Who unsubbed after he went full shill mode with minecraft videos?
All those youtube comments in "support" of his shilling are kuckoldry at it's finest.
Who unsubbed after he went full shill mode with minecraft videos?
All those youtube comments in "support" of his shilling are kuckoldry at it's finest.
fuck off shill, you simply skip his non political content like a normal individual.
Retarded or shill. He did a gameplay before. He has gardening, the occult, music, MRE, cat shitposting, retarded skits, and politics. This is nothing special.
your that britishfag who cant stop talking sbout sucking his dick. hes been ppsting political and occult shit way before you thought about signing up for youtube. you dont watch shit your not interested with, he talked about venezuela, fuck venezuela, i didnt even bother clicking it. plus its his channel, problems with minecraft posts? fuck off
not an argument. dont you have a double decker to blow up?
Doesn't understand how to use youtube and says cuck alot
The word cuck isnt censored anymore faggot
Its actually funny how kucked you are
he never asks people to donate to his patreon, he leaves the link on the info and people donate as they please.
anyways, you got any argument on disliking styx besides "i dont like his other content" and resorting to calling peoplw kuck?
says the British muslim fag who is under sharia rule
he has hundreds of videos that i dont give a fuck about, so would i start caring now.
i'll just watch the ones i want and skip the rest.
alright youtube
Hurr Durr, pls take my bait. Stop trying to make the UK the new leafs faggot. Bet you voted remain and all
>people un-ironically form their opinions from listening to this malnourished gangly freak
He's really spot-on when it comes to politics. But Jesus Christ, what sad fuck is seriously into the occult? Pretty telling that they get far less views than his politics videos.
why is this ugly autistic occultist freak shilled here so heavily? Anyone with a presence on youtube is a fucking loser (like this fag and Molymeme), all jewtube threads need to be pruned
He played a fucking video game and you unsub over it? Who's the man child?
Who the fuck is this spooky skeleton
>body composition determines intellect.
>carrying about faggy youtubers who can't even close their shirt
These kind of threads need to die.
who is he?
Its true. Tall people tend to have less bloodflow to their brains and thus less intellectual processing power.
He's pulled in lots of pussy. I'm actually jealous of him.
t. manlet
go fuck yourself nobody gives a shit what you think
source? Other than your asshole please!
>he's pulled in lots of insecure black haired goth freaks
fix'd. Anyone that doesn't look like Quasimodo could do that.
can i apply for mental retardation benefits because i am tall now?
Literally who? Looks like a fucking nerd
So don't watch them.
I don't watch all his occult videos. You don't have to watch every single one, you know. He will look at his view counts and figure out what us popular, and if he cares he will stop.
its not like he spams them, just dont watch what you dont like
>manlets really are this retarded
Asian and Jewish IQ correlated with their shorter heights. And although Human minds operate like analog computers, they still share similarities with CPUs where given similar machines, having the smallest datapaths also provides more processing power. Its why you see die shrinks. Oh and what I said is utter bullshit considering Hispanics are on average the shortest and we have a FAR greater understanding of digital computers than the human mind.
No mayo on the shish, Ahmed
short people eat less
Taller people have bigger hearts to compensate. Also height = good nutrition + good genes. That's why women go for tall guys and not disgusting manlets like yourself.
>pagan occultist larper
Lest we not forget the cat videos.
Wtf.. Sup Forums would usually give this guy shit.. who the fuck is sucking this guys dick on here besides the fat burger queen in this pic?
Id love to see you debate him leaf
you could just not watch the minecraft videos
You must not understand what revelations can come to the mind when building with nature's rules of logic. Minecraft is like meditation. I never even played the game for more than 10 minutes, but I get it.
Our brains don't work like analog computers anymore than a digital CPU works like an analog computer. You aren't on my level, so accept this as truth.
I figure similar losers that are like him
About what? What the best way to summon a demon is?
for chan's poll.
who the fuck is this and why would i be subbed?
dying legacy media.
the vestigial media.
the so-called mainstream media. aka the dying, failing legacy vestigial media.
don't forget to read my grim wars.
Best content on youtube.
Quadrupled his earnngs to the point where he can drink and fuck hookers every week.
Look he's at the window right now
lel is that his place?
His moms
>american (((((houses)))))
50 bucks says she still has her name on his bank account.
I didn't unsubribe, but am only interested in political and memetic stuff, so just ignoring minecraft/mre/gardening/occult stuff.
I thought he was a ((((successful author)))) why's he living with mommy
u don't live with mommy?
In America, Obama has made it so single moms raising living with their children receive $3000 a month. Two parent units have to pay additional taxes, more so if they are white or heterosexual.
He doesn't even have his welding ticket.
Or a forklift license. There's lots of jobs he just has to keep looking.
He has his own economic system going if you can't tell.
Didn't this guy work for game trailers and now does easy allies stuff on you tube?
Forgot his name.. bloodworth I think.. not sure stopped watching game trailers because they became cucked as shit.
what is there to do right now? look at Sup Forums elections over and people just talk about bullshit AMA shit and basic equivalents to how can (insert group) even compete
no new economic data and militarily not much of anything has happened
Found him..
Also does videos for you tube channel easy allies under the pseudonym of bloodoworth.. never seen his personal channel .. is it full Sup Forums tier racism? Didn't realise he was like that.
He can't help it, its like aspergers instinct to play minecraft. Only autists watch every single video that appears in their sub feed, not hard to ignore.
>easy allies under the pseudonym of bloodoworth
except thats not him are you blind or just a fag.
Less than 1% of Sup Forums is just like him and hence feels the need to post his ugly skinny face here daily.