What is your honest opinion about Spain and the spaniards?

What is your honest opinion about Spain and the spaniards?

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bunch, of people that only know how to bottelhon

Portugal's ass.

BCN is nice

Created a massive shithole called spicamerica and deserve genocide.

nuke us

Really primitive education.

Catalans should leave as soon as possible.

Country could be a economic power house (low salaries = industrious) but can't becausae of EU.

Am american living in Spain.

Other than that, nice food, nice people, nice weather. Let Catalans be free and be great again.

Barcelona is the most degenerate sjw lefty part of the country.

>lefty part of the country

All rich people go live in a town near by. Can confirm.

the true masterrace

you must be from paris

Catacuck here, bring back right wing death squads plz.

catholics, they've defended the faith and have won an entire continent for catholics. It's a tragedy that they're so marxist though

Galicia, Extremadura, Andaluzia, Asturias and Leon belong to Portugal.

Basque Country should be independent and isolated from the rest of he world, North Korea style

Catalonia and Aragon should have the remains


Used to be a worthy adversary, now just a sad province of the EU.

please nuke as for mercy. we have so many leftist faggots trying to destroy our nation so mayas well nuke it for good

It's a decent country to live in when you consider that most of the world is a shithole (africa, etc) but there are countries that offer better economic opportunities and a better life in general.

In Europe you have Switzerland, and in America you have the US. Those two places are significantly better, the rest of the world is pretty much about as good as Spain or worse.

We need a genetically modified 8 ft tall Franco with nucear warheads surgically attached asap for the sake of our future

>"I went through this shit, so you are going to" mentality
>Older generations that think the situation is the same as they had when they were younger giving terribe advice
>"Just ignore it"
>"Yeah, what can be done about it?"
Shit mentality, shit country.

m8, everyone is a sad province of the EU, even you until recently.

Favorite country outside of my own

>Beautiful country
>Attractive people (for the most part)
>Fantastic history
>Warm, friendly culture

The only downside to Spain are the "lad" types that go there to get pissed and get a tan but that's usually isolated to Madrid, benidorm etc.

I'm in the process of studying the language and eventually hope to settle down in Alicante or the canaries as a teacher (My degree)

That Spanish commie is coloring my opinion of them. Sorry.

Silence, plebeian.
Everything is leon and Pamplona.

the eternal anglo establishing his colony

I predict annexation into the UK by 2100


Britbong fooled by the Mediteranean meme


But not all have the economic problems you lot do. Just Espexit already.

my favorite 3rd world country
like the language but dont understand a single word
and the chicas ofc.

You mean moors?

No, you are the one who needs to be silenced. We got rid of Leon once we realized they were going to be cucked by Castile.

Now we want to uncuck the old Kingdom back, plus the lands Castille stole during the Reconquista

Dont be, the fact that a commie is this accepted dos soy something about the people living here.

Bernie's success also says something about Americans though.

stay out of my country.



The canary islands are in the Atlantic though

Fuck that I want to get away from the Anglo menace

Spain will be our buffer zone against Marine Le Pen's France.

Go go Spain!

>Podemos will last much
Get a grip Miguel, those idiots are eating each other, like leftards always did in Spain.

>t. Willem van Oranje

My ancestors came from Spain. But the accent is fucking ugly.

>Fuck that I want to get away from the Anglo menace
where are you from originally?

Spain is a reminder just how far empires can fall to be honest.

>inb4 Muslim mayor

The Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición was Torquemada as fuck desu.
And your Spanish Empire was some Jesuit-tier Visigoth-ancestor-worthy Germanic Catholic echelon levelling bro.


England, but the modern Englishman is a disgrace.

>a reminder just how far empires can fall

I fucking wish, the EU enabled those fuckers on the government, and I'm starting to think that it was on purpose.

Then why would you isolate one of the original kingdoms that kept on fighting Castille forever?

girls are hot i dont care

correct. also ive never heard of your exsistance in my life, rare?

>12.3% to 99.7%
nice infographic

>12.3% to 99.7%

That escalated quickly

andorra greatest nation come buy tobacco and perfumes pls

Because Basque people are insane as fuck, and they would isolate themselves 20 years after independence, creating also a nuclear arsenal

I'm half Spanish. Most women seem pretty degenerate, more so than English women. Also many have moustaches. I think health care is really bad, my Grandma could have been saved but I think they were incompetent. They speak too fast. The food is too salty.

I like rioja, tappas and paella. Also your beaches.

Dislike your faggot royals, siestas and the amount of Arab blood in the southern people in Spain.

6/10 country.

The Land of the mongrels

>creating also a nuclear arsenal
We don't need one, it gives more headaches than solutions

You should annex Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia and Baleares, and occupy and genocide Provence, Aquitaine, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicilia and Napoli

Unironically this Crown of Aragon best spain

Basque people are insane enough to do it

It was, until the revival of Catalonian nationalism, which is disgusting

Romania whats the crest?

a non country

Lazy fucktards

I saw a crew of 5 men take more than 5 weekdays to cut 30 trees into shape in an avenue in playa del ingles.

They started monday and weren't done by friday.
One man to do the actual cutting, the rest to stand around and talk and smoke cigarettes.

No wonder the empire fell

>women seem pretty degenerate, more so than English women
People here like party hard, sure, but anglos are degenerates even by our standards m8.

Said the greatest non country ever!

>Get cheap immigrant workers
>Expect them to do the job properly
This is why the empire fell.

>t. Ahmet Al France

Ya'll good imo. But your different and more relaxed culture makes me uneasy.

>playa del ingles
Those are canarios my friend. They are like the niggers of Spain

One of the worst trips I'v ever had was to Spain.
>Arrive at airport
>They ask for my passport
>They've never herd of this place, kick me out of line
>Google my countries name in their retarded language
>Go threw the entire line again
>20 hours later, I'm at the passport check again
>They let me in
>Go in taxi, tell the name of my hotel
>He's never herd of it
>Calls his friends, they can't decipher it either
>I say the name again, this time with a spanish accent
>Si, si, senjor!
During the entire trip didn't meet anyone with more then 5 english word vocabulary.

I fucking Love you guys

Just chill, Markku.

>He fell for the "English will get you everywhere" meme
top kek

Go home puto sudaca

>Annex Baleares
When I went to Andorra the McDonalds cashier said spaniards are cheap and I'm still butthurt over that, fuck them for not wanting to give me my 0.20€ change. Fuck them.


Brits are disgusting cowards. It makes me even more ashamed knowing you once ruled an empire.

You from Baleares? Are you full of refugees?

>otro día sin Losantos
por favor vuelve

don't worry lad, we reserve our deepest contempt for the poortuguese, they're the nigs of andorra

Northern Spaniard women are great, might just marry one.

Country's alright too, the coffee is awful though.

Primitive education at it again.

Yeah, they are being granted stay here because of your SHIT laws in spain.

So fuck of and let Catalans be free you mother fuckers.

Beautiful country, but the people, like all spics, are a little asshole-ish, especially to those who speak Spanish.

Still, I can't wait for an opportunity to go on holidays there again.

Not really, at least in Mallorca there's not much rapefugee inmigration. Just tons of asians opening shitty bazaars (but I can get good spices there and they cause no problems) and south americans working in construction. Also germans who are bro-tier and brits that can't learn the language to save their lives and form getthos.

are you talking about
>Basque women

Iberians make the best dictators

80 years war was a mistake tbqh

Spain is a complete shithole. Spaniards are retarded fiesta niggers.

theyre good at football; suck at dota
and thats about the extent of my interactions with them

Free Catalonia


All European wars were a mistake, we had monarchies, we could have solved our problems through the power of love

Free catalonia.
Free Catalonia

They are just the pleb of Portugal that we send to Switzerland, Luxembourg and your country. Below average in Portugal

worst thing of this post is that it's true, 90% of young people just live to drink alcohol and party



The one I'm dating is from Pamplona.

especially the 80 years wars in my opinion it weakened European Christianity and made way for the French revolution. Because the Dutch republic allowed that kind of thought. Thus allowing it to grow.

I love you guys.

shitskin moor rapebabies

t. Mikko Chong

Hey, we are assholes too. When did I imply otherwise? It's just that, from my experience, when a spaniard meets some tourist he can talk to, he quickly starts acting all overfriendly with them.