>Believing Japan bombed Pearl Harbour
>Implying war planes could travel this far in 1941
Wake up you fucking retards.
>Believing Japan bombed Pearl Harbour
>Implying war planes could travel this far in 1941
Wake up you fucking retards.
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This is the dumbest bait ever, it's not even troll worthy
>implying WWII actually happened
You're really expecting me to believe Americans walked across the ocean to fight in Europe and Asia? Fucking really?
Top kek.
I'm going to enjoy this thread.
explain it then user.
my sides
>360 replies in this thread
stay woke bong
Makes sense. And how the fuck did they had enough computer graphics to handle all those units in battle?
Is this a stealth flat earth thread?
Because you're putting the surface of a sphere onto a 2d square it distorts it. That line is actually a straight line and itsn't nearly as far as it appears on the map.
ok. but even then thats still quite far
Fucking idiot OP planes can fly over land, they went across Europe and USA
because the japs could make super efficient engines you tard
>implying you cant travel the other way around
Pearl harvor was done by the japs, but the us government did let it happen without giving infos to pearl harbor to have a reason to engage ww2/use the nukes and could easily have been prevented. Basically like 9/11
Still poor as bait
But... why don't they go the other way?
Serious question.
no you retard. that would've been far too risky
>The earth is flat xdddd: The Post
>yfw thats actually correct
I love this thread
>still a spherecuck
...Did this map ask you if you were having any financial difficulties?
Like why don't they start out in Hawaii and travel to Japan to attack it? They don't go around Russia and over Greenland because that would take too long and it's cold.
i like how you retards calling this a troll still haven't provided any proof otherwise
op, Japanese actually lost a fighter squadron when the hit the southern ice wall. that's why hitler traveled to Antarctica
Im dying man holy shit haha
>what is a sphere
Because if they went over the north pole their engines would freeze
Not to mention all the countries they would have to fly over first.
you do realise you could just go left instead of right?
Nope they painted American flags on the planes and used clothespins to stretch the pilots eyes open and they let them through
weak bait, you must be indian or paki
are being retarded on purpose?
why didn't you warn us you Aussie cunts. they flew right over you
Yes. They did this.
Nah man. It makes sense. They can use warp-technology, you know why? Japan make Nintendo. A reoccuring theme in various Nintendo games is that the player can exit out one end of the screen and pop back in on the opposite side of the screen. With the help of the Italian diplomats Mario Mario and Luigi Mario, they set out to develop this technology in order to attack Pearl Harbour.
That doesn't sound even remotely plausible. We're having a serious discussion here.
>Implying any of the planes involved flew all the way from Japan anyway
What are aircraft carriers
Flat earth is a gay myth
"Black people deserve bonus super-votes because they're a minority!"
"LGBT+ people deserve bonus super-votes because they're a minority!"
"Jewish/Muslim people deserve bonus super-votes because they're a minority!"
"Rural people deserve bonus super-votes because they're a minority!"
Why do you guys think #4 is completely reasonable but the first three are ridiculous, without seeing the contradiction.
don't poison this thread with your mythical bullshit
It doesn't sound remotely plausible? There's serious evidence indicating Nintendo's existance, such as:
1. Super Mario Bros
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Super Mario World
4. Football Manager 2016
Shut up, globehead
Why don't you go suck some spherical balls, faggot
He's right this guy once told me his dad worked for them
>flag not Australia
Mildly impressed by that alone.
What is an Einstein Rosen bridge
Do you even science fag?
because you are too busy gargling them, how do they taste?
This has really got my brain buzzing.
>that map.
It makes me think that you have point
the world is as flat as your mother. Get over it
roundies btfo
I think you need a better map, m8.
On /his/ you would troll so many anons with this shit.
>how shitposting works.png
Literally debunked by snopes
Why would the plane be going all the way out into the ocean?
Pearl Harbor happened to America.
Australian maps are wrong
Fucking bongs.
How is that map faled? Its the same as amthe others only turned 180 degrees. Since the north east etc is defined its a legit version of the maps webuse
>German education
Because the world isn't upside down
my dad werks at nintendo and he says you're right but still a massive faggot
Then why don't Australians fall off?
because planes dont have to go by sea, retard
under fucking rated
All that vegemite acts like glue
>What are tides.
This fucking retard, they followed the ocean tides that shortened their travel time significantly.
They didn't take boats
>takes bait
The right edge and left edge of your map are actually connected IRL... i.e. Take the map and physically bend it until the right and left edges touch and you have a cylinder. In this configuration you will see that Japan and Hawaii are closer together. So basically the earth is a cylinder and it's only portrayed like a rectangle on the map you showed for ease of displaying on 2D surfaces like book pages.
The other part to this is that the planes took off from Japanese carriers
>what is aircraft carriers
Yes but when you are in the south flying over someone is actually flying under someone. The Jap planes were unnoticeable in the subterranean caverns.
because a really long time ago all the continents were actually 1 landmass called pangea. only recently did they separate. way back then japan was a lot closer to hawaii so it'd be a much shorter flight.
This kind of posting is reserved for Australians please cease and desist
This. That's also why nukes were developed in WW2. The continential drift stretched the atoms which made them easier to split.
Because the Japanese have powerful engines that are folded over 1000 times
They fired the planes into space waited unil the earth had rotated enough and then flew down towards pearl harbor.
>Select all images with sushi.
Fucking Google
ever seen the movie WarGames?
I'm picturing you as Mr Potato Head
Best post of the thread?