Black French muslim makes song against the FN

>Ma maîtresse d'école ma dit que j'étais chez moi
My teacher told me I'm at home (in France)
>Mais mon papa lui pourtant se méfie d'elle, est-elle fidèle ?
But my dad is wary of her, she's an infidel
>La France est belle
>Mais elle me regarde de haut comme la Tour Eiffel
France is nice, but she looks at me from up there like she's the Eiffel Tower
>Mes parents m'ont pas mis au monde pour toucher les aides
My parents didnt birth me to get welfare
>J'ai vu que Marion m'a twitté d'quoi elle se mêle ?
I see Marion (Lepen) tweeted me, what's wrong with her

>Je suis français
I'm French
>Ils veulent pas que Marianne soit ma fiancée
They don't want Marianne (allegory) to be my fiancee
>Peut-être parce qu'ils me trouvent trop foncé
Maybe because they think I'm too dark

The neverding victim complex
We're among the most tolerant countries in the world but it's still isnt enough for them
Even if we were Sweden tier they'd still complain

Other urls found in this thread:

It's time.


That isn't going to help them, even the cucks are running out of white guilt.

kek @ OP

look at that dangerous shitty rapper

Give dislikes and spout Sup Forumstard comments, even in English
It'll make leftards think that the rest of the world doesnt share their delusion and thus shake their belief

Fucking disgusting

Btw, the faggot made this song to whine about the fact the FN protested because this asshole had been chosen by Hollande to sing at Verdun memorial ceremony (in addition to running on the graves), and thus his participation was cancelled (because in his previous songs he insulted France and called it a "country of infidels")

That fucking ceremony desu


Imagine if the asshole had been there singing some anti-France songs in addition to what happened

why are there so many god damn likes on that disgusting degenerate video. They are ungrateful sacks of shit.

And to make things clear that piece of shit is not , and will never be french.

>Succesfully escaped that shithole
>Can watch it go down in flames from a distance


The worst part is that this asshole always spouted his hatred for France in his "songs" and now he complain he isnt seen as French

islam is literally a fascist regressive ideology how do liberals and young people still not see this irony in what their criticizing

>in Netherlands
>thinks he has escaped anything

Leave Western Europe altogether

It's nice rurally, my hometown was overrun with Algerians.

Every day i woke up and i see im not in Europe i give small smile, after that i cry because im in Brazil.

They change their ill-formed opinions about literally everything the moment they can take the most victimized stances. If i had my way i would kill ever last one of them

>Black French muslim makes song against the FN
F**k them

Because Islam = harms white civilization = good

You can use that with every position the left has.

God I fucking hate this guy

If anyone is curious, here's the story behind this song
>guy sing about how France is "kuffar's country"
>Our socialist government invite him to sing at Verdun commemorations
>People complains and his concert his cancelled
>Nigger goes full victim and make this song
>" they don't like me because I'm black
>"muh Senegalese soldiers"
>"muh FN"


You're lucky
My hometown was overrun by algerians, morroccans, egyptians, pakis, many middle-easterns and sub-saharan africans of course

Then again, Barbès is a pretty shitty "hometown" for a white

This actually makes me want to throw up, napoleon is turning in his damn grave.

Napoleon was black, just like Mozart

well deserved for 1938 :) who is laughing now Hon hon hon. in 2 years u gonna have mandatory interracial breeding grounds for your wifes/gfs. Kek confirms


every historical achievement in society has derived through black success. You see even Einstein's ideas where influenced by a sub-Saharan black that went by the name of WE WUZ.

They actually believe shit like this, claiming that there were the originators of almost everything that we use in today societ. Are these fucking nigs that insecure?

>Be French
>Surrender and run away

>insult France
>wants to sing in a Verdun commemoration
>get banned because of the scandal
>whine about muh racists french
massacre du Dahra quand ?

>We're among the most tolerant countries in the world but it's still isnt enough for them
>Even if we were Sweden tier they'd still complain

What is conquest?

>Be American
>Helped destroy France with muh freedums

We need more of this in America

Always going to blame outside forces, typical frog.

That makes no sense. We're free, and we don't import refugees. By your logic, that would mean the French were always cucks and the freedom they got enabled their lifestyle. So we didn't do anything.

> running from your problems
I bet you are junkie too.

>Be French
>Rapefugee welcome
" Ex-Syrian diplomat convicted of rape in Switzerland found living as 'refugee' in France"
" The Geneva court cited the "unbearable severity" and perversity of his acts against the woman he had met at a spa."

what is Immigration act 1965 ?
your white birth rates are lower than us and you brag about not being cucks ? you don't even need the refugee excuse for importing people from 3rd shitholes you retard

>Black M
Isn't that the nigger that claimed his whole extended family served in Verdun during WW1. Even thought they all were in Afrika and not a single nigger fought in Europe for france.

Why is the left railing against Le Pen and not against Fillon? His immigration stance is basically the same and all his other policies are far more conservative

Also is Macron even in the race any more?

Kek is with both of you

>We're among the most tolerant countries in the world but it's still isnt enough for them
>Even if we were Sweden tier they'd still complain

Doesn't that tell you that they can't be compromised with regardless what you do? There's only so many times you can complain about the noise from next door before you're forced to go around and smash all the windows.

Geez you instantly kicked into defense mode didn't you

he claimed that his grandfather was from the senegalese shooter but it's pure fake
he is a hack and would be the first guy that i will put in my kill list

Seeing this huge amount of likes made me sad.
I disliked but can't do nothing more mate

Some blacks fought, but they were so little in percentage that I doubt anyone from his family was in

So the FN is done? Rip

Le Pen is hiding her power level.

With Fillon it's the complete opposite.


>France is a country of kouffars (infidels)
>Sorry racists but I am 100% French myself

you invented the cuckold fetish,you are the least white western country on the world and you are too scared of going full 14/88 because muh constitution,you fucks circoncise your kids even thought they are not jewish
Is that enough agressive to you mongrel ?

>you invented the cuckold fetish
And you people live it.

It's the biggest french party,it isn't in power because of the 2 round system
only cuck and niggers liked the video


(not really)

>56% white
>first nigger president
stay delusional

Et Louis XIV

But he's right - he's French

He's a democrat, likes equality and is a rowdy, loudmouth libertine

That video has a lot of fucking likes and positive comments bruh...

Who fucking cares?

And we elected Trump. You guys are going to keep cucking yourselves.
>mfw it is illegal to demand a paternity test without the woman's consent in France

>We're among the most tolerant countries in the world but it's still isnt enough for them
>Even if we were Sweden tier they'd still complain

The only way they'll stop complaining is if you stop existing.

we do. Sup Forums is all about internet warfare/memes. I don't want to sound extra cringy but the Internet, especially youtube is basically our fucking battleground.

for those spamming the comments section, just copypasta this :

Toujours dans la victimisation, non t'as pas été empêché d'aller à Verdun parce que t'es noir sale connard, t'as été empêché d'y aller parce que déjà on ne rap pas sur des tombes de soldats, et SURTOUT parce que tu as traité la France de "Pays de kouffar", arrête un peu la victimisation, tes grands parents étaient peut-être tirailleurs, mais toi t'es rien d'autre qu'une grosse merde qui s'auto-victimise

every self hating french who will see that will drop at least one redpill

if that legality is actually fucking true, than i am fucking done with frogland. Sorry revolution brothers

>I'm French
>is a nigger

It is true, it has been a law over there since like the 90's. I don't even have a problem with France but to come at America, the greatest country on Earth completely unprovoked, is uncalled for.

like I said,only niggers and cucks liked it
>win only because of the electoral college
>still giving bucks to Israel
trump will not save you,he will just slow down your death
>You guys are going to keep cucking yourselves
>FN is the biggest party,Hollande refuses to represent himself,Socialist party is dead
wait for mid 2017 burger

>FN will win guise

it's both too late and too soon for them to win

fucking cringe. Dont you realise all the views and likes are from 13 yr old teens? They dont give a fuck about verdun.

So they have absolute freedom if speech, and have at least enough freedom to open-carry rifles in some counties? Also, I'm assuming they also have the right to defend themselves and their property from interlopers and would-be cultural enrichment, correct?

Can you call a nigger a nigger, and legally put down the bull when it charges?

99.999% of all attacks on this great nation are entirely unprovoked and ,to be quite honest, rather pathetic.

See our niggers are fucking sucm , but at least we can go places where we don't have to see them. IT seems like in France they have ignorat boons at every corner of the street

I know lad i was being sarcastic, its the same shit that happened to trump and brexit

>win only because of the electoral college
A win is a win. Studies show the generation under millennials is more right leaning than left. Our future is assured.

>still giving bucks to Israel
France played a part in giving Israel's its high tower, too.

>trump will not save you,he will just slow down your death
We've endured for a while now, keep spreading your legs for Hajibe.

>wait for mid 2017 burger
I hope you guys do elect Le Pen and leave the EU, you think I don't? But your claim that you aren't a cucked country is pathetic. You will always be a slave as long as you're taking order and refugee quotas from Mama Merkel. Better hope you guys don't do what has become 2nd nature and run away come election day.

not really, i remember who was defending him on twitter etc, all women and niggers from 16 to 40 y/o

Trump won't save us; we're saving ourselves. Trump became the proxy for that desire when we elected him, and it's already begun happening. Hell, it started before his victory was finalized on November 8th.

i didn't said they will win the presidency
I wanted to say we will have less pink seats at the parliement

we are cucked I know that
but the only less cucked thing you have is guns and free speech
in terms of demographics you are worse than us

>win only because of the electoral college
Florida should not decide the president for every election because the illegal mexican's only job is to pump out kids who vote straight democrat.

The electoral college is what is keeping our voting system honest. Otherwise elections would just be decided by one or two states, and the whole game becomes an arms race over which poor uneducated class can pump out the most kids, and liberals have an unfair advantage because they have importing votes for decades now.

Have the white girls of France fallen for the tolerant Muslim meme yet?

ie. do they get railed on the mosque's carpets every night ?

>in terms of demographics you are worse than us
Give it a few years. A lot of people whine about niggers, but their population is trash what with abortions and their murder rate being so high. Mexicans are the real problem. With Trump building the wall, we've effectively stopped the bleeding, plus we'll be deporting about 4 million illegals right off the bat this year alone. If you guys don't elect Le Pen, it will seal the fate of your generation.

there is only one answer

Have you even seen who goes to his concerts? Its all beurettes and 14 yr old white teens, and those are the ones who listen mostly rap, same on twitter, they were all like "omg just let him rap who cares if its verdun you racists.. ect.

Delete this filth at once.

Christ, when will we get a big fucking right wing surge to come and clean all this shit up?

>but their population is trash what with abortions and their murder rate being so high.

You wish.

French "culture":

This. The Le Pens are red pilled as fuck, they come from a line of legitimate fascists - from the Vichy era.

They tone it down so they are just about socially acceptable. God, I hope FN wins.

I didn't said electoral college is bad (if we had an electoral college and 1round system the FN would be in power since 2002)
I wanted to said the in terms of population you need a massive purge,trump victory is good for you but as said he is the beginning
I am just an arrogant frog that defends his country

>Black, French and Muslim
The worst possible combination in history.

Science has gone too far now.

>With Trump building the wall, we've effectively stopped the bleeding,

Is he actually gonna build the wall though? Have you read his plan to get Mexico to pay for it? He's basically going to cut off illegals ability to wire money to mexico permanently unless Mexico makes a one time payment to build the wall then he opens up the flood gates agains for illegals to send money to mexico. I dont remember the numbers but the money he said is sent to mexico is like in the 100 millions.

Also we are sending out illegals but Obama has been importing terrorists from syria and mexico so we are now having to look forward to future "enrichment" while trump is prez so the liberals will be blaming him saying his white racists rhetoric is breeding terrorists. All the while ignoring King Obama was brining in these sleeper agents because he fucking hates America

black, brown, white, trash breeds like roaches. Pops out babies way faster and in bigger numbers than they die.

When will you Kuffars realize you already lost France and it is now an Algerian colony.

You had your chance with colonization and you fucked it up

T. algerian in the US

Ah ouais il est français maintenant ? Ça le dérange pas de vivre dans un pays de "kouffars" ?

I always find it funny how all you shitskins keep telling us how great your country is but not a single one of you actually wants to live there lol

>I hope you guys do elect Le Pen and leave the EU
I hope this too
>as long as you're taking order and refugee quotas from Mama Merkel
Sad but true

get the fuck out of the US you fucking piece of shit

I didn't see men die so that your fucking ass can exist here

>they come from a line of legitimate fascists - from the Vichy era.

Except Jean-Marie was in the Resistance, like most extreme nationalists
Collaborators were mostly leftards (except commies, who stopped collaborating when Hitler betrayed the Soviets)

Have a good one

We do live there retard
We have a surplus of people and so we are conquering France

How fucking retarded are you?

This is a conquest

I said : " Have a good one"

>most of his songs are race baiting propaganda
>all those likes/views
>those fucking comments
France,what the fuck?