Why is Lauren Southern such an annoying attention whore? I've also read half of her book...

Why is Lauren Southern such an annoying attention whore? I've also read half of her book, a 15 year old could write something more intellectually stimulating.


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Just another example of women bandwagoning onto movements and cultures for attention

She's a Jew regurgitating whatever her Jew handler (((Ezra Levant))) wants her to say, rumored coalburners (dyes her hair blonde), all-around disinfo agent bimbo.

Attractive blonde. Never had to develop intelligence to get attention. Infantile because she is a woman.

shes just the token blonde woman of rebel media

yearly reminder that the majority of youtube celeb threads are just that person or someone who works for them baiting more views, clicks, and subscribers

she is a 5 or 6 and fake blonde

She needs to learn how to apply makeup



All is forgiven


who do you people LIKE anyway? anyone?

Stupid bitch with half assed accent and wannabe rebel right-wing womyn. Tries so hard it is actually cringy.

She's an 8 in my country

Remember that guy on TV that had the 'Making Money' commercials where he would tell you how to make money with tiny classified ads?


Well my buddy fell for it and sent him money to get the full packet. He wanted me to help him canvas the town putting posters up on bulletin boards.

Anyway I got to see the vids he sent you for the money, and they were actually the same thing as the commercials, just enthusing you about MAKING MONEY.

Women in general I think aren't interested in politics, they are interested in the social stuff round politics. They love to protest, they love to whine, they love all that crap. They above all else love to be the good guys, or good girls more like. They paint everyone against them in one broad brush because they want to feel like they are right and everyone else is wrong. Lauren Southern is an even more extreme example of this, she wants the attention that comes with being on the right because a woman on the right, especially a cute one, turns more heads at this point than the alternative.

Ask yourself why so many women have "principles", but betray them all daily. They "hate" patriarchy and racism, but they all want some 6'3" white dude to fuck them. They "hate" sexism, but they want special perks. They "hate" tyranny, but they want every voice that goes the opposite way to be quiet. They "love" dialogue and talking, but not if it goes against the echo in the room.

You know I'm right. A perfect example of this crap can be seen by my past gf, and probably in most of your gfs as well.
>Know cute Asian girl
>She talks shit about yellow fever and how it is racist
>All her past boyfriends are white
>Ask her out
>She has openly talked badly about Asian guys in my presence

In short, women have no principles. They have a means of getting attention.


Holy shit
>claim to be new """media""""
>can't even get a decent room for audio
>have 1 mic between 3 people


because shes """""hot"""""
personally i find her quite strange but then again she is a leaf

Most Sup Forumsacks are so dense that they will attack anyone that doesn't fit their far right wetdream, they will bash personalities like Milo, Shapiro, Crowder, McInnes, Watson etc for personal issues with them (they all have character flaws) while mad that they don't shove neonazi propaganda as stormies wish they did like with that Spencer faggot, in reality these people deal with the radical left and often provide sane and comprehensible arguments to whatever whiny bullcrap is thrown at us, the whole "controlled opposition" meme is plausible but that does not dilute the value of the work they do because people do get influenced by them, and their message is mostly positive

False, blonde women are on average more intelligent. Blonde is a northern gene and northerners have higher IQs because intelligence is bred by adversity. Cild climates are the most adverse there is.
She's a fake blonde though.

Shit interview ONLY into the "psychology" of it all, not to speak of the intentional political agenda of the Frankfurt school and marxists.

monetization of the "alt-right''
bring in a pretty blonde girl and you get even more attention
she's part of rebel media, who basically try to make as much money as possible from dumb "alt-right" idiots
kinda like the waterfilter salesman

pic related

that girl is way hotter than lauren lmao

>tee hee deus vult,right guys?

Why do you care? Unless you're trying to actively turn people against conservative media people then I don't see a motivation to make constant threads about these people. Just don't watch them and they aren't in your life at all.

You read the book, faggot. Youre the problem, not her.

Women are women.

I'd rather she attention whore about this than attention whore about sucking nigger dick for ice.

she's a j00

not this cunt

maybe an actual person with a semi functioning brain

This. Who are these faggot virgins calling her a 9/10? Have they never been to Eastern Europe? Have they never seen a picture from Miami?

Nah I'm pretty sure this is JIDF running a psyop.

The dick truly is man's greatest weakness

Inshallah ill do us a favor and go behead her, youre welcome

She has basically made her career by being pretty and posting stuff she found on Sup Forums on twitter.

Literally who ?

I wouldn't subscribe to it but how can you be such a faggot communist? They are providing content that you pay for if you think it's worth the money.

Do you expect them to work for free? Stop using the Pirate Bay and eating cheap Gouda cheese you caravan cunt.


Don't worry bro, she's an 8 here too

Yea, I internally facepalmed when she blamed the french for modern (((degeneracy))) and all the alt-cuck whiteknights of Sup Forums defended her

>no it wasn't the jews with their frankfurst school and marxism goys, it was the french for overthrowing their king some 200+ years ago! I have a pussy so you know im right

I like Idubbbz. This is pretty much it, the only internet persona I give the slightest shit about.

How do you even know ?
Aren't most/all women in your country walking black ghosts anyway ?

i agree, it is purism vs pragmatism. the full on nazism will never work again, it's too toxic. something more reasonable and tempered that moves the overton window in our direction is the right method. lauren is probably not the sharpest mind but that has it's uses regardless. most people are not intellectuals and need things to be simple and more understandable. trump operated in this manner and it worked.

Wrong she posts on Sup Forums and is the queen of Sup Forums


>Christine Brophy









>rumored coalburner
Where'd the rumor come from? Cucks on Sup Forums who want to see it?


This picture and rumors.

like every woman, she wants a piece of the limelight and it just so happens a few people on pol are willing to give it to her

No hard evidence but shes a fake blonde, a Jew, and has a deep voice (high test = high libido), so shes probably one.

>Wants something intellectually stimulating
>Subscribes to the alt right and reads those books
Sorry mate but if you want to be intellectually stimulated read Friedman or anything by right wing libertarians. That's intelligence, even if you don't agree with their politics

I just think she's hot honestly, and by presenting watered down versions of far-right views, she helps make them palatable for normies.

so you are saying that a goofy blond agitator with a silver tongue is only pandering to the alt-right and that their word is worth nothing?

Reading both libertarian and reactionary books is the true redpill. They compliment each other surprisingly well, especially with people like Hoppe and Mencken

You can see the pain in her eyes from knowing that the superior Aryans who post on this board have completely turned against her. It won't be long before she takes out her insecurities on the BBC.

Wannabe Ann Coulter with none of the brain. Her book cover couldnt be a more blatant attempt at copying her.

All of those are shit tier honey.
Pragmatism has gotten whites to their deathbeds. If you think pragmatism is the solution you deserve to dissapear.

Meh, better than nothing I guess

Unless you're a sassy grill or a faggot you have no reason to lecture other people using that word, either way they appeal to younger social media oriented generations wanting to be introduced into politics/economics so its a good stepping stone to begin with as opposed to their lefty counterparts
there is no achievable absolute solution anymore moron

that doesn't look like her though

>Have they never been to Eastern Europe?
Found a person who has never been to EE.


Isn't she like 21?

Her thoughts are all parroted from other things she's heard.

She's the equivalent of a Jessica chobot or Olivia Munn on attack of the show.

She may have a genuine interest in the subject, but she's really only around to be hot

looks like a well used cunt

and your thoughts aren't parroted Sup Forums info (like her's)

girls who have few partners with enormous dicks tend to be traditional as fuck, seems like that's her story

Why are women attention whores in general?



>Why is Lauren Southern such an annoying attention whore?
You are now consciously aware that Lauren Southern is miles out of your league. May your cognitive dissonance now resolve into resentment and fester.

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You fucking faggots need to stop watching (((rebel news))), it's Canadian for fuck sakes.

Page 6

This is 1/10 of her "book".



This. She is nothing more than a mouthpiece. She has no intellectual capacity of her own (like other women). If the leftists started to pay her more, she would suck their dicks.


this is terrible. she comes off like your buddy's wife or girlfriend that adopts all of his interests and hobbies just because


lol What a cunt

Does she really know much Roman history or does her knowledge consist of the "refugees ruined it" meme and nothing else?

She only knows memes. There isn't an original thought in those pages.

>develop intelligence
Burn her

Yes there is honey you people not having the backbone necessary is something else.

She's BBC only and has actually said that she might be a blacked contract star. Rumor is that her scene is coming out next.

Haven't even began to watch the video yet,

I'm betting she's going to dodge the JQ

>I've also read half of her book, a 15 year old could write something more intellectually stimulating

You people don't get it.

>There isn't an original thought in those pages.

The point wasn't to write a good book, or to really make you think. The point is now she can add the tag "author" to her real moneymaker; online persona, youtube channel and personal appearances.

That's it.

she's really let herself get fat. her 2017 resolution should be to lose some weight

Accepting Christianity and abandoning their heroic virtues was the end of the Romam Empire.
Slow rot after that.

Who is "you people" and what do you do differently to show your backbone when comparing yourself to them? I'm genuinely interested and hope you actually do stuff with your community to influence them in a consistent way with what you preach

D-d-dont insult her user be nice

I don't even read much and even I can tell this writing is absolute garbage. I've read better Sup Forums posts than this shit. Is this the most impressive intellectual insight she can offer? Money leeching whore

Sometimes she is fine but other times... She goes full meme retard

one can only hope

>imagine her in that costume getting destroyed by a big black cock