Sup Forums btfo. Again.
Sup Forums btfo. Again
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Nice comic, but I like this one I made better
Okay then Argentina, we'll leave you to create a feminist utopia, whilst we as Europeans create a NatSoc patriarchy.
We'll see how you feel in a few years time.
What ?
How does this comic btfo Sup Forums ?
Are we a bunch of hardcore feminists now ?
i didn't know black countries have internet access
What a (((Cohen)))cidence!
>can't handle a logical argument the comic
Yes, appeals to emotion is truly blowing us the fuck out...
All the time since plebbit moved here.
Embrace the future already Sup Forums
Notice how she didn't refute what he said, she just acted smug and needlessly defiant
Wait, I don't see any feminists in that comic
>reverse sexism
I'm seeing more and more sweds here. Are you fine folks preparing to remove kebab or MSGA?
This is their goal and we won't allow it. We're going to do as the barbarian and fighter have done and carve out the cancers of Feminism and Cuckery.
Every fucking time.
Bet you faggots can't wrap your head around this concept. Hello, it's 2017!
Holy fuck, moonman song, legend.
They look like they're about to chase Morpheus and Trinity down a highway.
wow that really made me ponder
Wow, ending their genetic lineage because they enjoy stuffing their orifices instead of finding a wife. What else there's to understand?
feminists are the reason i'm transgender
Do these faggots think anyone is going to read that and not be disgusted by their existence?
There's literally nothing wrong with the top one.
About to travel to Argentina where is the best whore house
this is loathsome
He does gay stuff with a tranny woman. So he's basically doing straight stuff. It's complicated.
She's a feminist because of a pedantic smartass?
Liberal comic strips truly are composed by gormless morons.
proof that /pol can't actually wrap their heads around this
That "gay" bald guys new "boyfriend" is actually a female pretending to be a man
So they are a degenerate couple actually being able to reproduce!!!!
The bitch in that comic deserves a triple sized helping of rape.
>that cunt is the leader of the alt-right movement
Its just an ad hom
I can't wait for this cycle to be over...
Wouldn't count on it. Went to Swedenast summer for vacation and it was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Just being in Stockholm made me feel sad to be the same race as the other sad white """men""" there.
Dude's so gay it's come full circle and he's dating a chick
best one ,saved
Also, (((Rebecca Cohen)))
I'm a childinist
I beleive children should have equal rights to vote
My thoughts exactly
but there invariably is in the mind of a "feminist," where "nationalist" is equivalent to "racist."
so, that proves they are inconsistent, have no rational basis for their claim(s), and support feminism solely because it serves their personal interests. this is why they call nationalists racist: even though the nationalist is pro-white and not anti-black, the SJW simply assumes that this stance is out of personal interest alone, and thus personal biases (when in fact it is obviously patriotic) because that's how they think, probably is the only way they CAN think, and thus project it onto others.
how you like that op.
So, say for instance im gay, and bring a twink home from a bar, and when I drop his pants to blow him, and see a clit... Am I being transphobic for not fucking it? Or straight for fucking a man-ish woman, who switches butt-fucks with a strap-on?
Or is a gay man fucking a genetic woman gay?
2017, current year.
>tfw too smart to relate to the first 4 panels
Western women have no idea how infantile their problems seem out here
You're doing a humanity a disservice for not committing murder-suicide.
/pol has never been btfo
Women already have the right to vote in most countries, Nigel.
>not an argument
Why do they fail at making even an I'M SILLY cartoon?
>Unequal treatment of women
Toasting roasties in my oven
Are you retarded, or unaware I'm pointing out the flaws of this insanity?
sorry goym ;.(
>ready to take my cock ?
>Yes , sir !
See that's the problem when you try to refute your own arguments. You just can't come up with anything convincing.