Communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


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You're a traitor to Spain and to Europe.


You are a traitor to the working class.





Always the Spanish micro-dick cuckboy. Just because you are a social reject doesn't mean you need to drag society down with you.

>commodities are created because they can be sold, not because they are needed
if there wasn't demand for it, it wouldn't be sold and this not needed. The hell is this

Hi comrade, why are you talking so sexually and presumptuously?

The oceans are full of trash nobody wants

I would love to see an ancap line lool

Fuck off and die in fire

It's shit.


Communism is Jewish invention, that is all anyone needs to know about it.



I was into marxist-leninism like you when I was 15 and couldn't get my dick wet. If you seriously believe this stuff as an adult you're either retarded or a loser who compensates for it by imagining themselves part of the proletarian vanguard.

which region of spain do you live?

How degenerate

>taking memes seriously

>calling ussr, the most traditionalistic state ever degenerate


This is now a National Capitalist thread.

Fascism is back Edition!

General Information of National Capitalism:




>starving is now apparently tradition
Hahaha what?

пpивeт eщe paз тoвapищ


Fuck off cunt the only good commie is a dead commie


Hate to tell you man, but the commissars on half Chan ordered a retreat from Sup Forums because NatCap is attacking your motherland or something.

Your a traitor to humanity please remove yourself


>This thread 50 times/day
>That flag every time

How many times do we have to rape your ideology before you kill yourself, commie? Have a free bump so you don't have to wait til it hits page 10 to bump it yourself like you always do.

Everybody sees you for what you are /lefypol/

You cannot influence us. Go get a job instead of shitposting all day or just kill yourself you waste of resources. Your own commie beliefs would have you slaughtered for being useless.

You're not even trying turkroach. Oh how was that coup last year? Can you please surrender it to let us retake Constantinople?

They will be preparing for the great hiding on the attic.

>traitor to working class

Turns out you are retarded.
I'm sorry you had to find out like this.


>Working class
>Middle to upper middle-class UNI drop out or attendee living off his parents and doing nothing not even a hobby or job

Yeah, you sure are the working class.

And then no one buys it and the producers go bankrupt for stupid decisions. Do you know how an economy works?

>564 years since cuckstantinople is gone
>d-deus vult! w-we will retake constantinople!


Hitler was a capitalist.

leftypol cant even come up with their own memes though

Fuck off, turkroach. Scratch a Turk find a Kyke

>le funny cockroach meme



Fuck off niggers.

Bruh, russia did starve every year since 1026 and stopped doing so only during bolshevik rule.

not a leftie but heres an idea i was told about recently by a leftie

>currency is replaced with labour vouchers
>used to buy luxuries
>can only be redeemed by you (so you cant invest etc)
>housing, water, food etc is paid
>there would be councils of elected representatives(workers) to decided on society's problems
>as you work in a certain field and become more experience you gain more vouchers and respect
>you are not forced to work however working is the only way to gain vouchers
>emphasis on science and automation in factories


Is there anybody who actually lived in communism time here?

Something must be seriously wrong with you if you want communism. If it were up to me i would shoot every one who talks about getting communism back.

You kids have no idea, history warns you and you don't listen, you fuck are the first one one the roasting pole after the ruling class

>staying barley alive is better then being dead

just go jump off from an helicopter and save us the trouble Ivan.


So all of the money for the wealth distribution, where does that come from? Capitalism?


>ussr survived 3 wars in 30 years, restores itself and eastern europe on its own, equals usa on living standart in 80s

>hurr barely alive ussr was no food durr

This triggers the Spanish commie.

Bite the curb.

Yes, thats called change of formations. Just like capitalist gets his capital through feudal landlords

Communism will always fail
>pic related: post communist country vs capitalist country

>restores itself and eastern europe on its own
The countrys who have lost the war are miles ahead of you in nearly everything.
And all your former satillate states are leaving you one by one for EU & US support.

Credit to Russians for being able to defend their enemy and protect their homeland, but you failed miserably when it came to rebuilding anything besides the wealth of oligarchs and mafia clans.

"We, your elected officials, have decided society's problem is that those who earn too many vouchers are a drain on natural resources. They will be exterminated and their vouchers redistributed [to us]."

>Working class stops working
>Society collapses
>Bread lines

But it's okay because it wasn't real communism so we'll try again.

Plz compare the economics of those states during soviet rule. You will be quite surprised to see things were completely different from nowadays.

> Constantinople
why do you bring that up out of nowhere? Crawl back to your hole you digusting roach

>wen you love communism so much you have to turn iinto capitalism in order for your pathetic excuse of an ideology to work

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>but in order to meet a social need.
>social need

Social need can only be assumed by a free market. Therefor Communism can not work. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you cant


Friendly reminder based Franco hunted down, butchered, and purged every church burning, priest killing, nun raping commie son of a bitch in Spain after he won the Civil War, and swore that as long as he lived, wherever he may be, there will be no communism, and all communists should be crushed like worms.

>Social need can only be assumed by a free market.

Thats not true.

"Statement not backed by arguments can be denied with no arguments"

The food had no variety and was shit.
So don't think that your cherry picked statistics will work because who do you think created those statistics?

The major flaw with communism is humans.

The only way Communism would work is with out humans. Human greed and ego has no bounds and persons like that will always end up in places of power, regular honest man would never do the horrors that communism brings out in humans.

There will always be somebody who wants a little more then the other and that is the reason why communism will never work.

The only thing that communism brings out in humans is jealousy and greed.

Rape is not a tradition, Russka

I dislike shills who make it obvious they are attacking communism

but I also dislike the fact that justifications of socialism/communism often fail to mention or criticize differences in enforcement mechanisms of these systems.

>Hard working white people enjoying life while they pay for blacks' gibs.

Why is this picture of modern day Chicago in black and white?

Here we go again

>The food had no variety and was shit
But still all postsoviet cityzens are nostalgic to its taste and quality.

>who do you think created those statistics?
American agencies lol, you cant imagine anyone who would wish ussr to be bad than them. Tho major usa economists expected ussr economics to top the usa one.

>There will always be somebody who wants a little more then the other and that is the reason why communism will never work.
Thats just another bullshit
>muh equal pay
People were not payed equally you dumbass, read about stahanov movement.

>this autist again



Comi country always fell to a psychopath leader. It was a utopia get over it. Real world is arsh. If your consiance cant take it then kys.

You are a lost cause, just go find the nears helicopter and jump off it.

Not any kind of communism will work with humans having the greed trait, come back to me when we have eliminated the greed gene.

So instead of studyying history and politology you are just taught that they were all psychos? Thats convenient, especially when you base their "psychosis" on undocumented resources like solzhenitsin or akunin.

How is greed bad for building communism you stulid son of a bitch?

And I guess you did not read about stahanov movement if you still bitch about greed and human nature.

The oceans aren't full of communism, what are you talking about

Nigga your country had like 3 fucking famines under communism and you're still falling for it holy fuck

Saludos, perdedores de guerras

Well last time i check, fidel castro did mind kill ppl nor kill his opponents, nor does Stalin killing his close advisor. Nor china or north korea worshiping a power mongering mongoloid. Face it psychopath have far more adventage in a comi or socialist system. They kill thier way to power. Isnt it the psychopath dream to have total power? You just give him the opportunity in a golden plate.

Before, during, or after food was "distributed evenly" in Ukraine?

Maybe cause it had ONLY three famines in a post war time while before commies the famines were happening every fucking year since the beginning of russian history?

I allways forget my negation darn. Fidel didnt mind*

Not even worth arguing with commies. Communism is basically Darwinism at this point, as in it purges the millions of retards still dumb enough to fall for it despite its horrible track record.

>not a single try except calling everybody a psycho.

Look, if you want a decent debate you should step from this emotional retardness and try to use scientifical categories

Holy shit, these retards still exist? pinochet pls

You are all traitors to the white race.
Just to attempt your "true" communism you must
>destroy borders
>eliminate each and every nation
>unbridled globalizism
>destroy christianity and all the other inferior religions
>eradicate all the worlds cultures to form a single global race
>be cuccs and fucktoys for the upper families

I seriously wish death upon all you dumb fucks, you're playing into the hands of those who want to destory the european race and make the modern """human""" a mongloid without any identity and nothing to fight for.

Fair enough, but other communist nations were experiencing horrible famines all over the world. North Korea, China, Cambodia, Ukraine. All around the same period of time too pretty epic

To assume what society wants, you must look at the value put on products.

Example: The amount of chocolate is lower then the demand, then the price goes up. Then, judging from the high price of chocolate you can assume that the society demands more chocolate.

If that is not enough of an argument for you then explain to me how the state can assume social need.

They say comunist is for the peace of mind and equality, a conciance duty. Tho they killed more ppl in camp than the Germans did. How fucking ironic! XD

>This kills the commie

Ukraine was not a separate country. And I cant judge others you listed. My statement is that socialistic rule was absolute good for my country.

But I am still alive and he is not

It doesnt kill the commie

Spanish commie I meant, there's also the Blue Division who BTFO'd Russia for a year.

>Tho they killed more ppl in camp than the Germans did

They did not. The number of people died in gulag or sentenced to death is around 800k. With a total of 2kk inmates for all the time it existed.

Don't worry Ivan it wasn't "real" communism. Maybe you should kill a few billion people to enforce "real" communism.