Why is the Fantasy-genre such a white male thing?
Why is the Fantasy-genre such a white male thing?
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Because we're the only people that ask the most complex questions.
It's pretty popular in Asia too.
The fantasy is that there are no non-whites
Really? Well it's obviously more common among whites because fantasy is generally about a romanticised image of medieval Europe.
I don't think it's more common with men though. Tonnes of females like lord of the rings. However like most 'nerd' things girls are either embarrassed by liking it or go full retard with the cringe 'lol I'm such a geek girl right'.
remnant of neanderthal brain functions
>i derped the post
Liking Lord of the Rings doesn't make you a complete fantasy fan. Just makes you a fan of Lord of the Rings.
Creativity and imaginations.
Cause we came up with it, stop appropriating my culture
Nignogs have difficulty with abstract thinking
I love you user
Because It's based on folklore and references from white culture?
a good game is like reading a good book. most of the storylines are gay or subversive...but every now and then there is a good story
It's not. The thing is, fantasy titles aimed at females are rarely considered "fantasy". Like Twilight or True Blood. Probably because they are romances first and fantasies second.
You need to macro spells to finger positionals so you don't actually need to open the book, stupid.
Nigga your passives are always activated
What ?
70% of the popular fantasy books here are written by women ....
You have to be more specific I guess.
There are plenty of subgenres some are dominated by male readers and some by female onces.
Just think of Urban Fantasy/Dark Fantasy and all this Vampire stuff it's entirely consumed by women.
Where classic High and Low Fantasy are preferred by men.
Because all of it is based off white European culture and folklore.
whats a comfy rpg i can play its gonna snow today prefect time for rpg
are you really this retarded?
Because white men are nerds and Tyrone fucks their women while they watch anime and play video games
Because it's based off of medieval Europe. Lord of the Rings is very Norse and anglo-Saxon
Because its basically European history mixed with European tales and saga
Most high fantasy has at least one peoples who are sand people so that's not true.
>Lord Of The Rings
>True Blood
>Game of Thrones
>American Horror Story
All female fantasy series
Listen to yourself
Mindlessly regurgitating (((their))) narrative.
It's too late for you pajeet
>writing good dark fantasy
I don't think women can write about rape, child murder and write in detail about how a bunch of Ogres eats and cooks humans. Just because vampires sucks a little blood does not make it 'dark'.
Because Beta Cucks need Excapism because they can't handle reality.
I started the Witcher 3 yesterday and I'm happily surprised I've not seen a single darker skin character in the 4 hours I've played, and the fact that the whitest guys in the world are best at everything is a pleasant thing to experience tbqhf
Because it's fucking great.
Also, Asians do it too.
Japs makes better fantasy worlds. West makes better RPG mechanics.
Polish game
Was just about to say that. kek
I hope this is double bait
urgh female "nerds"
can't even tell me where Harad is on the map
kill yourselves fucking whores
Harry Potter is also very popular with women.
>I don't think women can write about rape, child murder and write in detail about how a bunch of Ogres eats and cooks humans.
I don't know, Nina Tucker didn't exactly get a happy end in Fullmetal Alchemist, and the mangaka is female.
I'm not into yaoi/BL, but I can guarantee you they write the shit out of rape plots too.
probably because whites feel like we are living in teh ruins left by better men.
>white feel like we
when you way "we" you mean muslim shitkins? they have their own fantasy worlds as well, they're just shittier and not worthy of interest or attention IMO
This was a pretty good series set mostly in fantasy-Arabia. Written by a white dude, though.
There are plenty of fantasy series that abandon sourcing European folklore and history for content. Some of them are pretty good, too.
Much of the fantasy genre seem to have LOTR influence, that on the other hand was greatly influenced by European mythology.
Maybe it's just whites appreciating the leftovers of their original culture.
I'm arab (exactly berber) and i have more 200 hours on Dark Souls so stop think stereotipicaly
Girls watched LotR for Orlando Bloom not for the story or action tho tisk tisk tisk
>read berserk
>play dark souls
>read goblin slayer
>play darkest dungeon
i keep making this rutine
Sounds like you'd like Black company
It ain't.
one of the most SJW genres
>twilight or true blood
No, this is just the female fantasy of gaining proxy power over a dangerous and sadistic male.
The fantasy is that you his infatuation with you gives you control, when in reality it just gets you beaten/killed.
Good literature in general is a white male thing no matter what genre
>one of the most SJW genres
Wrong, it's one they pretend to like, but they never actually get into it.
im sure people recomended to me but idk where i can get the books for free since i dont have a credit card and i cant buy them here
Not entirely. There are plenty of East Asians who manage to make good literature.
You can't compare Manga drawing and book writing. It's completely different. The scene in FMA with Nina Tucker she just draw a scene portraying what has happened. And then draws a face that portrays disgust in Edward. In Dark fantasy book writing you have to sort of write about all the stuff. The smell, the movement of the chimera, sound she makes and so on. You get a whole more details in books and a bigger picture.
Heard the audiobook version is decent
I'm sure there's a pdf of the book out there if you look about.
This, My favorite game is Oblivion I still play it a couple times a month, if people think modern euro/america is cultureless they are blind, we have been replicating ancient european culture and activities pretty much as soon as we stopped being ancient ourselves (DnD)
because whites is race of explorers , conquerors , warriors...
we cant just rot in the office
we are the dreamers.
our destiny - struggle
every time when we rest on our laurels we start dreaming and lose everything.
but we always wake up, and return what is rightfully ours
And it stands opposite the spectrum of the male fantasy of accruing power through strength and wit in order to leave one's mark on history.
The thing is, they're still on the spectrum of fantasy, even if they are dissimilar to one another on a surface level.
I like fantasy. I don't like True Blood. But that doesn't make True Blood less fantasy. Just the sort of fantasy that I can't get into personally.
It also shows how fucked up the chimera is, and rather than a happy ending, Nina and the doggo get killed. It's relatively dark. Maybe a novelized form of it would be darker, but that's speculative.
>You can't compare Manga drawing and book writing.
Personally, I felt the Eclipse in Berserk was a lot more traumatic than the Red Wedding in ASoIaF.
Because we are capable of dreaming of a better world but we're trapped here with sluts and mutts so fantasy is needed to escape
If you want a redpilled gritty fantasy you should read The first law trilogy by Joe Ambercombie,its good in my opinion.
>I don't think women can write about rape
Pretty much every woman fantasy novel with sex included:
>50 shades of rape
Of course they all are pale shadows of John Argus but whatever.
>Go to godreads
>ctrl f
>0 results
book sucks
Abercrombie is a hack. I have no idea why so many people love the guy. His characters are all memes and his writing is impossibly flat.
Fantasy is largely about escaping from the harsh realities of compromise of the real world. Of course these realities may be present in fantasy, but they are relegated to obvious evil beings or at least alien status.
Who wants to escape to a place infested with all manner of degeneracy? At most it will be present, but in a war like state with the protagonists.
When I played this game autism mode last (current) year, I literally forgot about the existence of non whites for a few days, even though I passed some of them going to work.
There are a few good writers (I particularly liked Kawabata), but seriously Easterners are a let down in term of literature.
Chinese in particular are very disappointing. You'd think they would dominate the field as they have had a strong language base for thousands of years and there are a gorrilonz of them, but their compiled canon is on par with one single middle sized European country.
I'm tempted to give them the benefit of the doubt and say it's due to difficulty of translation, but even after centuries of contact it's still not making it.
Now that you've all speculated out of your ass about the answer to OP's question, here's the real answer:
There are actually 3 genres of fantasy fiction that appeal primarily to white males - Swords and Sorcery, and High Fantasy.
The reason these appeal to white males is that they remove firearms and technology from the equation and allow for invincible heroes.
In the modern era, all white men feel essentially helpless against the will of the state. I say white men feel this because other races of men do not possess the alpha characteristic to the same extent as whites, and their feeling of helplessness against the will of the state does not allow for exploration of a scenario in which this wouldn't be the case; i.e., even if, say, a black man, was able to visualize himself as an autonomous force in the fictional milieu, he would still be subject to the will of white men, and he knows this.
White men fear no such caveat. In a world where all men are truly equal, where there is no all-powerful government with vastly superior technology, rendering the strength of the individual a moot point, where nothing matters but the strength and skill of the hero's sword arm, they can visualize themselves in the role of the supreme protagonist. Other races cannot visualize this - they know that even if they found themselves in such a world, white men would still rule them.
Since the entire purpose of escapist fiction is to allow one to identify with the invincible hero of the story, the genre is only explored by those who can do so - white males.
I can't remember a single dark skinned human character in any of the three Witcher games.
Really makes you think.
Its an asian thing too hough
because it requires creativity
the only answer. look at japan. they are the most genetically advanced asians due to no mongol outbreeding and they also happen to have the best imaginations. too bad the "jews" use them like guinue pigs to test their latest society destroying psyops.
because it requires reading
Ancient memories get transferred through blood and soil.
>Why is the Fantasy-genre such a white male thing?
Because it's the only place white males can pretend they are relevant.
Look at this faggot play skyrim and fantasise about how he wishes it was the real world.
Not sure what you mean by "literature" but religious writings and poetry run into the thousands for chinese works.
It is as you say, the majority are simply not translates so an uneducated person such as yourself doesnt know they exist
because blacks are too stupid to separate fantasy from reality.
Africans have plenty fantasy stories that they tell each other but they believe them to be true and not fiction.
You actually responded?
Fantasy world is the only one left after you conquered the real one.
Or so I've been told by my white friends.
Cool story bro.
It's not a white male thing it's a beta male thing
This. You have to have relatively high IQ to think in abstractions and outside of the present.
>the majority are simply not translated
because they suck
Because it demands imagination from audience, just like any other sort of fiction. Women generally do not have imagination.
This. But female fantasy tends to be centered in the here and now, or with the same set of "rules" as modern society. Male fantasy tends to go beyond that.
Also The FMA artist is a statistical outlier. Just because someone was able to break the mold doesn't mean that the other 98% is able to write about anything other than galloping abs, proxy power, and female ego.
Drawing a novel, as compared to writing a novel, is the same fucking thing. With one all of your power of portrayal solely is with words, the other it is shared with art. How effective you are at getting your point across is shared with how well you can draw the drama.
Most art sucks
Asian intelligence excels with visual spacial activities. No so much with lingual. Where as Ashkenazi Jews score very high on lingual aspects of IQ tests.
Third post best post
I agree with you somewhat. People want to read to escape and they are going to want to escape into worlds/ protags that resonate with them. But I do not agree that everyone wants to be the invincible mary/gary stu. A lot fo people complain about those things. So to say that all white males just want to be invincible is dishonest. Some of the most popular heros in adult fantasy/sci-fi are very broken, flawed and tragic. Its what makes us love them, and conect with them.
I wouldn't say its a sex thing so much as a maturity or IQ thing. Mature/high IQ people dont need a perfect proxy avatar to read about to enjoy the works, immature/low IQ people need that though. Because they have such fragile ego's they cannot process character flaws the same way as more mature of higher IQ people can. The nature of their projection onto the character means that any flaw is taken personally.
>they didn't even invent a whole world and its lore and just resorted to using stuff from the real world instead
Or if there are, they are barbaric shitskins, just like they are in the real world.
What do you mean? It's filled with races like orcs and goblins
>tfw my wife watched and read lord of the rings and plays pc rpgs.
I don't even play games, and I still find it strange. She especially didn't seem like the type when I met her.
because it's high quality stuff
>I don't think women can write about rape, child murder...
that's the extent of content in most popular medieval fiction stories published here, written by women
Come to think of it, that explains a lot about recent developments in Germany...
Also yes, they're awful.
Its funny at even in elder scrolls the darkest race are Arabs (redgaurd)