>having a dog

Other urls found in this thread:


>not having a dog

>having a nigger dog

I had pit bulls my whole life and never had an issue.

pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world, - a warning from nature about genetics and evolution



tfw my doggo wears a sweater every day because it's winter

Visiting an old people home soon with him and other pups again, last time was before christmas.

>making the same thread i saw yesterday


proof niggers, spics and white trash knowingly own dangerous dogs because they think they're cool

>not owning a pupper

Dogs are alright, ferrets are where it is at.

Cats can fuck off though.

Post Sup Forums approved dogs

God I love puppy Shepherds, especially when their ears are starting to turn straight, looks hilarious cute when one ear is floppy and the other is straight.

>a warning from nature about genetics and evolution
Pitbulls didn't evolve naturally you retard

Are pitbulls really that tough? I just feel like if you put me and one together in a room I could kill it. Yeah it'd definitely do damage, but surely just kicking it in the face would completely deck the bastard. And if all else failed and it locked it's jaws on you, you could gouge its eyes. I'm not being internet tough guy, I just want to know how exactly they manage to kill full sized adults.

pit bulls are nig


>named Scarface
>being 52 and looking like that white trash
>putting unnecessary clothes on adult dogs that don't need them or haven't gotten used to them
Only thing missing is the (((rescue))) meme.

Bill Burr was a wise guy admitting that he got rid of his rescue pitbull because his newborn kid.

>tried to put him in a Christmas sweater
Got what they deserved. Treating animals like fucking human babies or fashion accessories is degenerate. They are animals. People should respect that and treat them as such.


I'm sure the family that got mauled said the same thing.

dogs are a waste

Neither do human subraces and mixed people's, necessarily -- evolution is not always a natural process, it can be guided and manipulated and often in a bad direction.

Not every pitbull has mauled his family. Therefore they are not dangerous and we should breed more.



>putting a christmas sweater on a pitbull named Scarface

fucking spics, hilarious

people who keep dogs in cities are mentally ill.

In before more "Its the owners fault".

>my pitbull is good, they a great breed
>it's the other owners that fuck up, mine is a sweet heart
if you have a pitbull you deserve this shit

>not having TOAD LINE Lowrider pitbull

You cant kill these bastards it would literally pull your hand from your wrist in about 3 seconds and then go for your gut. They should need licenses to own

>I have black friends and have never robbed me.

What is it with people that ignore statistics in favor of sentimentality? Why are they so common?

Best breed imo. Pic related, my gsd at 2 months. He just turned 1 a few days ago.

It's not a dog unless it has
>ponty hears
>pointy muzzle
>curled tail

Extra points for wolf like colouring, but not necessary.


>there are people on Sup Forums right now who type "my pit bulls aren't like this, so not all pit bulls"
>then in the next thread "niggers should be gassed, all niggers act like this so therefore they ALL must be gassed"

It wasn't their own dog. They just took it for pictures.


Corgi? In sweater?

Its the breed. Pits r the dindus of the dog world.

This. I'd love to have a dog but I'm trying to earn money over here.

They are surprising strong, have jaws that can lock onto whatever they get their teeth around, and are basiclly bi-polar.

Also most people dont go into a fight with a dog with a kill or be killed mentally. They think the family pet is just acting up and dont realize how bad it is until its too late.

When do you plan on turning straight

that video was fantastic, thanks for the laff

The only people that hate dogs are chinks (though they like to eat them) and arabs.

>get a dog bred for attacking
>get attacked
These people deserve it.

>pit bull
>sweater on dog
>box fan

Cats are superior pets
>pic related
Dogs are cool though


None of you fucking faggots have posted the literally Sup Forums approved dog.

Does anybody have the picture of the rhody barking at some niggers outside a rhodesian family's gate?

Goes for throat

Clamps down

and then there's something about pitbulls that let them keep their mouth clamped tight on you for a long time, supposedly even after they are killed.

At very least its gonna cause quite a bit of damage

They typically kill children and old people i.e. people who can't defend themselves. They are very strong dogs (I own two) but definitely the strongest. I would go one on one with a pit. I work with dogs so they really don't scare me. Dogs don't scare me in general but if I had to say one dog I would be scared to be back in a corner with it'd be a Bull Mastiff. They have the strongest jaws of almost any dog. BTW, dogs don't have locking mechanisms in their jaws.

white guilt
SJW indoctrination
general limp-wristed faggotry

i used to like pitbulls before Sup Forums...

>those books
>that messy room
>those hobbit feet

Whats going on user?

>tfw I have a Corgi and a pitbull
>both are males
>almost exact same age (pitbull is 1 week older)
>Corgi is a total asshole to the pibull and will bit the pitbull
>pitbull runs away in fear and jumps in my lap like a lapdog

I would have never owned a pitbull but my mom brought this one home after it had been abandoned at a few weeks old (she has to work with niggers and had just evicted the owner of the dog) but I can honestly say the pitbull is the best dog I have ever owned.

>liking an overly emotional and extremely strong breed

They're akin to human retards. They've got that strength and overreact to everything.

ill stick with collies



only thing that is not a mutant. every other version of this has genetic problems from thousands of years of human fuckery and inbreeding.

>hating dogs
Spot the muslim.

Also Huskies are objectively the best dog species.

They are cool dogs. They were bred to fight bulls and bears. But most idiots shouldn't own them. I love dogs but I would never have one.

Based pitbull mauls Mexicunts who tried to dress it up as a pinata. LOL

Praise that Pitt.

My family has rescued several Pitts and they have all been super loving lap dogs, They did something to that dog besides just try to dress it up.

more like:

>Keeping a dog designed to hunt and kill as a pet

The only reason that people have pitbulls as pets is black hip hop culture telling them its cool. They dont realize that the nigs promoting pitbulls have them chained up in the yard, like a ravenous beast should be. What their hip hop idols DON'T do is try to put their pits in cute little sweaters and pose for pictures with the kids.
Get a fucking beagle or something like a self respecting American. This pisses me off almost as much as the people who have huskies here in Florida.

Seriously, going as far as having dogs and treating them like a child or a toy is disgusting, especially when they dress them up or make them do things like putting then pacifiers and baby clothes just for instagram likes. it's cringeworthy and the owners that do such things should be hanged from their genitalia.

pitbulls are nigger dogs
white trash love them
if you defend them you're white trash or a nigger


it si probably how you raise him, i don't know shit about daugs tho

Any dog can react like this if not raised properly.
You want some faggots to stuff you in a goofy sweater? American bulldogs are dope af. They used to be known as the nanny dog because they can be very good with children. Their use as fighting dogs has occured for barely 100 years. Take a close look at OP's pic. These are trailer trash people. Doggo probably just got into their meth. Poor pupper

They definitely can be dangerous and I think only people in the industry should own one but if you raise them from puppies and you know what you're doing they aren't terrible dogs.

idiots who don't know how to speak dog. very disrespectful. pitbulls have to be raised and trained correctly though, they are deadly.


such bait

Pit bull owners are usually degenerates.

The room is clean, the bed always looks that way. Five thousand blankets on top of a thin, stone like mattress. I can't defend either the books or the hobbit feet.

Hey guys, my friend's cousin was at Sandy Hook at the time Adam Lanza showed up. People died. Stop making fun of it.

>canadacuck prefers the furfag dog of choice as his fuckbuddy
How surprising.

I like Shelties

they are nice and good and smart

if white people were a dog they'd be shelties

>Named after a deformity
>Sup Forums approved

Pick one

pitbulls are just mostly owned by dumb niggers and dumb spics, this is why they get a bad rap. my brother has a male pitbull that has not been neutered, and i have never met a nicer dog in my entire life. in the 10+ years i've lived in the same house with that dog i do not think i've ever seen him even bark at someone unless it was that he wanted you to pet him. he is extremely friendly to strangers and loves nothing more than to see someone new so they can pet him

Australian Shepherd is objectively the master race of doggos

The only thing keeping me from having a dog is knowing I'll have to have it put down one day.

[spoiler]I can't do that again[/spoiler]

I hope these dogs aren't niggers too.

Cute, I wish I had a current picture of my German Shepherd.
She's turning eight this year.

One of the few decent things to come out of turkey

>Border Collies master race of dogs

But user dogs are better people than niggers.

My mini schnauzer actually likes wearing sweaters. Pic isn't him, but he looks similar.

>not posting chows

My dog legitmately loves sweaters and will run around excited when I pull hers out for winter.

She even sits and helps me put it on her by pushing her own head through the hole. She is the most needy dog I have ever owned and I suspect she likes it because the sweater feels like it is hugging her.

>Be stupid woman with no idea about dogs
>Get guard dog
>Not train guard dog to behave like a guard dog and control instincts
>Treat guard dog like a little yappy toy dog
>Get bitten by pissed off untrained guard dog

Sounds about right

No but the 60% white meme applies here

Had 2 dogs, one had to be put down cuz of sickness and other one died from old age, on one hand I want to get another dog, on the other I don't know if I can go through it again.

>keeping a dog
It's like having a severely mentally retarded child for 15 years that nobody wants to babysit if you're going on vacation. Fuck, you can't even leave your house for more than a few hours. Enjoy your ball and chains.


That bitch was just stupid, it probably gave her multiple warnings when she tried putting the sweater on and she kept going.

>"Aw come on scarface we want a nice picture of you infront of the tree"
>mauled her arm off

Not b8 m8.
The only thing that can make a dog inherently bad or violent is brain damage caused by inbreeding. You can probably relate to that. Back to your minecraft let's play mk?Never seen these doggos before. Anything genetically wrong with them like hip dysplasia? They look cool but I wouldnt want one if they were going to suffer

>pit bull
found your problem

had my Staffy for 15 years, she didn't bite one person ever and was amazing with children, she was very careful and protective with them. She was an amazing dog RIP

This. Pitbulls are for experienced dog owners, especially if you plan to bring in a rescue and not raise a puppy from scratch. Who knows what kind of trauma has been implanted by previous owners.

>being people