What the fuck.
(((((((((((((((((((((((DIVERSITY))))))))))))))))))))))))) Motherfucking discount everyone!! Come get in here fags and women.
Fucking unbelievable.
What the fuck.
(((((((((((((((((((((((DIVERSITY))))))))))))))))))))))))) Motherfucking discount everyone!! Come get in here fags and women.
Fucking unbelievable.
This is not about helping people in tough situations.
The liberal Jews behind this would happily give the diversity discount to a wealthy black man while denying the discount to an impoverished white man.
If we offer programs to help people in need, presumably, those programs would help blacks the most. Because blacks tend to be in need more frequently. That's not good enough for these activist, though.
>look how we're progressive and not racist
>discounts for these ethical groups
I really hate this.
I'm 0.1% Native American. Can I get a discount?
Such faggotry angers me to no end.
Don't go to these camps.
No, really, don't.
wHAT'S your problem
discounts? don't like them
Easy, just say you're gay and get the discount.
If they say no call them a bigot.
>I'm (((gay)))
>get discount
Don't complain.
They're trying to turn women and minorities into useless code monkey slaves.
The innovate, skilled, and high-risk (e.g. construction; welding) jobs will all be left for us, and we'll be making $$$ living satisfied lives while the women and minorities turn into code monkey slaves.
This is a GOOD thing (for us, not really for society as a whole, but whatever).
Whats wrong with python
>say you're a faggot and take it up the butt
>get 2k discount to a shitty camp
>can learn the same shit at home for free
What's more outrageous is that you think those coding bootcamps are even worth anything.
It's a legitimately good language to learn on. It has a syntax that appears logical to newcomers and is very simple to use for low level programming.
if i gibe you $6K can you teach me python, thought not
>2000 dollar "diversity discount"
Yes I'm a queer agender demikin.
>Prove it.
[squawks internally]
>Here's your free money, xir.
It's neither Java, nor it is JS.
Interpreted language that is full on cookie-cutter for retards tier.
It is easy, but that is the problem. A language should trust the programmer not otherwise.
Also it has become so shilled that its community is plagued with women,numales and pajeets.
The community has gone so fucking bad that "Donglegate" happened
the normies dont know you can learn ANYTHING on your own at home thanks to the internet
those poor saps need someone to spoon feed them and help them learn things
top kek to be quite honest with you familia
The male-dominated tech industry patriarchy must be dismantled you shitlord! Men should be banned from tech altogether, there are too many of them already. The time of strong womyn coders has come!
It's not html
He's right, what's your problem with Python? Python was used successfully to hack 5000 NASA/CIA/FBI computers by some British basement dweller.
Stop your complaining, I bet you use Ruby or Perl don't you?
>still paying 6000 € for becoming a python developer
Women are prolly their target audience and the only one that would fall for that scam believing that they saved money
What in the fuck?
Can't I just TELL them I'm gay?
What are they gonna do, make me prove it?
You stole all my (You)s, ese.
Soon the G will be gone from the LBTQI+, exactly because it doesn't fit the (((agenda))) to deconstruct the old civilization anymore.
Fuck you nigger. I'm a full blown born on the Rez injun and have used my heritage for personal gain!!
If you do though say you're a Nimi'ipuu. Only like 2k of us left on the planet. Can't get more "minority" than that..
When the "diversity" agents get their way, documented faggots and degenerates are going to be among the first to be culled, along with the 'revolutionaries' in academia, since the lot of them were either important for destabilizing society by undermining societal norms (read: fundamental foundations), or else knew that was the plan all along and were the ones effective in exploiting it (read: could upset whatever power that moves in during the process of normalization).
Don't do this. You will get jackboots knocking on your door one day, and not for a pat on the back and invitation to enlist. At best you will receive an unwelcome going-away present.
Trickle down diversity is good.
>Hate niggers
>They poor and uneducated and lazy
>Because they are poor and lazy and uneducated they commit crime
>Give middle class/wealthy blacks diversity tech opportunity
>Middle class/wealthy blacks with tech opportunity get tech career
>Encourage and incentivize poor blacks to get education. "If I can do it, you can do it. I'm similar to you"
>Start to help blacks stop doing crime (that negatively effect white people)
>Help blacks become more professional (and ultimately more tolerable to white people)
>Hate whiny feminist and gays/trans
>They complain they don't make as much as straight men
>Give diversity opportunity so they have the knowledge, skill, and resume points to have them produce on an equal level to straight men and get jobs of equal salary to straight men
>They have nothing more to complain about
>Straight men don't have to hear them complain
It isn't immediate, but I think this is a bit of the "long game" to help cut away that make these groups so annoying and frustrating.
>$6000 or $8000 to learn python
Even at $6000 that's a real rip off. I suspect this is a scam of some kind made specifically to rip off women/fags/niggers who'd be dumb enough to fall for this discount thinking it's a good deal.
Tell them you're genderfluid. If they ask you to prove it, sue them.
>retards go to ripoff coding camp
>retards are hired cause muh hr muh diversity fuck drumpf
>retards make shitty code
>company is forced to hire competent normal white men to clean up issues
>company is now redpilled on who to hire
>company will now minimize token ((diversity)) hires in favor of meritocracy
Still a difference if you hack something in Phyton or use it in a full scale development with 100 programmers.
in the end everything goes to shit because of the bottlenecks
Fuck blacks. If you want to help them, send them to fucking Africa or some shit, and away from actual human beings who suffer because of them.
ayo hol up
people pay 8000$ for (((((((boot-camps)))) when they could learn this stuff for free on the internetz?
Americans are retarded
Do Jews count as underrepresented demographics or can they tell that Hollywood and the media is filled with them and so white males are actually underrepresented?
If you need to take classes on python and your age is over 12 and youre out of high school, you really need to think why getting an arts or humanities degree in college was the superior choice.
just claim to be a masculine identifying lesbian mtf maybe add a pansexual or demi-organic or something
Just pretend to be a faggot to save money.
Shut the fuck up nigger you know this wont work.
"If people dont want to learn, they arent going to learn."
If you have access to kikebook,kikesapp,kiker and kikegram then you have access to any other kind of knowledge.
There are BILLIONS of guides out there for any specific suibject, you only need to have the hunger for knowledge and know what to put into google.
It wont help for shit in practical subjects though (driving a forklift,piloting a plane,welding,etc.) but it can give you a heads-on on what to expect.
>Implying diversity quotas arent mandated by law or some other bullshit
>Implying 99.5% of programmer jobs applicants arent turned down because they cant even make a fucking fizz-buzz
>Implying wise Sup Forumsentlemen dont have a implicit rule about women,niggers,pajeets,etc.
They'll make you suck dick to prove you're not a fucking white male
>Coding Bootcamps
Literally the biggest scam in recent history
Only woman are dumb enough to fall for it anyways
>They have nothing more to complain about
>Implying these people will ever stop complaining
There are three real programming languages: C, C++ and assembly. Everything else is shit you're occasionally forced to develop in depending on the platform.
Except Python. No one's ever forcing you to use that. There's no excuse.
>how to get retards and only retards to pay $6k for a program that isn't worth $600 at best
Isn't that a violation of the civil Rights act?
Looks like white men get a discount of $8000 because now they realize the course is trash.
Do we have a link to this racist website?
No I'm already a web developer (PHP, SQL, JQUERY, HTML, CSS).
I was just browsing some online job applications because I'm not happy with how management is appropriating the company profits, and so I came across this along with my searches and got triggered.
LGBTQ+ includes bisexuals so you can literally just say you watched trap porn once and you're bisexual
>looks again
>7 hour course
>worth even $600
Sorry, why is this a problem? White and Asian men make significantly more money than other groups.
diversity discounts are why Hillary lost the election.
I'd know. I was an Obama voter who voted for Trump.
>low level programming.
Perl user detected.
Into le trash compactor you go!
>Good to learn
>Removes all concepts of programming that are actually hard to learn
Learning programming with python is like learning driving a car by driving as a co-driver.
>taking a boot camp class for coding
For what? You're better off getting a computer science degree and teaching yourself python in your free time if you want a programming job.
People still use PHP and SQL databases? I thought all that shit moved to google to save cash? I know a lot of companies that are doing this (a mistake imho).
Why not use Java or .NET ? It's faster than python VM.
American blacks are never going to be deported from the US.
Properly domesticate them to be suitable & tolerable neighbors or remain victims to their chaos...or just kill em all and enjoy prison.
Honestly, if whites are so worried about their white race being tortured by blacks, why not legit put together a death squad of older white men (still physically capable, but with already grown children) to just kill off a huge chunk of the blacks? Hopefully this would scare blacks into acting right or leaving.
Bite the bullet for the cause and for white future
you're right and i'm deeply upset by the fact that my white doctor earns more than me just because i'm a black woman that decided to major in something different (and much more useful to society: psychology, the hardest science)
Yeah there's a reason why: Because we're smarter, more capable, intelligent and less violent.
No need to charge us more money because of that. In fact, we should be the ones getting the discount because we're actually going to do something with the education unlike the discounters who's just going to piss it away.
>SQL databases
Not sure about PHP but as an SV back-end dev I can confirm that tons of 'top-tier' tech companies still do in-house SQL databases.
This right here. If you're milking lefties because they don't know programming can be learned for free, I'm all for it
Yeah a lot of intranets have it. I don't know how it would save cash though, all you even need to make one from scratch is a shitty desktop running windows 7 pro with IIS.
It's so simple that even a retard can use it, but even another retard could completaly break it.
are you guys seriously getting butthurt over a discount because it has the word diversity in it
Say you're a white Hispanic.
Problem solved.
It's never too late to identify as a cis gender queer non-binary bisexual!
>domesticating blacks
Pic related. Not gonna happen, famalam. We've been there & done that.
>the tuition of a full bachelors degree for the equivalent of maybe 2 uni-level courses .
>If people don't want to learn, they aren't going to learn"
Agreed. But a large reason that people don't "want to learn" is because they think that they are unable to and are afraid of failing.
When you are a kid you fantasize about being like X actor, athlete, celebrity- usually because you see something in them that you also see in yourself and want to emulate it.
Adults do the same thing with fashion. Fat women see a fat celebrity with a certain outfit that looks good. They see they have a similar body type or appearance and try to emulate that look/style.
Sometime you need to see someone "like you" have success to feel comfortable in going after it yourself.
Ain't alot of famous gays, minorities, women in the tech spectrum. Get some posterboys to make the boy want to be on a poster of their own.
>Have vagina
>Get discount
>$6000 to learn python
Anyone can learn Python online at zero cost, requires actual talent and dedication, not liberal bs.
how can they ask for proof you're a poof? also in the USA the labor laws says an employer must accept the race the candidate states they are. this is a discount available to anyone who asks for it, else they are on the wrong side of a lawsuit.
>not claiming homosexuality for a discount
Not even that; the devs that come out of bootcamps are invariably less skilled than even a first-year CS intern. The bootcamps exist to teach people how to get past coding interviews, the entire setup is a scam. We routinely see better talent coming out of guys who are entirely self-taught.
Dude, just say you are gay and save $6000.
I bet they won't believe you if you're a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>Whoever wants to learn searches for ways to do it,Whoever doesnt want to, searches for excuses
I have been myself in that position and have seen several others too.
Niggers are just lazy and stupid, the same goes with women and "Minorities".
They arent interested in coding they are just interested in being trendy and gibs.
taking the G from LGBT should be the Sup Forumstroll task for 2017. gay men are more privileged than straight men, who are more privileged than... and so on.
>We routinely see better talent coming out of guys who are entirely self-taught.
This 100%
>that pic
they want women in those jobs
>the hardest science
Women and faggot coders, great nothing is going to work anymore.
But why? I seriously can't understand lefties who want minority/female quotas for whatever professions.
Wtf I'm a fag now
Fuck that. They should be in the kitchen where they belong and taking care of the kids. Capable, intelligent men who have proven to be objectively better in that field need to be filling those positions for the betterment of technology and society as a whole.
someone should sue them for discrimination
lol, I've got Brazilian heritage, so I can qualify myself as latino. This probably sounds a little scammy though. Where is it taking place?
it‘s the fancy new way of welfare to hire two women coders for every man
That's a perfect reason to charge more for white people. How can minorities have opportunities to excel in STEM if they're blocked by financial constraints? If they learn the skills to code, they'll make more money and these afferative action policies won't be necessary anymore.
Seriously, would any of you choose to become a black woman because they get "unfair" benefits? Fuck no, you all agree that being a white male is the best case scenario.
Jesus Christ. Come on. Anyone who knows the language can see exactly what is happening.
Comments are one of the top most annoying thing I've ever encountered in a production environment.