What did she mean by this?
Sarah "Kikesbane" Andersen
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Please don't post anymore edited pictures. Thank you.
>inb4 thread nuked
Why do you hate her so much? because you are such losers that she wouldn't even spit on you? waht a bunch of virgins LOL
Post more comics please.
>Sarah will never EVER spit on you
why even live
Thanks, post more i love it.
It means we need to shitpost harder
Did chink moot get a lawsuit yet?
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, cuckold, you goys have to learn
>the ride never ends
Why would he, he's not responsible and our comics are a parody of the originals so it's legal
I don't edit shit just beat my average Jewish dick to her pictures every hour.
She needs to add more online using the same ones over and over.
I want to impregnate her. Shes so fucking cute.
You should know what it's like to be oppressed, then, yet you're supporting these sexist, racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic attacks on an innocent, caring woman.
She's sick of the Jews editing her works.
Pic please
She is mad all the Jews are editing her comics to be PC
Cuck bitch we own ur comics now SLUT
How many more buzzwords can you fit in a comment?
>I'd don't like to acknowledge people like that, but I am compelled to do so in order to virtue signal.
Roughly that.
We're using a jewish love publicity tactic named after our greatest singing ally, barbara streisand
Wow Zyklon Ben Garrison's daughter is a real chip off the ol' block eh?
I sure hope Benny G. doesn't get jealous.
Sarah Andersen, also known as Sarah "Wonderkind Womb of the West" Anderson, is a prolific white supremacist online comic artist who is listed by INTERPOL as one of the world's most wanted terrorists. State intelligence agencies world-wide have connected the so-called "One White Woman World Revolution" in a series of racist bombings and other assorted killings across the globe. Sources within the Israeli Mossad have stated that there is heavy evidence pointing to Ms. Andersen's involvement in several terrorist bombings in Tel-Aviv from 1989 to the present day. Alleged to have tutored underneath the white supremacist kingpin "Zyklon" Ben Garrison, Sarah "Slut Slayer of Serajavo" Anderson (as she is known amongst some MRA terrorist circles) has the skills and knowledge to engage in successful but limited guerilla and online political warfare. Recent reports indicate that Sarah "Kike Krushing Kunt" Andersen may be attempting to obfuscate her malicious online artistic activities under the guise of a seemingly innocuous Twitter profile, to which she uploads obviously edited versions of her work in order to lull unsuspecting innocents into her brainwashing propaganda cult. Make no mistake, Sarah "Menstrating Mexican Mauler" Andersen is attempting to raise an army of revolutionaries with which to take down our multicultural World Order. Only time will tell if this vile woman is brought to justice.
Not so good at the moment but keep it up, you'll get better.
My sides
Ayye another one of these threads, whats good Singapore
ugh disgusting creature
I don't know why this is so funny and how this has not died yet
My favorite
People here have never contributed to society in their life, so when they see someone creating things that make people happy they attempt to tear them down.
nice projection
So, who wants to make bets on malay fag barging in here?
I'd say 15 minutes tops.
He's already here proxyfagging.
fresh out of the oven
her hatred for the kikes flows like fire in her proud Viking veins
You're giving a poor retard too much credit.
That one's new to me
joseph gordon levitt?
Lmao plssss
Pic related from her twitter
Subtle edit here
She meant that she doesn't want to give to attention or acknowledge Jews, and condemns their vile race and is working hard on "removing" them.
I can't help but being attracted to her. Idk why but god damn I am.
Sup Forums is a proud alt lite board. Please stop posting Sarah Andersen's comics. She is too extreme for us and we do not want association
>Women get attention constantly
>Too stingy to give it out
Wtf I hate women now
I think we have had our fun lads. She was just minding her own business before we started this. I don't think its fair to continue to harass her for nothing.
>At the same time, life is not fair so only post new edits if they are actually funny. Quality tanked a bit.
We won't stop until shes accepted who she really is
Who is this Sarah Andersen girl, and why does she so adamantly hate minorities and support Hitler in her comics? Why hasn't CNN or Fox warned me of her brazen influence? Sad!
>1 post by this ID
the Grinch sequel looks good.
Forced redpills can be traumatic user.
What do i get a time out? Really now Ivan...
I leled hard enough to be considered a terrible person at this one.
Sarah Andersen is the female counterpart of Ben "Gas The Kikes, Race War Now" Garrison.
she's a right-wing cartoonist, who recently went a little to far for my taste.
Someone post the unedited one
Look, I'm not much of a fan of the Semites either but Sarah "Show A Jew Some Lovin' By Throwin' Them In An Oven" Andersen is too extreme even for us.
Don't be jealous that I am self aware of my tism, you nigger faggots
Every one of these names you guys give her gets me everytime lol
Did you hear that she actually blew up a Jewish orphanage? I mean I hate the bastards as much as the next guy, but that is going to far.
When parody is outlawed the world ends.
holy fucking kek
Whoever's been doing these arguably have more talent than she does.
I know the feel favela bro
it's time to stop
I know for I fact she kills 6 million Jews every hour when I explode over her pics I fap to of her.
we're charming master manipulators what do you expect
The edits are improving the comics and are more artistic than the garbage sarah makes
>Admits Jews are smarter than muh master race
I mean at this point, Sarah "Bomb A Bar Mitzvah" Andersen might even give Hitler the creeps
Jus say in?
she's a handsome woman
One of Sarah "unloading my nine at the welfare line" Anderson's less extreme works.
How does she plan to remove it?
I doubt she could do anything to sway Sup Forums.
I'm not funny
nice painting
Sarah the Semite Slayer!
One of her most well known pieces.