"Hey puto, give me your southwestern states and no one gets hurt."

>"Hey puto, give me your southwestern states and no one gets hurt."

>"I see you paint on your eyebrows. Nobody should ever take you seriously."

Europeans don't know how violent those creatures are.

this is all the rage with white grills nowadays

>have no thicc eyebrows
>instead paint them on
fucking deception

*unzips chalupa*

We have gypsies, much worse than those papitos

Fix your eyebrows and the shithole of a country that you're from.

>stupid b8
>op expects everyone to want to fuck that nasty thing

As usual OP is a raging faggot. Saged

Oye, cabrona.

Quit bringing shame to the race and dressing like it's the 1990's.

go play some bingo, beaner.

No, why don't you fix up the land you currently have tetas locas

first i want your mound

You can have California and New Mexico if you get ALL your filthy citizens out of the USA. Deal?

I think it is sexy.

Boy. Egoraptor's """wife""" sure looks worse lately.

>tfw no sassy big titties latina gf

>"Why, so you can turn them into third-world shitholes like you did to the rest of Mexico?"
>*Builds Wall*
>*Deploys the Marines*

>smacks titties

Look her mama, I'm about to tap your southern states for oil. And you can tell you pussy chicono bf to go home and start packing ya'lls shit. Cuz right after I bust this nut in your but you are all going back.


We just had this thread a few hours ago

We confirmed everyone wanted that sweet latina ass


you basically want sweet spanish ass

there's a difference between girl you posted and the average texan.

What if I told

I wouldn't mind a little slice of each piece of pie?

Except black and curry

We need to make an American colony in Mexico

not really, you probably wouldn't want to fuck a fully indigenous mexican

when white guys say they like latinas, they mean, i like spanish or italian girls from latin america

anything you want

They even tattoo them on now

You're probably right


>big titties

That's just the bra.

>date "Mexican" girl
>I'm a sperg but I have my own apartment and decent looks/money so I'm better than 99% of the sexual competition
>she notices NatSoc books at my place, brush it off with "haha it's just history books"
>initially hit her with "they weren't all evil you know" and go from there
>give her the good dicking and continue to pile on the redpill
>she eventually develops massive inferiority complex
>says shit like "will our kids be white enough for you haha just asking, my mom has green eyes and blonde hair dont forget haha"
>she tries to lick my ass one day
>can't take her seriously anymore, break up with her
>texts me periodically complaining about degenerates and I ignore her

Mexican girls are so easy to fuck and manipulate mentally. Don't marry/reproduce with one, but they're good because they still like to clean and cook and stuff.

My point is that we control the Mexican females so the whole reconquista thing will never happen. Mexican females don't have tribe loyalty just like white females. Technically we're in the same boat with Paco. Spicbros need to stop worrying about their gay reconquista and start worrying about getting rid of the Jews like everybody else.

lmao, yeah you are controlling them well that's why they shit out twice as many kids as white americans

My son may have rejected me years ago, but I will defend his sovereignty.

You damn spics shall never take British, or British Descent, soil.

Why do you want those states? Once they are no longer part of the US, we will no longer pour tax money into them. No more US taxpayer funded schools or medical care. If we give the southwestern states to Mexico, they would immediately become as shitty as Mexico. The reason that Mexico is such a dump is that it is full of Mexicans. The more Mexicans you have in your country, the more it will be like Mexico. The more Africans you have, the more your country will be like Africa.

>tfw no cholo gf

The old married ones do. I don't know any college-aged Mexican chicks that hang with Mexican guys and I'm literally in Texas.

The older Mexican chicks are "down for the cause" but the newer ones only care about the BWC. A literal illegal wanted to "study at my place" but I turned her down because she is too native.

not how mexicans talk

sounds like a pretty good deal OP

Fuck no - learn history bitch.

You gave your country to drug cartels that routinely hurt people on a daily basis. Can't be trusted to honor your end of the bargain.


Can confirm, latinas love the BWC. When I was ten and my parents visited their Chilean acquaintances, their latina daughter of same age would borderline rape me and saying shit like we are going to get married one day, much to my familys amusement. I'm blond and blue eyed aryan which makes spichoes even moister.

>Implying Chile isn't white already
Nice try leaf

We already did. Stop fucking them up