What Do You Think About Niggers

The nigger in the pic was let out of prison and immediately breaks into the home of a Georgia mother with 2 little kids.

Look at this Georgia mother being forced to shoot a nigger who chased her and her little children through her own house (which he had broken into).

Hillary Clinton would happily disarm this woman and shrug her shoulders when the nigger did horrific things to the Mother and children.

This nignog in pic related wasn't killed, but he was shot in the face and neck for 5 times.

African American good boi Paul Slater, not long out of prison, broke into a home with a white woman and her kids in there and he chases the mother and kids upstairs.

He could have simply taken their TV and left, but he follows the mother and the little twins as they try to escape. He breaks through several locked doors to get at the woman and her kids.

The mother had a .38 with her and knew how to use it. She does what she has to do.

>Mother shoots home intruder five times in face and neck after he cornered her in attic with her twins, 9

>Suspect Paul Ali Slater was found bleeding heavily in nearby driveway after crashing his car


Excerpts from the 911 tapes, with the shots.


tl;dr: Around Blacks, Don't relax.

Other urls found in this thread:


3 Black girls drowned in a stolen car that one of them was driving,

Fleeing from police in a stolen car, in the dead of night, they drive right into a murky, alligator-infested St Petersburg, FL pond.

Gravity does not give the 3 teens extra privileges for being Black, so the car sinks down into the inky vegetation-choked waters..

Black protesters are blaming the police for not rescuing the 3 teens from a water wreck in the alligator infested Florida waters in the night.


>3 teenage female dindus steal car
>run red light
>chased by cops
>drive into pond
>car sinks to bottom
>cop expected to dive in after them despite it being pitch-black.

Blacks Upset As Hell, Irrationally Blame Police even though the cops stripped off and tried to save them at first.




>“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” Harris continued. “You have to understand … how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point of view.”

MTV shows its hatred for whites in a video they tried repeatedly to delete. Paul Joseph Watson has an excellent reply.


Why did Sup Forums turn against that guy

another example of the scourge that is the negroe race.....pure cancer

>He broke into white woman's house to get money to pay for medical school

>He was a good boy trying to turn his life around

>He dindu nuffin

No one on Sup Forums is against PJW.

But the SJWs from across the axis of evil (blacks, libtards, Jews, etc) are trying to quiet his voice or denigrate his opinions.

Sup Forums loves the guy, and for good reason.

The Mother did the right thing. Hell, I'm black and I would've shot him from my bedroom window upon noticing his dangerous presence. Fucking nigger.

>pure cancer

She had 5 chemotherapy pills for the cancer, though, and saved her family's lives.

That was good to see.

>she put 5 in the Black

If guns would be banned crime rates would drop...simple as that,but retarded uneducated burgers cannot comprehend...

I think it was a tragic lesson of the damage violence could do. She fired six shots but only five of them hit Jerry Jigaboo, which means that one shot probably hit a wall or piece of furniture. It's upsetting that the house was damaged in this way, what if the bullet hit an antique or beloved memento?

>If guns would be banned crime rates would drop...

>If guns would be banned, every nigger in town would own several and white families would be vulnerable.

Also, you must be trolling since the nigger who tried to hurt (and worse) the white family was not carrying a firearm with him.

But a little white lady with 2 little kids needs an equalizer.

She equalized the nigger 5 times in the head, which was good enough to dissuade his hardheaded ass to vacate the area.

In the old days, the local black man would break into your house to dispense some grandfatherly wisdom in a world-weary fashion, maybe sing an old-timey verse or two in his gravelly voice. Nowadays they are only interested in breaking in to commit acts of violence.

>It's upsetting that the house was damaged in this way, what if the bullet hit an antique or beloved memento?

Much like the poor car in the drowning of the 3 female dindu's here

What did the car do to anyone?

Yet it was forced to die along with the negresses.

Forced to endure their clawing at its upholstery as they panicked in the cold darkness, as the water rose higher.

Forced to hear their screams of terror and desperation and pleas for help from some white man.

Forced to feel the snouts of the hungry alligators bump against its metal as they sensed a potential meal of dindu.

No one thinks of the car.

Wrong. He's still a civic nationalIstanbul faggot who cris about the media but will never name the jew

Not everyone has to name the Jew, amigo.

Alex Jones didn't name the Jew for the longest time, then he finally made a brief mention of them.

Paul Joseph Watson is based and I really enjoy his videos.

So take your D&C bullshit elsewhere, Moshe.

pic unrelated






>the old days, the local black man would break into your house to dispense some grandfatherly wisdom in a world-weary fashion

Sadly, I think you may have just given the elevator pitch for the next Hollywood race movie.

Out just in time for Christmas: "Grandburglar"

>no one on Sup Forums is against PJW

He along with Milo, thernobich and other literally whos wanted to tone down the alt right through subversion. Richard Spencer/TRS made that impossible with his roman salute thingy and TRS agitprop against them so now they're running with their tail between their legs to Reddit where they call themselves the "new right" or whatever. Good riddance.


Jew detected.

dont mind them unless they are african muslims or from America.. honestly the nigger problem in america to me is just american behavior.. you're all pretty shit tier violent faggots with no brain. ive spent summers in america the south and the west coast. white kids just commit petty crimes and stupid shit for no real reason.. didnt really meet any black ppl but id assume they have reasons behind their stupidity and violence a rich kid from the burbs doesn't have.

>Pond renamed to Sheboon Lagoon

my fucking sides...

>didnt really meet any black ppl

How the fuck can you be in the South in the summer without meeting a fuckton of niggers?

>throwing the bullshit flag on the leaf

You can't tell me that's not what they were doing when they came out of their highly moderated hugbox to ensure Sup Forums wasn't engaging in wrongthought and going over to Reddit's kosher version of the Alt Right


The so-called storm right was so infiltrated with Jews from years past that it isn't worth listening to.

Just as the non-existent Klan was infiltrated with Jews in years past.

The SPLC and other lefty Jew organizations who hate the Constitution want for stormfront and the KKK to exist, so they can raise money and have something to hate.

Jews love to hate.

>Hillary Clinton would happily disarm this woman and shrug her shoulders when the nigger did horrific things to the Mother and children.

If that woman and her children had to be raped and beaten to death, as well as a dozen other such incidents per month in Weimerica it's a small price to pay to finally shatter that glass ceiling.

>it's a small price to pay to finally shatter that glass ceiling.

I know you are joking compadre, but it is sad and shocking that libtards really believe that.

They would happily trade a hundred white families for Hillary's insane old ass being president.

They are evil.