Burgers, explain this please

Burgers, explain this please.

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>the 2nd amendment was a good id-

Chicago is a shithole.

evil racist white people killing poor innocent black children

Do you really have a problem with niggers killing other niggers?
You some kind of nigger lover?

Niggers gonna nig
Police have been too demonized to do the job better

>over 750 homicides
I know america is big but that is ridiculous.

It's not a gun problem, it's a nigger problem

If the niggers think they're so oppressed by the police, then they can have fun getting shot without them.

it's more ridiculous that only 17% of the 4300 shooting victims died

there's probably a lot of repeat offenders


Niggers nigging. Nothing new.

Oh, look, an incredibly large black population.
By the way, they have far stricter gun laws over there (compared to where I live) and this still happens. Crooks don't care about laws, they are buying the weapons illegally in the first place.
>Some chink-y name
Cool shitpost bro

Niggers coupled with cops giving no fucks.

Think it's related to the Clinton crime bill, or at least a lot of black fathers being locked up 20 years ago

Now their kids have grown up fatherless, directionless, surrounded by drugs and crime, and thug (((culture)))

Kek, nogs can't even kill each other properly

Niggers being niggers as usual. Then they'll go and complain how they are set up to fail and that its the white man keeping them down while they go and rob and kill their own people en mass. There has never been a more deplorable and unworthy waste of life than the American nigger.

Coming from the north side ska yuppie ville you never ever ever see this. I interned at u of c one summer and I never saw anything
ITs just nigs being nigs

>he doesn't know about the gun ban in the city
> leaf education


Don't they just get the guns from out of town/out of state though?


this, too.

>unironically linking zerohedge, a well known fake news outlet
remind me how an unconstitutional 'gun ban' is supposedly in place simultaneously with the 2nd amendment

>gun ban
>everyone still owns shitloads of guns

fuck off

And now Obama is having his "farewell speech" in Chicago
Well Barack at least you were able to fix the problems in your hometown right? Right

Thanks Obama

This. I honestly rejoice when inner city murder rates skyrocket because I know it's 99% niggers getting killed.

As long as that shit stays out of the suburbs and away from the cool spots in the city I don't give a fuck.

Ayo hol up hol up

meanwhile, in Poland homicide rate is 500 people, in whole of country : |

>I know america is big but that is ridiculous.
This is only Chicago, so it's even more ridiculous

Essentially it boils down to the demoralization of the policing units in the inner cities. The BLM movement and the anti-police rhetoric coupled with police assassinations, was more than enough to do it. Where they once would've taken the initiative to suppress the dark hordes, they've chosen to opt out and let them devour each other like the savages they are. You could see the exact same effect in Baltimore during and after the Freddie Grey bullshit. This is protesting, just from the police force.

Niggers are the problem


Democrat ruled city run by one of Obama's buddies. In a democrat run State. Filled with unemployed niggers who feel entitled to gibmedats with a 'look at me' mentality.

Not legally.

>Cheap easy access to guns in all the state's that border Illinois
>chicago arguably most segregated city in US, has most neighborhoods where 85% of one race live in same area
>South and west sides have no employment opportunities as industry long gone

Basically the South and West sides of city are 90%+ black and poor as hell. Fucking dumbass black teens with guns shooting each other over tweets, Facebook posts, girls, shoes whatever.

There is no violent crime outside these areas.

Glad to be leaving this city and shithole state in may.

niggers gonna nig

Homogeneous populations that aren't black or arab have low incidents of violence

Chiraq at night


Yeah it's almost as if criminals break the law.

Why do they dress their cops up to look like taxi drivers?

>blacks being civilized


Illegal guns, dipshit

It's almost as if there's no genuine attempt at gun control.

>nearly all gun violence victims are male
>guns are sexist

why is nobody talking about this

The Feds assassinated all the black leaders (COINTELPRO) and then the CIA flooded black communities with drugs (Pretty much common knowledge). Dems took away their guns, to make blacks reliant on state) so young blacks need to join gangs, GOP doubled down on state repression and defunding education to line their crony buddies pockets (School to prison pipeline), instead of fixing the problem.

This is why these places are the way they are. The state did this for profit and to reinforce idea that blacks are inferior.


End the murder gap!


I don't remember the exact number but the police said they confiscated over 2000 illegal guns last year just in Chicago. Where are they getting all these guns??

why laugh? it is not amusing, it is quite depressing actually. State and private forces colluded to sabotage our countrymen and make our country less great.

Chicago resident here. It's all black-on-black. Pretty much permenantly restricted to the ghettos along the Dan Ryan, and west side.

I know you're going to say niggers, but don't you have some kind of responsibility?
Can't the National Guard raid the ghettos, disarm the gangs?
I've been to Chicago, if that's the first world I do not want.

Have they told the cops to stop enforcing broken windows policies? Is this the result of "community policing."

Literally any other state that borders Illinois.

look at this maple nigger

they also rob trains with gun shipments on them
straight outta GTA


>Live in Northwest suburbs of Chicago
>no homicide in 50 years

So this is the power...of white people...

they'll overrun you like zombies when there will be left nothing to loot in the inner city

They could, but won't. It's "their" neighborhood. On top of that, could yoni marine the shit storm of a military-esque force coming in and more/less imposing martial law on all the poor, black neighborhoods? The media would have a field day, and Chicago gets labeled racist enough as is.

That feel when russia will never invade usa because they don't want to deal with hordes of niggers

yes, we will invade suomi instead
tough luck

>and to reinforce idea that blacks are inferior
So fucking retarded, you have to be a nigger yourself.

Why in the fuck, would it be in ANYONE'S best interest, to destabilize a large part of your domestic population. You think the government wants it's productive citizens, being essentially tortured, anywhere there's a large black population?

this is great

Everyday I pray to the old ones in thanks for these containment zones. If it wasn't for the drugs introduced to these communities and abortion these chimps would be spreading and fucking and breeding like they do on their own continent.

Every day you better wake up and pay your respects to Margret Sanger, and spit on every cuckservative biblefaggot posting about how mean and raycis she was (as a way to get rid of abortion for spacejesus).

If not for her and the government, this country would look absolutely unrecognizable.

White people get caught in the crossfire all too often

I don't think you know what COINTELPRO was, but if any of this is true, that shit is kek as fuck and I'm glad it worked.

Fuck niggers.

Well. Niggers. Lots of them.

Easy solution: open state-funded abortion clinics in ghettos and offer abortions free of charge

Problem solved in a couple generations max


>unironically linking zerohedge, a well known fake news outlet

>unable to refute the data
>attacks the URL

99% of these gun crimes are by niggers who have gotten their gun illegally you nigger lover.

Maybe they shouldn't be there then. If I lived in a gang infested shit hole with the highest murder rate I would leave. There are lots of much cheaper places to live than Chicago.

Blacks and gun control (good people can't own guns).

>the point
>your head

Oh. I totally see now how they were absolutely forced into being savages, you're right, there's no way white people wouldn't do the same thing, r-right?

More like .22, .25 acp, .32 acp, and .380 acp. The cheap burners they get their hands on typically have to be restricted to smaller calibers so they don't fucking explode like the zamak-3 bullshit they are. Hi points are the only notable exception.

We're just letting the niggers kill each other off

Go to Chicago and flash a gun at a cop. See how quickly they enforce a foot up your ass.

One state out of 50 has $1400+ deaths from car accidents. BFD

>the 13th amendment was a good idea

Black people commit disproportionate amounts of crime. Political correctness that plagues our society will not allow us to address this fact and as a result, the problem goes on, unchecked. The result has been decades of pure cultural putrification like hip hop music that promotes killing and theft, normalizing the accusation of calling others racist instead of facing the consequences of your actions, and allowing crimes to go unchecked due to everyone involved being a "victim of circumstance" which once again removed acccountability for the crime. (Thanks to democrats and the useful idiots that keep voting for them, Reddit/twitter/etc)

If we didn't let PC culture stop us, we'd reasonably profile the main demographic of people and start to install programs to help the inner cities. But that'd be too racist.

Fuck yeah north burbs. Grew up in Glenview, only 25 minutes from the city. Cozy, safe, and at least 95% white.

Living in Texas now and the amount of shitskins makes me physically ill.

In principle, no, but I prefer my nigger violence to stay in Africa.

If someone went full punisher in the shit part of Chicago what would happen?

Its all your fault for being racist and hurting their fee fees.

>Chicago, 2119 AD
>Emperor Baron Trump III declares that high walls with guard towers and razor wire will be built around the city, and that the perimeter will be patrolled by private military contractors
>The city will be a prison for all the nation's worst criminals
>There are no guards inside in the walls, and no laws, prisoners are air-dropped food and water monthly
>A bloodsport tournament is held annually, broadcast over the internet with fighters receiving sponsors from weapons/armour manufacturers
>The last participant standing wins freedom
>A billion people around the world watch the tournament stream online, grossing an untold fortune, it is the most profitable business venture in human history


Chicago has the hardest gun control laws in the country. You are also implying that the spear chucking culture is not the problem

Nothing of value was lost

black culture defined in film and tv as violent and impulsive. monkey see monkey do.

ghetto rap music promotes theft and violence .

ghetto heroes are illiterate rappers, sports figures or womanizers.

>the federal government promotes this meme that police are shooting black people
>several police lose their jobs and are murderd
>police say fuck this, and stop policing.

Violent crime had been steadily decreasing until Trayvon and Ferguson and shit.

one of my biggest complaints about obama.