norn iron here, whats the best pistol for self defense?
pic related, dads beretta
norn iron here, whats the best pistol for self defense?
pic related, dads beretta
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My Walther.
ruger lcr
before I trigger any americans
Only five rounds?
The one you will carry.
If you are comfortable carrying a relatively large pistol, the Sig Sauer P229. Price = $1000
If you need something smaller, pick up a 5 shot revolver like S&W Model 642. Price = $500
I personally prefer revolvers.
Get a gen 3 Glock 19, train with it and don't look back.
Thanks, I was about to lose my shit.
if you need more than 5 you fucked up.
What do you think about the glock 34?
>I personally prefer revolvers.
this, for self defense revolver never fails or misfires, very reliable
For self defense anything that is easy to pocket and don't shoot you in the nuts while still being nasty enough for your opponents. Consider hollow points to minimize collateral.
You're not exactly wrong but most modern guns are pretty reliable if cared for correctly
None of my handguns have had any failures
zastava: none in 1000 rounds
Mak: none in ~400 rounds
S+W Bodyguard: none in ~100 rounds
Just clean the fucking things after each range trip and use non-shit ammo and modern autoloaders are reliable as fuck
How do you get a pistol for Self Defence in NI? Don't you have to have extreme circumstances to warrant a licence?
What's the deadliest ammo you can buy legally for pistols? I want niggers to stay down.
>Dad's Beretta
Is this a troll? That doesn't look like a Beretta.
You don't want something out of the ordinary for self defense purposes since it'll look bad in a trial. 9mm hollow points will do the trick just fine brother
To answer your question though you could find some super hot loaded 10mm
Aye. It's a Glock 17. OP is autist
>current year
>not carrying a shotgun in your pocket
Literally the only good thing from brazil
More than 1 bullet
there's a 8 rounds model, caliber .22
>410 out of a 2+1/2inch chamber being anything but retarded
>Owning a Taurus in 2017
Oh I'm laughing kid, did you trade in your katana for that?
Buddy it says glock 17 on the slide.
Get any pistol from a reliable manufacturer that provides warranties as well. It really just has to be comfortable for your own use. Must be at least a 9 mm but use a .45 if possible. 9 mm is the smallest round that can punch through a human skull.
I carry one in my vehicle. Try carjacking me faggot
taurus wheel gats are fine
not understanding what ammo to use
Watch this, it might help you see the light
not wanting to put 2 shot shells and 3 .45s in there.
Excellent taste from the Spaniard.
Pro-tip: hammerless revolvers can be fired from within your pocket. Never get mugged again.
Hollow points are the most abundant deadly rounds in circulation at the moment. Those would be your best bet.
I don't know if I want to get a bunch of little BB's stuck in my jacket just to steal the car of someone poor enough and stupid enough to carry a Taurus Judge.
Glock 21 gen 4
I just finished watching breaking bad too xD
>birdshot argument
wow, you are retarded.
410 out of a barrel that size? Nah kid I was talking about buck
Yes, as far as I know. His dad is probably police
Educate yourself and sell that abomination to another retard who now knows a little bit less about guns than you do
>not watching that video i showed you
000 buckshot had about a 4" spread at 7 yards with 18-20" penetration in ballistic gel.
>a shit blog post where a fat neckbeard used the WRONG AMMO the whole fucking time
kek me too
>Not reading the article I showed you
Not out of a barrel that size it doesn't
This is a fudd myth and has never happened before. Self defense is self defense.
how many fucking times do I have to tell you that they make ammo specifically for 410 handguns
I wouldn't want to have my lawyer explain what a RIP round does (or is supposed to do if they worked properly) to a judge
I didn't realize that some magic handgun ammo can somehow rectify the cons of a small barrel trying to move something big with little burn time
>not owning a shotgun in Norn Iron
I'm calling you a fake
My glock 40 never let me down. It's cheap, reliable, and accurate. It's a real problem solver.
Yes, it does mitigate it. Is it going to be exactly the same as a standard shotgun? No, of course no you retard.
I sent you a video where they actually tested it and it was fairly comparable to a standard 410 with 00 buckshot.
yes the 00 standard got more penetration, but the taurus still got 18-20" of penetration with a nearly identical spread at 7 yards when 12" is the FBI standard for lethality.
But feel free to keep posting some backyard retard shooting at water bottles with the wrong ammo
Dont worry bro everyone likes to hate on meme guns unless there a ar-15 or glock.
It makes the feel smart even if they've never fired said meme gun.
Taurus juge is a lot of fun to shoot and as long as your using defensive loads deadly as fuck.
A 12ga shotgun :^)
Time to get educated kiddos
Too late. Your shitty post woke up my 92FS, and now it's running around the house in a rage. It just ran into the street, and now it's killing innocent children of its own volition. We must ban all handguns and end this senseless violence.
After all Hi-Point is not THAT bad for 190$.
Don't mind us, we lost our guns back in '96.
this, I thought you burgers have the right to shoot an attacker multiple times (even in his back)
Glock 19
Thank you for bumping another garbage thread.
This is why we have a board full of shit
Probably the federal hst in a +p loading
People who answer all Anons who have replied to a thread are human garbage and need to be publicly executed.
Can a /k/fag tell me why shotguns in particular are generally seen as good for home defence?
Does daddy know his little boy found his gun.
Fucking loser beta Sup Forumstards
Do I add a laser sight or a flashlight to my pistol?
Is laser sight + scope overkill?
Are there pistol attachable grenade launchers?
>implying I didn't sage
Because you don't need to dump the whole magazine to drop the attacking nigger.
It's a one shot solution plus not as noisy as a real rifle.
same in england
some cunt shot up a nursery in dumblane in scotland and pistols was clamped down on
Forced meme from 20th century. Now you have semi-auto rifles which are superior in every aspekt.
What about the aspect in that you can shoot off center but still hit them?
As Ivan says, 5.56mm is great for home defense, too.
High grade laser to blind your opponents and melt their eye-balls if left on for a couple seconds. Good non-lethal way to put down some enemies for interrogation after taking out the rest of their team. Also just hold the pistol one handed and use your arm and hand as a grenade launcher, it's way easier than trying to fit on to a handgun already fitted with a laser. By the way you sound like you need a Taurus Judge, it's a handgun that shoots giant shotgun bullets at people
It's wrong. A shotgun doesn't have significant spread at home defense ranges.
Hi-point takes a lot of flack, but at that price, it'll serve. I mean, its better than a fucking rock or a broom.
> (OP)
Best gun for self defense is one you'll train with. Ideally, you want something that feels good in your hand and you're comfortable using. I prefer revolvers for the home, and swear by my Ruger GP100. Beretta M92 is smooth as butter, and the Glock 19 is perfect for smaller hands.
Its all up to you. Get something you enjoy shooting. If you don't like shooting it, you won't practice with it, and you NEED to practice.
Google image search this faggots
Fns-9c. Can run 12shot mags or a 17rnd one. Best of both worlds. With a 3.5" barrel it is more like a midsize but does conceal very well.
Fuck fnc. Get fnx. SA/DA.
>it's 3am (assuming you sleep normally)
>disenfranchised colored victim of white patriarchy breaks into your house
>you're groggy as fuck
>your eyes can't adjust to the light
What do you thing will be better, a gun that you need to aim precisely or a gun where you can be almost a foot off and still get him
Real life is not a vidya. There is no spread at all in home defense ranges, unless you're using a birdshot.
And with semi-auto rifle you have 30 rounds to spray and pray.
Fletchette rounds
>He's doesn't use a sawn off for home defense
Dumb aussie
Well i use pellet shot for 870
Have yourselves a nice old ppk.
Stay classy my friends.
but how?
Have just someone said 'sawn off'?
>land of the free
except when you miss and the round leaves your shitty wooden stick american house and travels through the neighborhood.
If anything 5.56 penetrates less than buckshot. It's designed to fall over if it hits anything harder than air and dump as much energy as possible in a short amount of time. Buckshot is just little balls.
I just use rifled SD slugs. Basically a semi auto .50-ish cal.
Fucking KEK!!
Americans,Brit and Belgian need semi auto 15 round guns, because of the pack of niggers with weapons I suggest a glock, even if I am nationalist fag that loves his beretta, but i love my pol community.
For the less dangerous realities I recomend a small revolver like the ruger sp101(my gun of choice) also kimber just made a new 6 round revolver with the same measure.
If you chose the semiauto Don't be creative or hipster. Glock,Sauer,Beretta. Nothing else nothing outside the box,
.327 version has 6
>current year
are you memeing?
Any pistol will do for self-defense, the 'best' pistol depends on what suits your needs.
Mauser c96. At least youll die looking cool
Any Latvian goyim here own a gun?
I've always wanted to get a gun, but I am afraid that people will think I am some future school shooter if I try to get my hands on a gun.
No one here really gets it. If I told anyone I know that I want a gun their first question would probably be who I want to kill.
Some personal defense ammo in .357 or 10mm probably
stay classy
dude, he has to kill an immigrant in a life or death situation and you suggest him an old semia auto gun with 7 rounds?
These fuckers will rip nigs to shreds
Who give a fuck of what the rest of the people think.
Get your gun.
>tfw in Austria you don't get an invitation for trouble and enough time to choose the perfect loadout