Are copyrights and patents leftist or rightist, should they exist?
Are copyrights and patents leftist or rightist, should they exist?
Are socks leftist or rightist, should they exist?
They're pretty based and anybody that violates copyright law deserves to be locked up.
I've heard from an-caps that patents protections are communist because they grant state-enforced monopoly, but I have heard from communist that patents and copyrights are capitalist because
>ideas should be free
so I don't know.
Socks exists without government policy enforcing them so your question is dumb as fuck and you should reconsider the worth of your birth before trying to make a """smart""" little comment like that.
Well that depends, user. Do you think that if you have an idea or invent something that it's yours? That you are entitled to profit from that creation without someone stealing it?
Thomas Jefferson was against protecting intellectual property on the grounds of free distribution of info, FWIW.
Buts he's a contradictory enigma, and everyone on every side of the political spectrum claims him as /our guy/
>what is shitposting
holy fuck you must be new
I'm sick of lefties thinking they can just download anything they feel like without paying. I hope Trump puts an end to this shit forever.
>free distribution of info
Go back to Russia, you filthy communist.
shut your cuck hole once in awhile UK
>t. filthy pirate
Your kind deserves to be locked up.
Obviously leftist. What kind of question is this.
>t. irrelevant little island
What motivation have I to make something if I know someone else can just steal my idea.
How is it leftist? If you work your brain to create something it belongs to you it is your private property, yes or no?
Sure, but state enforcing it is literal communism.
If you dont have the means to enforce your ownership, you might as well not own it.
I don't think it's human.
Copyrights were originally thought of as a way to make artists, writers and others independent from rich patrons and instead live on the income they made from selling what they produced.So I would say rightwingers may claim it's theirs because it protects the individual and the leftwinger may claim it serves to protect the masses from having to align to the big companies.
The notion that an idea can be proprietary to its harbinger is seemingly absurd, but when one considers that an idea for a product, or a business, or a service is inextricable from the product, business or service that it spawned, it becomes clear that, just like all property and wealth that was accrued as a result of the idea, the idea itself - given that it is not a general, universal idea - is similarly the property of the individual who thought it.
In short, the "information should be free" credo of the modern Marxist is an ideal rooted in regressive socialism, with no consideration made for personal exceptionalism or the creation of wealth.
Additionally, the assertion that somehow the proletariat is entitled to not only the physical products of their fellow man, but the products of their own minds is both morally and politically repugnant.
So-called 'copyright' is copyWRONG. Copyright is an EVIL CONCEPT. The base state of EVERYTHING in existence is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. You can call this 'the akashic records', if you want. This is how psychometry works - you pick up an object and can learn about that object's history by accessing the base state of that object (which is an energetic wave-form information field). Everything is made of energetic wave-form information fields. EVERYTHING. This is why when you realise any fundamental truth, it seems so familiar - it's because you have simply REMEMBERED the innate wisdom of your TRUE IDENTITY as an ETERNAL SOUL. In this sense, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be truly creative. 'Our' thoughts are NOT our own, we have simply tuned into thoughts that ETERNALLY EXIST in the ether/akashic records. George Lucas did NOT create Star Wars, because the IDEA for Star Wars ETERNALLY EXISTS in the ether/akashic records. FUCK YOU, COPYWRONG KEKS!!!!!!!!! *continues listening to music that he downloaded for free*
Donald Trump believes in copyright. You should too.
I love Donald Trump, but he will see what I see in due time.
so by your logic, the state enforcing your property rights is also communism. Wait what?
Copyright is a jewish concept, stating that ideas cannot be copied but rather licensed and sold, in opposition to civilizational-length timelines where this was not happening.
so what you're saying is you're confusing the terms communism and statism
its the same thing anyway tbqh
no it really isnt, one is an ideology based on Karl Marx and others, which wants to abolish property, not enforce it. The other simply describes the political tendency to give the state more power and responsibility. State enforced ownership rights are statist, but not all statist political ideologies will use this policy when it goes against their central tenets. Socialism maybe, but not communism.
This guy knows what's up.
Patents are undeniably leftist bullshit. In free market, its subjects are supposed to be able to compete. If company A patents a drug and tries to jew its customers, company B can simply make it with lower production cost. If the state enforces its monopoly, it goes directly againts the idea of free market
Copyrigth is bit different. It simply means that you can’t ctrl+c and ctrl+v harry potter and profit from it. It however doesn’t stop you from writing a superior book about autist with wand to compete with that british bitch who wrote it.