What's going on here?
dude weed
I'm fairly sure this country has the last remaining video store
safest country in the americas.
they're actually really nice people. Their women don't mention if they have partners so tread lightly or get fit.
Good food good drugs good weather good culture. idk what else leave them alone their country is heaven.
keep it on your side of the globe you cunt, that little shit country is ours
>southern hemisphere
time goes backwards here. even if you try to invade, by the time you get back home the order won't have been sent.
> good food
Spotted the British colony
>what is faïna
>what is asado uruguayo
spotted the american on holiday.
n-nothing happens here, w-why?
Less corruption than in the other countries in it's vicinity,
Good footballers for a small population
I think they legalized dudeweedlmao some time ago
The best south american country. It's better if no one finds out.
Sounds nice, time to emigrate.
All drugs are legal?
It's like argentina if argentina wasn't so shit
Argentina without the boludos
I've read it's become increasingly BLACKED with huehues and Argies crossing over
everything is legal to consume, everything
weed is legal to grow as well
traffic of pills and cocaine is illegal of course, but consuming is legal, so its kind of a legal loophole weirdness there
and as a funny note, we have NGO's that with the supervision of the state "test" your drugs before you use them, because a couple of years ago some kids died in an electronic party with adulterated MDMA
so now the kids at those parties, just go to the tent where this NGO's do a quick test to certify you have good MDMA before consuming so you won't die
slippery slope? probably
the burden of a super liberal government
we'll see in a couple of years if this turns into Gomorrah
How hard is it to emigrate to Urgay?
could be australian, when I was in south america I met a lot of australians and kiwis because it was an easy destination for them to fly to
easy, real easy
if you can get a job you have no problem
lots of Argies live here that i know personally, in 3 years you have citizenship
i think Venezuelans are coming a lot too
Argentina without Indians (this triggles them) and with more Nig-Nogs
Pic related, the exact moment I had a moral crises and also started to always put some salad in my plate, at Montevideo.
Get a temp visa and renew it by crossing the border to argentina once every six months.