complex as all.
The SNP is a socialist party and pro-EU, and the independence movement is their vision of independence.
If you think otherwise you are fooling yourself.
Did you even look at it?
>The SNP is a socialist party
The SNP are a social democratic party. They fundamentally support a capitalist economic system along the lines of the one we presently have. Their left-of-centre positions are a simple triangulation based on the calculation that it's easier to take power and draw people to the SNP brand than to campaign for independence from the sidelines. Had the Unionist party never merged with the Conservatives the SNP would likely be centre-right just now.
>and the independence movement is their vision of independence.
ah, right then...
Wishful thinking at best. And if they spit the remaining parties are all as left or further left than they are, and all EU supporters.
It's a horrific future for Scotland in any situation where any of the leftist parties have total control of the country - especially immigration.
It makes my violently angry to see Scots on here duped into thinking there are options other than a leftist EU shithole of a state after independence. It's mindbogglingly naive.
Clearly not
>social democratic
Fuck off with your Social democrat shit. I've talked to you before. I don't care what the Wikipedia article says they are. Their policies are FAR left on social issues.
The key argument of the 'No' campaign was that an independent Scotland we be kicked out of the EU.
If you don't now understand why large numbers voted to stay in the EU (hint they were never independence voters to begin with) you are literally retarded.
The SNP are fucking retards, stop being childish you spastics.
>the remaining parties are all as left or further left than they are, and all EU supporters.
The remaining parties are all irrelevances that slip-and-slide around in desperation. The SNP were left of Labour in 2015 and right of them in 2016. The Scottish Conservatives campaigned purely on being the opposition.
Scotland already has open borders with the EU and nobody wants to come to Scotland. In the event of independence it's almost certain that they'd join the CTA and leave huge aspects of immigration with the rUK.
Social issues aren't "socialist" though, they're just cucked.
And post-independence it's possible that you'd wind up with half of the party going old-Labour. (i.e. racist socialists.)
Hahaha stay mad haggisfag cuckboi
You two cunts must be OK with open borders, more refugees and looser migration I take it. Because that is what you are voting for you fucking imbeciles.
Dumbest fucking thing I've read today.
Non. Le quebec survie sur les alocation du reste du canada, on est peut être les plus grand producteur d'électricité pi de bois mais les liberal nous on tous vendus. Pi les socialistes son partout. Fuck off
Scotland HAS open borders with the EU as part of the UK. A continuance of current policy is meaningless.
Tu c meme pas de quoi tu parle.
Which is about to end with Brexit dumb fuck. Which the SNP is trying to maintain.
Please don't vote again for the sake of your country.
Fuck you, none of those no-countries would be independent.
Uncucked Scot here: go fuck yourself faggot.
You are the cancer that is killing this country.
It's about to end, but it didn't affect Scotland in the first place because all the immigrants went to England. The biggest immigrant group in Scotland are the English.
Until very recently Scotland suffered consistent net emigration. Mass-Immigration has yet to land here, because nobody wants to live here.
Pi les separatiste son tout des criss de socialiste pourie, criss on se fait tenir par les couille avec l'osti d'hydroquebec.
Get out
Agreed, those pea soup fucks need to start paying their own way.
But could it be more cucked than the UK already is?
>because nobody wants to live here.
Fuck you cunt
This is the land of my ancestors - couldn't give a shit if it is 'attractive' to incoming parasites or not, in fact I hope it is uncomfy as fuck for any non Scot.
Oh fuck right off, you clueless fuck. Scotland is swamped with Eurotrash. You can't book a hotel without some Latvian or Polish cunt answering the phone, Entire schools are filled with Polish kids that don't speak English. Its blatantly obvious walking through any city in Scotland how many non-Scots there are. And that not even touching on the exponentially rising Asian and Black population.
You're either from a small white village, or you never leave your house.
No it's not as bad as England, but the SNP, About and Greens are doing there damnedest to try make it so.
Saying no immigrants go to Scotland shows just how fucking stupid and naive you are.
I like you.
Left-wing """"""""""""nationalists""""""" FUCK OFF
>Thinks we actually need it
Kek, go pick up some books.
>They wont come here, its cold and wet etc.
Just like migrants will never go to Sweden or even Finland? An independence Scotland would be welcoming to human filth on an industrial level.
The independent Scotland you vote for would be a country you wouldn't even recognise in a generation.
So either you support this, or you are too stupid to understand it.