What does Sup Forums have against these comics? Did I miss something?
What does Sup Forums have against these comics? Did I miss something?
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Sup Forums is just fucking around sarah anderson is a cutie.
Please don't post anymore edited pictures. Thank you.
It's just shenanigans. Nothing personel.
It's because she told us not to do it.
we don't have anything against her. we are great fans of her work.
These. It's child psychology.
Sup Forums just wants her attention
Sarah Anderson is a QT version of joseph gordon levitt and her cartoons are highly exploitable so we are trying to ben garrison her.
Its not malicious, pol just has autistic fascinations with things.
It's their fault for being so easily editable
really though I think Sup Forums just felt lonely around the christmas time and reached out to a cute girl the only way they knew how
I made this for her, I hope ss-chan likes it
Nothing. It's similar to the Ben Garrison thing. He never did anything wrong, it was just fun and easy to change his comics and it turned into a meme and the whole thing of targeting someone specific became a meme itself.
We like them. So we made them better.
cant believe noone tweeted her something in lines of
>we'll stop editing when you post ttits with timestamp on Sup Forums
Sup Forums being Sup Forums, newfag.
>not sharpy in pooper
step up your standard
Because the /leftypol/ mods keep deleting the threads and feeding into the Streisand effect
Who wants Brain cancer?
Wrong thread, lmao
rip the guy who made the last thread
>What does Sup Forums have against these comics?
There's nothing we can't hate. Come at us, World.
I think it's hilarious, and the fact that she can't deal with it without crying cyber police makes me think she probably deserves it.
>not shoe on head